AP Calculus BC (AP Calc BC) Score Calculator – 2024 (2024)

The AP Calculus BC exam is coming up. You’re preparing for it alongside any other APs you might be taking. But do you know exactly what to expect? Many students assume that because of the high pass rate, AP Calculus BC isn’t one of the hardest AP classes. But remember that most students will have taken AP Calc AB in order to take the AP Calculus BC exam. Without having a strong foundation of calculus, you might find AP Calculus BC to be one of the toughest exams. That’s why we’re here to help. By using our interactive AP Calc BC Score Calculator, you can practice before sitting down for the official exam and see just how well you’ll do (scroll down for AP Calculus BC Score Calculator tool).

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With our easy-to-navigate tool, simply enter your scores, review your results, and see how you can further prepare yourself on the AP Calc BC exam for any unexpected curveballs. Our AP Calc BC Score Calculator allows you to know your exact scores in each given section, and the more you use our tool, the more prepared you’ll be for when the official AP scores come out.

When you look at the 2023 score distributions for the AP Calculus BC exam, you’ll find that 78.5% of students scored a 3 or higher. That means that 43.5% scored a 5, 15.9% scored a 4, and 19% scored a 3. But don’t let these numbers fool you into thinking that you won’t need to study as much. Familiarizing yourself with the layout of the AP Calc BC exam will only be a massive favor to you on the big day, something that our AP Calc BC Score Calculator can help you with.

What is the format of the AP Calc BC exam?

The AP Calculus BC exam is divided into two sections. Section 1 deals with multiple-choice questions only. Section 2 consists of the free-response questions. Refer to the following details to know what to expect in each section:

Section 1 consists of 45 multiple choice questions, which are divided into two parts (Part A and B), and lasts for 1 hour 45 minutes. This section makes up exactly 50% of the AP Calc BC exam, so it’s great to pace yourself accordingly as you answer each question.

AP Calculus BC Score Calculator (Continued)

Throughout this portion of the exam, you’ll face questions revolving around algebraic, exponential, logarithmic, and trigonometric functions. Be ready to answer questions that have representations that are analytical, graphical, tabular, and verbal. With our AP Calc BC Score Calculator, you’ll be able to understand which parts of this section require more practice for you to improve your overall score.

  • Part A has 30 questions that you’ll need to answer in 60 minutes. You cannot use your calculator during this part.
  • Part B has 15 questions that you’ll need to complete in the remaining 45 minutes. In this part, a graphing calculator is required, so be sure to check that you have the appropriate model to use.

Section 2 will then bring you to the free-response questions. Be sure to show all your work here, especially since you may be able to get partial credit. The AP Calc BC FRQ section consists of six questions and this is where you’ll need to allocate your time efficiently.

  • Part A will require you to use a graphic calculator. It consists of 2 questions and lasts for a total of 30 minutes.
  • On the other hand, Part B does not permit calculators. In this part, you’ll have to answer 4 questions, which will last for a total of 60 minutes.

AP Calculus BC Score Calculator (Continued)

In the AP Calc BC FRQ, it’s important to remember that questions will consist of different functions and function representations. They’ll include the same amount of conceptual tasks as procedural tasks. And you’ll be expected to answer at least two questions in the AP Calc BC FRQ section that involve a real-world scenario.

Oftentimes students can be reluctant to approach the AP Calc BC FRQ section. But having a solid awareness of what to expect ahead of time and understanding what exact types of questions there might be will only enable you to achieve your ideal score. Our AP Calc BC Score Calculator can help project that for you.

AP Calc BC Score Calculator (Continued)

Take a look at these AP Calc BC FRQ examples from 2023 that have you refer to a chart or a graph with a description of it:

– “Using the model g defined in part (c), find the value of g(140). Interpret the meaning of your answer in the context of the problem.”

– “Find the acceleration vector of the particle at time t = 1. Show the setup for your calculations.”

– “Use the line tangent to the graph of M at t = 0 to approximate M(2), the temperature of the milk at time t = 2 minutes.”

Familiarize yourself with the types of questions they’ll ask in the FRQ. Then take a further look at College Board’s student samples on the AP Calc BC FRQ. You’ll see that the student samples are quoted verbatim. Review their responses to understand why certain answers were able to meet all the criteria to score all points, or why not.

Further Preparation and Things to Remember for the Exam

You’ll have noticed this when reviewing the different parts of Section 1 and 2 above: Calculators are not allowed on Section 1 Part A and Section 2 Part B of the exam. It’s very important for you to be aware of the AP Exams Calculator Policy to avoid any mishaps.

As you may already know through either a previous calculus exam, or a practice set you’ve done, make sure to show all your work for every question. Even if you use your calculator to solve a formula such as figuring out the derivative or definite integral, don’t forget to note down that formula on your worksheet.

Prepping for the exam (Continued)

And as you’re reviewing what to expect ahead of the AP Calculus BC exam, you might find that having a Calc BC cram sheet could be useful. Due to the various types of questions, why not create a Calc BC cram sheet of your own if you don’t have one already? Or consult ones that have the concepts, formulas, theories, functions and rules explained? At the very least, there are basic concepts and definitions that you’ll have to have memorized before going into the exam.

Through our AP Calc BC Score Calculator, you’ll be able to gauge which sections of the exam you’ll most need to focus on. Do you need to brush up on l’Hospital’s Rule? Are you well aware of the Intermediate Value Theorem? Familiar with the basic rules of derivative? Derivatives of trigonometric functions, inverse trigonometric functions, and exponential and logarithmic functions? The product and quotient rules for derivatives? By preparing for the AP Calc BC exam ahead of time, completing various practice tests, and reviewing your score based on our AP Calc BC Score Calculator, it’s absolutely possible to attain an ideal score.

What is a good score on the AP Calculus BC exam?

Let’s take a look at the AP Calc BC score distribution. From the College Board’s global data on student score distributions, 43.55% of students scored a 5, 15.86% of students scored a 4, and 19.05% of students scored a 3. This means that overall, 78.45% of students received a 3 or higher in 2023, with a mean score of 3.75.

Any 3 (“qualified”), 4 (“well qualified”), or 5 (“extremely well qualified”) is considered to be a good score on the AP Calc BC exam. The colleges you are applying to may be able to accept college credit if you score between the 3-5 range, so you should definitely check to see which of your prospective colleges offer that.

When referring to the AP Calc BC score distribution, it can be reassuring to note that the average scores of the AP Calc BC exams fared slightly above a 3. For example, the average score was 3.84 in 2020, 3.80 in 2019, 3.74 in 2018, and 3.78 in 2017. With the mean score of 2023 being 3.75, it’s important to see the rather consistent trend in the resulting AP Calc BC exam scores and understand how you’ll do.

AP Calculus BC Score Calculator (Continued)

Many students are eager to see how they can best score a 5 on the AP Calculus BC exam. But as there is no easy, one-step solution to achieve that, it’s crucial for you to develop a thoroughly informed understanding of the exam’s format and to develop an intricate study plan. In the given amount of time you have before the exam, try as many practice tests and problem sets as you can. Then use our AP Calc BC Score Calculator to project and further review where you can improve.

As a whole, before going into the AP Calc BC exam, know where you can score the most points and understand the exact scoring guidelines. For every question throughout Part A and Part B, 9 points is the total amount of points you’ll be able to score. Take some time to see just how detailed your responses will have to be.

In terms of general scoring notes, your algebraic or numeric answers do not need to be simplified. Make sure that your answers in decimal form are as correct as you deduce them to be, three places after the decimal point. And for each AP Calc BC FRQ, still double-check your answers so that there is no inappropriate rounding, or you will lose, at most, a point.

How can I get the best score for this exam?

Develop that Calc BC cram sheet. Start studying the basic calculus concepts and memorize them. Practice, practice, practice. With our AP Calculus BC Score Calculator, become inspired and motivated to reach your ideal score. Review which parts of the exam you need to spend more time studying. Do you feel more confident about the multiple choice questions or the FRQs?

Only by studying and preparing ahead of time can you become closer to achieving your best score. Getting that 3, 4 or 5 on your AP Calculus BC exam will be more feasible than you had imagined.

AP Calculus BC (AP Calc BC) Score Calculator – 2024 (2024)


What percent on the Calc BC exam is a 5? ›

In recent years, the rate of students scoring a 5 for the AP Calc BC exam has generally been between 38% and 44%. The overall rate of students passing (scoring a 3 or higher) has been between 77% and 80%. It's important to remember that these statistics shouldn't directly influence your expectations for yourself.

What is a 60% on an AP test? ›

Yes, a 60 is considered a passing grade in AP classes. In AP, the average passing rate is 60-70%.

What percentage is a 4 on Calc BC? ›

Let's take a look at the AP Calc BC score distribution. From the College Board's global data on student score distributions, 43.55% of students scored a 5, 15.86% of students scored a 4, and 19.05% of students scored a 3.

What percent is a 3 on the AP Calc BC exam? ›

2023 Score Distributions: Math & Computer Science
AP Calculus AB22.4%19.4%
AP Calculus BC43.5%19%
AP Computer Science A26.8%18.8%
AP Computer Science Principles11.5%31.1%
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How rare is a 5 in AP Calc? ›

In the 2023 AP Calculus AB score distributions, you'll find that 22.39% of students scored a 5. Additionally, 16.18% of students scored a 4, and 19.4% of students scored a 3.

Why is AP Calculus BC 5 rate so high? ›

Calculus BC

However, the higher success rate among students enrolled in Calc BC can largely be attributed to the fact that a significant number of these students had previously participated in the AP Calc AB examination the year before. Doing this has enabled them to easily transition into Calc BC.

Is 75% a 5 on AP exams? ›

Usually, a 70 to 75 percent out of 100 translates to a 5. However, there are some exams that are exceptions to this rule of thumb. The AP Grades that are reported to students, high schools, colleges, and universities in July are on AP's five-point scale: 5: Extremely well qualified.

What is a 69 on an AP exam? ›

As a general guide, though, you can consider roughly more than 70% correct as being in the 5 range, 50-69% for a score of 4, 40-49% for a score of 3, 30-39% for a 2, and below 30% would likely be a 1. Again, these ranges are approximations and can vary by subject and by year.

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Most schools offer one extra grade point for each AP class you enroll in.
Letter gradeRangeAP
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Nov 28, 2022

Is a 4 on AP Calc BC good? ›

Scoring a 4 or 5 on the exam is considered excellent, and you will most likely be eligible for college credit. At many schools, a score of 3 may also earn college credit.

Is AP Calc BC easy? ›

No, AP Calc BC is not typically considered an easy class. It's designed for students who have a strong foundation in mathematics and are ready to tackle more advanced concepts. The course moves at a fast pace and covers topics in greater depth than many other high school math classes.

Is calc ab or bc harder? ›

AP Calculus BC is the more advanced of the two courses and is designed to build off the skills students learned in AP Calculus AB. Because this is a very advanced course, students are expected to have a substantial math background. Learners may find it helpful to have taken AP Calculus AB before taking AP Calculus BC.

Are AP exams curved? ›

AP test scores are indeed "curved," but it's more accurate to call it a "scaling process." Instead of a traditional curve that compares your performance to other students' performance, the AP exam scaling process converts your raw score (the number of points you earned through multiple-choice questions and free- ...

How I got a 5 on Calc BC? ›

Practice, practice, practice!

Last but not least, the best way to set yourself up for a 5 is to take practice tests! This will help you understand exactly how the College Board asks problems. As you practice, take note of what you get wrong and review the concepts you struggled with.

Is a 3 an OK AP score? ›

But what is a passing AP score? The College Board considers a score of 3 or higher a passing grade. That said, some colleges require a 4 or 5 to award credit. Whether a 3 is a good AP score depends on the colleges you're applying to.

What grade is a 5 on AP Calc? ›

AP Score Scale Table
AP Exam ScoreRecommendationCollege Course Grade Equivalent
5Extremely well qualifiedA+ or A
4Very well qualifiedA-, B+, or B
3QualifiedB-, C+, or C
2Possibly qualified----
1 more row

What percent is a 5 on an AP exam? ›

Usually, a 70 to 75 percent out of 100 translates to a 5. However, there are some exams that are exceptions to this rule of thumb. The AP Grades that are reported to students, high schools, colleges, and universities in July are on AP's five-point scale: 5: Extremely well qualified.

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75% or more = 5.

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Raw ScoreAP Score% of Test Takers Earning Score (2021)
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