Campus and Research Park Switzerland - · Nestlé in the food industry, UBS and Credit Suisse in banking, Swatch in the watch industry, and Novartis and Roche in the pharmaceutical - [PDF Document] (2024)

Campus and Research Park Switzerland -· Nestlé in the food industry, UBS and Credit Suisse in banking, Swatch in the watch industry, and Novartis and Roche in the pharmaceutical - [PDF Document] (1)

Campus andResearch ParkSwitzerland

Campus and Research Park Switzerland -· Nestlé in the food industry, UBS and Credit Suisse in banking, Swatch in the watch industry, and Novartis and Roche in the pharmaceutical - [PDF Document] (2)

PublisherState Secretariat for Education and ResearchHallwylstrasse 4CH-3003 Bern, [emailprotected]

Concept and AuthorEmbassy of Switzerland, Washington, D.C.Office of Science, Technology and Higher Education2900 Cathedral Avenue, N.W.Washington, D.C. 20008,

Project Management: Dora Fitzli, Counselor for Science and TechnologyTeam: Pascal Prinz, Yasmine Inauen, Andrea Bütler, Petra Marden, Monika Pamp, Muriel Gampert, Cheryl Fain, Suzanne Zweizig, Martin Fischer, Roland Bühler

Photo CreditsCover, Research photo: © Novartis AGpage 3: © Verein Street Paradepage 4, Street cafe Zurich: © Switzerland Tourism; Mizrachipage 5: © Kur- und Verkehrsverein St. Moritzpage 6: © Technoramapage 7: © swissworld.orgpage 8: © Lucyna Kochpage 27: © Novartispage 30: © University of Baselpage 31: © Paul Scherrer Institutepage 33: © University of Geneva, J. van Houwelingenpage 34: © Paul Scherrer Institutepage 35: © Novartispage 38: © University of Geneva, Erard Jacquespage 39: ©

Graphics and LayoutLaurel Prucha Moran, Blue Room Design

EditionThis is the second edition of “Campus and Research Park Switzerland.” The first edition was prepared under the sponsorship of “ThinkSwiss –Brainstorm the future”

Printed in an edition of 10,000 copiesCopies may be ordered from the publisher ([emailprotected])

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© 2008 State Secretariat for Education and Research SER

Campus and Research Park Switzerland -· Nestlé in the food industry, UBS and Credit Suisse in banking, Swatch in the watch industry, and Novartis and Roche in the pharmaceutical - [PDF Document] (3)

Executive Summary 1

Executive Summary

Switzerland is a hub for excellent education and science. It has outstanding univer-sities with numerous programs, many world-class public research institutions, anda thriving private sector that conducts its own cutting-edge research. Studying inSwitzerland is relatively inexpensive since education—including higher educa-tion—is to a large extent publicly funded. Whereas undergraduate programs areusually taught in a national language (German, French or Italian), master’s degreeand Ph.D. programs are increasingly offered in English.

Switzerland has twelve public universities offering a wide range of first-rate educa-tional opportunities to national and international students. ETH Zurich and EPFL, thetwo federal institutes of technology, are world leaders in science and engineering,education and research. The ten cantonal (state) universities not only provide com-prehensive courses in diverse fields of study, but also conduct cutting-edgeresearch. The research of scientists in Switzerland is highly recognized for its qual-ity, i.e., receiving the largest number of citations per publication in the world. So,research-based master’s and Ph.D. degrees from a Swiss university offer a goodstarting point for an academic career. The eight universities of applied sciences andthe fifteen universities of teacher education provide excellent programs based onprofessional needs and on applied research. Moreover, Switzerland is home to sev-eral outstanding public and private institutes.

The “Swiss Research Park” benefits from considerable private and public fundingfor research and development (R&D). Switzerland’s leading public institution forfunding scientific research is the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF), whichhas also initiated several National Centers of Competence in Research (NCCR) invarious academic fields. Substantial funding also goes directly to the Swiss univer-sities and to the many excellent public research institutes. In addition, Switzerlandhosts the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN). Private companies,including both start-ups and large multinational companies, also play a fundamen-tal role, funding about three-quarters of research conducted in Switzerland.Switzerland has one of the highest numbers of Nobel laureates per capita world-wide and ranks among the top countries for patents.

The Swiss economy is highly competitive and plays a remarkable role internation-ally. Its most vibrant and important industries are financial services, the pharma-ceutical and chemical sectors, and the machinery and engineering sectors. Manywell-known international companies and organizations have chosen Switzerland astheir European headquarters. Even though Switzerland is not a member of theEuropean Union, it is very well integrated through a series of bilateral agreements.Employment opportunities are plentiful, and the quality of life is among the best inthe world. Excellent infrastructure, security, and political and economic stability areall further reasons why Switzerland is a great place to study and conduct research.

Campus and Research Park Switzerland -· Nestlé in the food industry, UBS and Credit Suisse in banking, Swatch in the watch industry, and Novartis and Roche in the pharmaceutical - [PDF Document] (4)

Table of Contents

Executive Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1

Portrait Switzerland . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3

1.1 A diverse and multicultural country in the heart of Europe . . . . . . . . . . . .3

1.2 An outstanding quality of life . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3

1.3 A highly competitive and international business environment . . . . . . . . .5

1.4 A dynamic and innovative high-tech sector . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5

1.5 An excellent financial center and attractive location for foreign investors 6

1.6 The most greenhouse efficient economy in the developed world . . . . . .8

Campus Switzerland . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9

2.1 Higher Education in Switzerland at a glance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10

2.2 Rankings of the Swiss universities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12

2.3 Universities (portraits) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .13

2.4 Universities of Applied Sciences (portraits) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .20

2.5 Universities of Teacher Education . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .24

2.6 Special institutes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .24

2.7 Private institutions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .26

Research Park Switzerland . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .27

3.1 Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .27

3.2 Outstanding public research . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .30

3.3 Strong and impressive private research . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .35

Studying in Switzerland . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .38

4.1 High quality education and low tuition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .38

4.2 A wealth of master’s and Ph.D. programs in English . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .39

4.3 Admission of foreign students . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .39

4.4 Scholarships supporting internationals students . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .40

4.5 Studying in Switzerland: A website for international students . . . . . . . .40

Switzerland’s Knowledge Network . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .41

Further Information on Higher Education and Research in Switzerland . .BackCover

2 Campus and Research Park Switzerland

Campus and Research Park Switzerland -· Nestlé in the food industry, UBS and Credit Suisse in banking, Swatch in the watch industry, and Novartis and Roche in the pharmaceutical - [PDF Document] (5)

Portrait Switzerland

Switzerland is an excellent location for living, studying and working. Its culturalvariety, beautiful landscape and innovative environment offer first-class surround-ings for both your well-being and career advancement. Certainly, chocolate andmountains will be part of your experience, but you will quickly discover that thecountry’s international setting offers numerous high-quality opportunities forstudying and researching.

1.1 A diverse and multicultural country in the heart of Europe

Switzerland is located in the heart ofEurope. This geographic position andthe Swiss federal structure, which fea-tures substantial regional autonomywithin a unified government, haveenabled the country to become ameeting point of cultures and lan-guages. The country has four officiallanguages—German, French, Italianand Romansh. In addition, English is widely spoken and increasingly used as theprimary language of business and research. Thanks to these factors, English-lan-guage speakers find it easy to settle in Switzerland. It is a highly diverse countrywith over 20% foreigners, who are even more prominent in the Swiss workforce,where they make up 26%. Nearly two-thirds or 64% of these foreign workers arenationals of a European Union (EU) country (2007 data). Switzerland is also verywell integrated into the EU through a series of bilateral agreements.

1.2 An outstanding quality of life

Very few places in the world can offer thequality of life found in Switzerland. It is aclean and safe country with a gorgeouslandscape that is inviting for many outdooractivities. Since the Swiss public adminis-tration and legal system are well organ-ized, the country has a low crime rate andprovides excellent personal security to itsresidents and visitors. An efficient, reliableinfrastructure allows people to spend lesstime commuting and gives them moretime to fully enjoy their leisure activities.The education and health care systemsare top-notch, roads are well maintained,and the public transportation network is

Portrait Switzerland 3

Chapter 1

Global Ranking of Cities with aHigh Quality of Life

City RankingZurich 1Geneva 2Vienna 2Vancouver 4Auckland 5Dusseldorf 6Frankfurt 7Munich 7Bern 9Sydney 10

Source: Mercer’s 2008 Quality of Livingsurvey

Campus and Research Park Switzerland -· Nestlé in the food industry, UBS and Credit Suisse in banking, Swatch in the watch industry, and Novartis and Roche in the pharmaceutical - [PDF Document] (6)

excellent, enabling you to com-mute and travel quickly and con-veniently. In addition, the realestate market offers a variety ofoptions for people wishing torent or buy a home, apartmentor room. Whether you choose tolive in the center of a city or insurrounding areas, you will findthat residential areas offer com-fort and convenience.

Besides working and studying, Switzerland’s amazing natural and cultural land-scape offers the ideal setting for leisure time. The picturesque mountains andlakes provide year-round activities for nature lovers and sports enthusiasts. Thetowns and villages have numerous sports clubs, including cycling, skiing, snow-boarding, and sailing, among many others. When it comes to cultural activities,Switzerland hosts major events such as Montreux’s jazz festival, Locarno’s filmfestival and many other seasonal events.

4 Campus and Research Park Switzerland

Campus and Research Park Switzerland -· Nestlé in the food industry, UBS and Credit Suisse in banking, Swatch in the watch industry, and Novartis and Roche in the pharmaceutical - [PDF Document] (7)

1.3 A highly competitive and international business environment

Switzerland offers a liberal and highly competi-tive business environment. Among a total of 131surveyed countries, the Geneva-based WorldEconomic Forum ranked Switzerland as numbertwo after the U.S. in its Global CompetitivenessReport 2007-2008. Switzerland’s excellent rank-ing reflects a world-class capacity for innovation,combined with a highly sophisticated businessculture. The country has a well-developed infra-structure for scientific research, with close col-laboration between the leading research centersand industry. Companies spend generously onR&D, and intellectual property protection isstrong, helping to spur high levels of technologi-cal innovation. Business activity in the country benefits from respect for the law, anefficiently working judicial system, and high levels of transparency and accountabilitywithin public institutions. Flexible labor markets and excellent infrastructure also meetthe demands of the private sector.

Swiss business has an international profile: among world-renowned companies areNestlé in the food industry, UBS and Credit Suisse in banking, Swatch in the watchindustry, and Novartis and Roche in the pharmaceutical sector. In addition, about6,500 foreign companies strongly contribute to economic growth and wealth cre-ation. In 2006, foreign companies employed about 350,000 people, constituting 9%of the total workforce in Switzerland (Swiss National Bank). Numerous internation-al organizations such as the European headquarters of the United Nations and theInternational Committee of the Red Cross, are based in Geneva.

1.4 A dynamic and innovative high-tech sector

The Swiss economy focuses on high tech, quality work and skilled workers andstrongly depends on foreign trade. Switzerland is the third largest supplier and sec-ond largest customer of the EU: 62% of Swiss exports go to the EU and 79% ofimports originate from the EU. The most important exported goods are chemicals,machinery and electronics, as well as tools and watches. Leading companies inengineering, machinery, pharmaceuticals, biotechnology, medical technology, andcomputer sciences have headquarters in Switzerland. As representatives of thehigh-tech sector, the engineering, electrical and metal industries are the largestindustrial employers, with approximately 318,000 employees. They contribute justunder 40% of the goods exported from Switzerland, valued at CHF 70 billion(2007, Swissmem). Over 500 medical technology companies employ a workforceof 40,000 people (Eucomed). They also invest almost CHF 525 million annually in

Currencies and Exchange rates: 1.00 CHF = 0.96 U.S. Dollar = 0.62 Euro; June 13, 2008.

Portrait Switzerland 5

Campus and Research Park Switzerland -· Nestlé in the food industry, UBS and Credit Suisse in banking, Swatch in the watch industry, and Novartis and Roche in the pharmaceutical - [PDF Document] (8)

R&D and export goods worth nearly CHF 5.25 billionper year (Eucomed). Switzerland is a first-class loca-tion for life sciences companies and is home to oneof the world’s leading biotechnology clusters, with148 biotech companies and 72 suppliers. In 2007,the Swiss biotech industry generated a turnover ofmore than CHF 7 billion and had a workforce of over14,700 people.

The country has an outstanding scientific reputationand ranks among the first in innovation and entrepre-neurship. Growth and diversification characterize theSwiss high-tech sector. Switzerland has also become

an excellent location for micro- and nanotechnologies. It provides highly supportiveconditions for innovation and offers a dynamic environment for knowledge creation.With an annual overall R&D expenditure of CHF 13.1 billion in 2004, corresponding to2.9% of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP), the country has one of the world’s high-est levels of R&D expenditure. Combined with strong protection for intellectual prop-erty, Switzerland takes advantage of its high investments in R&D and ranks secondafter Sweden in the Innovation index of the European Innovation Scoreboard, 2007.

1.5 An excellent financial center and attractive location for foreigninvestors

With its value creation, substantial employment, and tax revenues, the financialsector is an important pillar of the Swiss economy. The financial sector, includingbanking and insurance, contributes about 14% of GDP; banking alone, with over330 banks, generates about 9% of GDP (2008, Swiss National Bank). Switzerland

6 Campus and Research Park Switzerland

Summary Innovation Index 2006-2007

Source: European Innovation Scoreboard, 2007

0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8

United States

United Kingdom










Campus and Research Park Switzerland -· Nestlé in the food industry, UBS and Credit Suisse in banking, Swatch in the watch industry, and Novartis and Roche in the pharmaceutical - [PDF Document] (9)

is a preferred international financial center. It provides long-term, stable conditionsand an efficient infrastructure.

A market-driven environment, stable government, highly skilled workforce andwell-organized and transparent public services are all crucial factors in attractingforeign direct investments. By European standards, taxation in Switzerland isinvestor-friendly and employment-protection laws are flexible. At first glance,Swiss labor costs may seem relatively high compared with neighboring countries,but due to the high productivity and the long working hours, Switzerland remainsa very cost-effective business location. Therefore it is not surprising thatSwitzerland is a favorite destination for global and regional headquarters and R&Dfacilities. Good examples are Google, Hitachi Diagnostic and eBay.

Portrait Switzerland 7

Switzerland’s Ranking as an International Business andResearch Location

Source: Ernst & Young, 2006

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50%







The Netherlands

None of them/other outside Europe



R&D Investments — 1st Preference

European/International Headquarters— 1st Preference

Campus and Research Park Switzerland -· Nestlé in the food industry, UBS and Credit Suisse in banking, Swatch in the watch industry, and Novartis and Roche in the pharmaceutical - [PDF Document] (10)

1.6 The most greenhouse efficient economy in the developed world

Switzerland is number one in the worldfor environmental performance, accord-ing to a study conducted by a team ofexperts from Yale and ColumbiaUniversities. The 2008 EnvironmentalPerformance Index (EPI) ranks 149 coun-tries according to 25 indicators within thebroad categories of environmentalhealth, air pollution, water resources, bio-diversity and habitat, productive naturalresources, and climate change.

The report’s lead author, Dr. Daniel Esty,called Switzerland, “the most greenhousegas-efficient economy in the developedworld.” Switzerland’s high score of 95.5

out of 100 came from its use of hydroelectric power and its highly efficient and wide-ly used public transportation system. Switzerland achieved a perfect score in a num-ber of indicators, including sanitation, drinking water and habitat protection.

8 Campus and Research Park Switzerland

Environmental Performance Index 2008 Country Score

Source: Environmental Performance Index 2008, Country Score

0 20 40 60 80 100

United States 39Japan 21

United Kingdom 14Germany 13

Canada 12Iceland 11France 10

Colombia 9Latvia 8

New Zealand 7Austria 6

Costa Rica 5Finland 4

Sweden 3Norway 2

Switzerland 1


EPI Score

Campus and Research Park Switzerland -· Nestlé in the food industry, UBS and Credit Suisse in banking, Swatch in the watch industry, and Novartis and Roche in the pharmaceutical - [PDF Document] (11)

Campus Switzerland

Swiss higher education is the key factor in boosting innovation, research, and askilled workforce. Education creates knowledge, economic growth, and outstand-ing benefits for society. A special factor in the success of Swiss education is itsdual system. At the age of 15 or 16, about two-thirds of young adults inSwitzerland enter a vocational education and training program (apprenticeship) thatprovides a solid professional basis for lifelong learning and opens up a wealth ofjob prospects. With good academic performance in the apprenticeship and suc-cessful completion of the professional baccalaureate, students receive free accessto the universities of applied sciences. This vocational track offers an alternative tothe classical track of high school and university and allows greater opportunitiesfor young people to pursue higher education in various ways.

Campus Switzerland 9

Annual Expenditure on Educational Institutions per Student, 2004

0 5000 10000 15000 20000 25000 30000 35000



United Kingdom









United States

Tertiary, 2004

In equivalentEUR (PPP)

Primary and Secondary, 2004

Source: Education at a Glance 2007, OECD Indicators (Note: Japan, incl. R&D)

Chapter 2

Campus and Research Park Switzerland -· Nestlé in the food industry, UBS and Credit Suisse in banking, Swatch in the watch industry, and Novartis and Roche in the pharmaceutical - [PDF Document] (12)

The country is convinced of education’s high long-term importance and considersit as the essential pillar of its domestic policy. According to OECD statistics,Switzerland has the second-highest level of investment in education among allOECD countries.

In 2006/07 about 950,000 students were enrolled in pre-school, primary school,and low secondary level, roughly 325,000 students in the upper secondary level,and approximately 215,000 students in public higher education, a total of 1.3 mil-lion out of an overall population of 7.5 million.

2.1 Higher Education in Switzerland at a glance

Switzerland has twelve universities, eight universities of applied sciences, and fif-teen universities of teacher education, plus several specialized tertiary institutions.The main aim of the universities is teaching and basic research, while the univer-sities of applied sciences and teacher education place a stronger emphasis onpractice-oriented studies, as well as applied R&D. All institutions are largely pub-licly funded (80% on average).

10 Campus and Research Park Switzerland










UAS of EasternSwitzerland

UAS of SouthernSwitzerland

UAS and Artsof Zurich

UAS of NWSwitzerland

Lucerne UASand ArtsBern UAS

UAS of WesternSwitzerland



University of AppliedSciences Region

University of TeacherEducation

Source: Swiss State Secretariat for Education and Research and Embassy of Switzerland

Terminology — the following definitions are used: Undergraduatestands for bachelor’s programs, graduate for master’s programs(Master of Arts or Science) and postgraduate for executive MBA and Master of Advanced Studies (MAS).

Campus and Research Park Switzerland -· Nestlé in the food industry, UBS and Credit Suisse in banking, Swatch in the watch industry, and Novartis and Roche in the pharmaceutical - [PDF Document] (13)


Switzerland has twelve public universities with a total of about 117,000 students(2007/08). These institutions offer world-class bachelor’s, master’s, and Ph.D.degrees, as well as several Master of Advanced Studies and continuing educationcourses. They focus on cutting-edge research and cover the following areas:

• Architecture and Design • Economics • Engineering • Humanities, Languages and Social


Universities of Applied Sciences

The eight universities of applied sciences (seven public, one private) provide apractice-oriented education and offer a wide range of bachelor’s and master’s pro-grams, as well as Master of Advanced Studies and continuing education courses.Over 60,000 students attend universities of applied sciences each year. The uni-versities of applied sciences have over 40 individual schools with tuition betweenUSD 800 and USD 1,600 per school year. These universities are regionally organ-ized and have campuses at multiple locations. The universities of applied sciencescover the following areas of study and research:

• Applied Psychology • Architecture, Building Engineering

and Planning • Agriculture and Forestry • Business, Management and

Services • Chemistry and Life Sciences

Universities of Teacher Education

Switzerland offers excellent teacher training programs. In 2007/08, approximately12,000 students attended courses at the fifteen universities of teacher education,which have both a scientific and practical approach. These institutions grant diplo-mas at all levels. Their research, done in collaboration with other universities and uni-versities of applied sciences, concentrates on their own occupational field to ensurethat student training incorporates the latest educational and scientific findings.

Bologna reform

In the past few years, Switzerland fundamentally restructured its higher education sys-tem. Within the framework of the 1999 Bologna Declaration, the country participatedin the unification of European academic studies and introduced a three-cycle systembased on Bachelor‘s, Master‘s, and doctoral degrees to ease the transfer from oneinstitution to another for students, faculty, scientists, and administrators. To guaranteea maximum of student mobility, the Bologna process includes the European-wideadoption of the European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System (ECTS).

Campus Switzerland 11

• Law and Forensics • Mathematics and Natural Sciences • Medicine und Pharmacy • Pedagogy and Educational Sciences • Theology

• Design• Engineering and Information Technology • Fine Arts • Social Work and Health • Sports • Theater Arts and Music

Campus and Research Park Switzerland -· Nestlé in the food industry, UBS and Credit Suisse in banking, Swatch in the watch industry, and Novartis and Roche in the pharmaceutical - [PDF Document] (14)

Special institutes

Switzerland has many outstanding specialized institutes. These are located inGeneva (international relations and development studies), in Lausanne (publicadministration), and in Sion (tourism and children’s rights). Training and continuingeducation for professionals in the field of vocational education is offered inLausanne, Bern/Zollikofen, Zurich, and Lugano.

Private institutions

Switzerland is also home to numerous excellent private institutions, providing analternative to public schools. About 5% of all pupils complete their compulsoryeducation at private schools. Private institutions also play a major role in postgrad-uate education and specific domains, such as business or hotel and tourism man-agement. Regulations for a mandatory national accreditation are in the process. Upto now serious institutions have complied with the standards of their respectivenational or international association or have sought international accreditation.

2.2 Rankings of the Swiss universities

Swiss institutions of higher learning are among the best according to internationalrankings. Several rankings illustrate this excellent academic position. In 2007, inthe two most significant world university rankings, the Shanghai Jiao Tong and theTimes Higher Education Supplement World University ranking, five Swiss universi-ties could be found among the top 150.

University Ranking: Shanghai Jiao Ranking: Times Higher Tong 2007 Education Supplement 2007

ETH Zurich 27 42University of Zurich 58 140University of Basel 82 114EPF Lausanne 102-150 117University of Geneva 102-150 105University of Bern 151-202 N/AUniversity of Lausanne 203-304 N/A

Besides the overall outstanding performance of Swiss universities, a closer look atspecific fields reveals their excellence. The Shanghai Jiao Tong Ranking 2008 ranksthe ETH Zurich at position 15th and the University of Geneva at position 62nd in thenatural sciences and mathematics. The EPFL performs particularly well in engi-neering sciences, technical sciences and information technology, ranking 18th. Inthe life sciences and agriculture, the University of Zurich is at position 29 and theUniversity of Basel is ranked 37th.

12 Campus and Research Park Switzerland

Campus and Research Park Switzerland -· Nestlé in the food industry, UBS and Credit Suisse in banking, Swatch in the watch industry, and Novartis and Roche in the pharmaceutical - [PDF Document] (15)

Campus Switzerland 13

ETH Zurich [emailprotected]

Consistently ranked the top university in continen-tal Europe, ETH Zurich is a leading player inresearch and education in Switzerland and theworld.

The 16 departments of ETH Zurich offer bachelor’s,master’s, and doctoral programs in engineering andnatural sciences. The language of instruction in thebachelor’s programs is German, whereas courses atthe graduate level are taught in English. All degree pro-grams provide a solid scientific base, preparing ETHgraduates to apply their knowledge and skills in indus-try, business, or the public sector, as entrepreneurs orscientists.

The international outlook: Nearly 60% of professorshave been recruited from abroad. The excellentinfrastructure and the attractive urban environmentof Zurich make ETH Zurich the ideal place for cre-ative personalities. The ties to businesses andindustries are very close, the greater Zurich areabeing the economic center of Switzerland andhome to numerous international companies.Beyond world-class education Zurich offers manyother highlights: metropolitan flair, excellent sportsfacilities, an extensive range of cultural and recre-ational offerings, and a vibrant nightlife.

Key Figures Nobel Laureates: 21 Number of students 07/08 : 13,197 Female students 07/08: 29,7% International students 07/08: 28% Annual tuition fees 07/08:

(Swiss and non-Swiss) CHF 1,288

Teaching and Research Areas • Construction Sciences: Architecture;

Civil, Environmental and GeomaticEngineering

• Engineering Sciences: Computer Science,Electrical Engineering and InformationTechnology; Materials Science;Mechanical and Process Engineering;Micro and Nanosystems; Bioinformatics

• Natural Sciences and Mathematics:Biology; Chemistry; Chemical Engineeringand Biotechnology; ComputationalScience and Engineering; HumanMovement Sciences; Mathematics;Physics; Pharmaceutical Sciences

• System-Oriented Sciences: AgriculturalSciences; Earth Sciences; EnvironmentalSciences; Food Science

• Management and Social Sciences:Management, Technology andEconomics; Comparative andInternational Studies

2.3 Universities

Anna LudekeB.S. in Computer Science at Northwestern University inEvanston, Illinois, U.S.A.

“Studying abroad at ETH Zurich was one of the best experiences I have had.The faculty, fellow students, and administration made my time there betterthan I could have hoped for. I took mainly Computer Science courses, and wasalso able to have language classes that genuinely made me feel more a part ofthe culture. The mix of nationalities and variety of extracurricular groups andactivities allowed me to become immersed in a truly international atmosphere.I would highly recommend ETH to anyone thinking of studying an engineeringor science-related field; it is an excellent Swiss university with so much to offer.I miss my time spent there already, and cannot wait to get the opportunity togo back.”

Campus and Research Park Switzerland -· Nestlé in the food industry, UBS and Credit Suisse in banking, Swatch in the watch industry, and Novartis and Roche in the pharmaceutical - [PDF Document] (16)

14 Campus and Research Park Switzerland

University of Zurich [emailprotected]

University of Zurich is the largest university inSwitzerland and plays a leading role in Swiss highereducation. It offers its 24,000 students a wide vari-ety of studies, with more than 100 different degreeprograms and over 3,000 combinations of disciplinesin seven faculties.

The university's strong commitment to the highestscientific standards and responsible research is thefoundation of excellence in research and teaching.The University of Zurich belongs to the League of European Research Universities (LERU). On thenational level, it is the leading institution for five National Centers of Competence in Research inthe fields of life sciences, economics, and the humanities.

Of great importance to the University of Zurich is the promotion of young academics who are encour-aged and supported in their research activities and in preparing for international careers. Throughclose cooperation with the ETH as well as with other Swiss and international institutions of highereducation, the University of Zurich initiates and sustains academic exchange at the highest level.

With its modern infrastructure and excellent local and international networks, the University ofZurich is well integrated into the cultural and economic metropolis and offers an attractive and stim-ulating working environment to more than 2,600 research and teaching staff from all over the world.

Key Figures Nobel Laureates: 12 Number of students 07/08 :24,195 Female students 07/08: 55,5% International students 07/08: 15% Annual tuition fees 07/08:

Swiss CHF 1,378 non-Swiss CHF 1,578

Teaching and Research Areas• Arts and Social

Sciences • Law • Economics • Medicine

• Mathematicsand Sciences

• VeterinaryMedicine

• Theology

EPFL [emailprotected]

Founded in 1853, the Ecole Polytechnique Fédéralede Lausanne (EPFL) has evolved into a top-rankedresearch and teaching university that attracts someof the best intellects in the world. Uniquely situatedin one of Europe's most beautiful places, 10,000people share this campus and interact daily to learnand explore. More than a hundred nationalities arerepresented on campus, and 50% of the teachingstaff originates from abroad. EPFL offers 19 master’sprograms in engineering, basic sciences, computerand communication sciences, life sciences, civilengineering, architecture and the environmentalstudies. Students follow programs at the bachelor’s,master’s, and doctoral level, and enjoy many oppor-tunities for international exchange. The campus isstructured to encourage interdisciplinary learning,and students at all levels participate in research proj-ects in the campus' 250 laboratories and researchgroups. In addition to excellence in education andresearch, EPFL is committed to technology transfer as a fundamental part of its mission. An aver-age of 10 new start-up companies are formed each year from innovations discovered at the EPFL.

Key FiguresNumber of students 07/08 : 6,528 Female students 07/08: 25% International students 07/08: 43% Annual tuition fees 07/08:

(Swiss and non-Swiss) CHF 1,266

Teaching and Research Areas • Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry and

Chemical Engineering • Architecture, Civil Engineering,

Environmental Sciences andEngineering

• Electrical and Electronics Engineering,Mechanical Engineering, MaterialsScience and Engineering,Microengineering

• Computer Science, CommunicationSystems

• Life Sciences and Technologies • Management of Technology and

Entrepreneurship • Financial Engineering

Campus and Research Park Switzerland -· Nestlé in the food industry, UBS and Credit Suisse in banking, Swatch in the watch industry, and Novartis and Roche in the pharmaceutical - [PDF Document] (17)

Campus Switzerland 15

University ofGeneva [emailprotected]

The University of Geneva was founded in 1559,upon the initiative of Jean Calvin. It is nestled in theheart of a city of great international renown and intel-lectual heritage, and defines itself as a place ofreflection, teaching, and dialogue. With a studentbody from 137 different countries, the University ofGeneva is the second largest university inSwitzerland, and also hosts the largest number offemale students. Just like the city of Geneva itself,the university enjoys a strong international reputa-tion, both for the quality of its research (it ranksamong the top institutions among the League ofEuropean Research Universities) and the excellenceof its education. This acclaim has been won in partdue to its strong ties to many national and interna-tional Geneva-based organizations, such as theWorld Health Organization, the International Telecommunications Union, the InternationalCommittee of the Red Cross, and the European Organization for Nuclear Research.

The University of Geneva is a comprehensive university offering a wide range of programs. Itsdomains of excellence in research include life sciences (molecular biology, bio-informatics), physicsof elementary particles, and astrophysics. Furthermore, the University of Geneva boasts one of theoldest and finest translation and interpretation schools in the world, the ETI.

Key Figures Number of students 07/08 : 13,663 Female students 07/08: 60,1% International students 07/08: 36% Annual tuition fees 07/08:

(Swiss and non-Swiss) CHF 1,000

Teaching and Research Areas • Sciences • Medicine • Arts • Economical and

Social Sciences • Law • Protestant


• Psychology andEducationalSciences

• Architecture • Translation and


University of Bern [emailprotected]

The University of Bern offers top-quality across theboard: it enjoys special recognition in leading-edge dis-ciplines, is renown for the excellent quality of its teach-ing, and offers a delightful campus environment, inti-mately linked to the social, economic, and political lifeof the city. The University of Bern is a leader in a num-ber of research fields. For example the PhysicsInstitute, with its space research program, took part inMan’s first lunar expedition and continues to supplyresearch instruments and experimental results to NASA and ESA missions. Bern enjoys a leadershipposition in three National Centers of Competence in Research: “Climate”, “World Trade Regulation”,and “North-South” (sustainable development).

The University of Bern offers more than 90 different degree programs; the focus is particularly oninterdisciplinary combinations.

The infrastructure is of very high quality, even in aesthetic terms. Some of the buildings, such as the"Unitobler" - a former Tobler chocolate factory that is now home to the faculty of humanities - havewon architectural awards. Thanks to its relatively small size of 12,000 students, the ambience is friend-ly and personal. The 140 institutes are mostly within walking distance of the main building, an impres-sive turn-of-the-century edifice overlooking the medieval town of Bern - a UNESCO world heritage site.The city of Bern itself is embedded in a beautiful natural environment with hills, woods and lakes.

Key Figures Nobel Laureates: 2 Number of students 07/08: 13,129 Female students 07/08: 51,8% International students 07/08: 11% Annual tuition fees 07/08:

(Swiss and non-Swiss) CHF 1,310

Teaching and Research Areas

Independent institute with links to theUniversity of Geneva

Graduate Institute of International andDevelopment Studies (IHEID)

• Theology • Law • Economics and

Social Sciences • Humanities

• Human Sciences • Sciences • Medicine • Veterinary


Campus and Research Park Switzerland -· Nestlé in the food industry, UBS and Credit Suisse in banking, Swatch in the watch industry, and Novartis and Roche in the pharmaceutical - [PDF Document] (18)

16 Campus and Research Park Switzerland

University ofLausanne [emailprotected]

Founded in 1537, the University of Lausanne com-prises seven faculties where approximately 11,000students and 2,200 researchers work and study.Emphasis is placed on an interdisciplinary approach,and there is close cooperation between students,professors, and teaching staff.

The University of Lausanne is spread over threesites, the largest of which is in Dorigny on theshores of Lake Geneva. The peaceful green land-scape with views of the Alps and the lake providesan ideal setting for study and research. A wide vari-ety of disciplines are covered, ranging from GreekNumismatics to Cyber-Marketing or DevelopmentalBiology, and three faculties are unique inSwitzerland: Law and Criminal Justice, Biology and Medicine, and Geosciences and Environment.

Attractively located in the heart of the French-speaking region of Switzerland, the University ofLausanne pursues an active collaboration at local and international levels. More than 30% of theteaching staff and more than 20% of the students come from abroad.

Up-to-date, well-equipped, and at the forefront of the latest technological developments, theUniversity of Lausanne is an ideal center for the exchange of ideas that lead to intellectual, scien-tific, and economic progress.

Key Figures Number of students 07/08: 11,032 Female students 07/08: 56% International students 07/08: 21% Annual tuition fees 07/08:

(Swiss and non-Swiss) CHF 1,160

Teaching and Research Areas • Arts • Biology • Business and

Economics • Criminal Justice • French as a


• Geosciencesand Environment

• Law

• Medicine • Political

Sciences • Protestant

Theology • Psychology • Social Sciences • Sport Science • Study of


University of Basel [emailprotected]

Founded in 1460, the University of Basel is the old-est university in Switzerland. A rather small universi-ty with a long-standing tradition of excellence, it is adistinguished center of teaching and research.

Situated on the three-nation border of Switzerland,Germany, and France, Basel is at the very core ofcentral Europe. The University, located attractivelynear the medieval city center, benefits from theinternational and open-minded flair which character-izes the city. With its several world-famous museums, Basel has a rich cultural life.

The University of Basel has a warm and personal atmosphere. Even with some 10,000 students,it is still easy to make friends. The historic and modern buildings are inspiring sites for learning,equipped to meet the educational and professional challenges of the modern knowledge econo-my. The students can choose from a wide range of quality programs offered by seven facultieswhich excel at teaching and research. Known for its outstanding competence and innovation inemerging fields of science, the University of Basel considers life sciences and culture as its coreresearch areas.

Key FiguresNobel Laureates: 1 Number of students 07/08: 11,192 Female students 07/08: 55,7% International students 07/08: 22% Annual tuition fees 07/08:

(Swiss and non-Swiss) CHF 1,400

Teaching and Research Areas • Humanities and

Social Sciences • Medicine • Natural


• Law • Economics • Psychology • Theology

Campus and Research Park Switzerland -· Nestlé in the food industry, UBS and Credit Suisse in banking, Swatch in the watch industry, and Novartis and Roche in the pharmaceutical - [PDF Document] (19)

Campus Switzerland 17

University ofFribourg [emailprotected]

The University of Fribourg is the bilingual university"par excellence" in Switzerland. Fribourg is a typicaluniversity town, with a high quality of life and excel-lent conditions for progressing in one's studies. Atthe crossroads of Germanic and Roman languages, itconstitutes a cultural bridge between the Germanand French traditions, as well as between northernand southern Europe. The university itself reflectsthis situation: 50% of the students speak German as their mother tongue, 30% French, and 7%Italian. Created in 1889, the university embodies a living dynamic interaction among around 215 pro-fessors and 10,000 students from over 100 countries.

Students often choose Fribourg because its programs can be followed in German and French.Students can obtain a diploma with a specific "bilingual" certification which gives them a competi-tive advantage on the job market. However, bilingual study is not mandatory. English is compulso-ry at the master’s level in sciences. Lectures in English are available in the major disciplines.

The University of Fribourg has established a number of collaborative partnerships with leading uni-versities around the world to promote exchanges, joint teaching programs, and research projects.Research at the University of Fribourg is based on teamwork, interdisciplinary strategies, ethicalresponsibility, and an open dialogue with the commercial world. 200 research groups work onsome 650 projects, many of which find an immediate industrial application.

Key Figures Number of students 07/08: 9,652 Female students 07/08: 57,1% International students 07/08: 18% Annual tuition fees 07/08: Swiss CHF 1,210,

non-Swiss CHF1,510

Teaching and Research Areas • Economics and

Social Sciences • Humanities • Law • Literature

• Theology • Mathematics

and NaturalSciences

University ofSt.Gallen [emailprotected]

Founded in 1898, the University of St. Gallen (HSG) contin-ues to pursue the goal of providing students with a prac-tice-oriented education, guided by an integrated concep-tion of business, economics, law, and social sciences. TheHSG is consistently ranked among the top businessschools in Europe, with EQUIS and AACSB internationalaccreditation underlining the commitment to a holistic curriculum that meets the highest academic standards.

While the five bachelor’s programs provide general and diversified education, the master's programs(a majority is taught in English) allow students to attain greater depth of understanding of theoreticaland practical subjects. Each level of study includes a component of contextual studies intended todevelop skills in critical thinking, cultural awareness, and leadership, in order for graduates to meetthe practical world's increasing demands for intellectual flexibility and intercultural qualifications.

Research is centered around 30 institutes and research groups, which bring theory and practicetogether while providing vital input for teaching. HSG students pursue extracurricular activities inmore than 80 initiatives, including the annual St. Gallen Management Symposium.

A network of over 130 partner universities, including CEMS, PIM and APSIA, offer students a multitude ofpossibilities to gain international experience. Also double-degree programs are available to qualified students.

The campus overlooks the charming city of St. Gallen, with picturesque views of the nearby moun-tains and Lake Constance. A variety of nearby sporting and leisure activities as well as culturalevents enhance the quality of student life.

Key Figures Number of students 07/08: 5,970 Female students 07/08: 27,5% International students 07/08: 35% Annual tuition fees 07/08: Swiss CHF 2,040,

non-Swiss CHF2,340

Teaching and Research Areas • Business

Administration • Economics

• Law • International

Affairs andGovernance

Campus and Research Park Switzerland -· Nestlé in the food industry, UBS and Credit Suisse in banking, Swatch in the watch industry, and Novartis and Roche in the pharmaceutical - [PDF Document] (20)

18 Campus and Research Park Switzerland

University ofLugano [emailprotected]

Founded in 1996, the University of Lugano (USI) is arecognized interdisciplinary and multilingual universitywith four faculties. Its relatively small size and high-quality infrastructure facilitate student-teacher interac-tion and create the ideal conditions for study andresearch at both the Lugano and Mendrisio campuses.

The official language is Italian, but English, the second working language, is used in many of themaster's programs, in the graduate schools, and in the professional master’s courses. German andFrench are also used as languages in a few specialist courses.

USI was among the first Swiss universities to adopt the new European university system. By meansof teaching and research agreements or partnerships with other Swiss universities and with majoruniversities in Northern Italy, USI has established an academic bridge between Northern andSouthern Europe, paving the way for inter-university master’s courses, cross-border doctoral schools,and research projects, notably with the Polytechnic University of Milan and ETH Zurich. The develop-ment of research in the sectors of urban planning, finance, healthcare communication, health eco-nomics, distance teaching, and in some sectors of informatics, has considerably boosted the numberof postgraduates (currently over 100) as well as funding for Swiss and European projects.

Key Figures Number of students 07/08: 2,347 Female students 07/08: 48,4% International students 07/08: 58% Annual tuition fees 07/08: Swiss CHF 4,000,

non-Swiss CHF 8,000

Teaching and Research Areas • Architecture • Computer


• CommunicationSciences

• Economics

University ofNeuchatel [emailprotected]

Established in 1838 the "Académie de Neuchâtel"became a University in 1909. Today the University ofNeuchatel comprises five faculties, namely, humanities,sciences, law, economics, and theology, which in turncover around 30 different disciplines. The universityoffers a unique setting in French-speaking Switzerland,ensuring close contact between teachers and the 3,800students, of which 550 are doctoral students.

The University of Neuchatel offers four master’sdegrees taught in English: a Master of Science inFinance, a Master of Science in InformationSystems, a Master of Science in Statistics and anInternational Master in Management, Law, andHumanities of Sport, also called the FIFA Master.Other master’s programs are conducted partially in English. Also offered - jointly with theUniversity of Lucerne - is a bilingual French-German Master’s degree in law.

Its French Language and Civilization Institute (ILCF) is specialized in teaching French for non-nativeFrench speakers. ILCF courses are designed for foreign students who wish to reinforce and extendtheir knowledge of the French language, literature, and civilization. It also offers a summer programduring four weeks in July.

Key Figures Number of students 07/08: 3,681 Female students 07/08: 56,5% International students 07/08: 23% Annual tuition fees 07/08: Swiss CHF 1,030,

non-Swiss CHF 1,580

Teaching and Research Areas • Ethnology,


• Biology,Hydrogeology

• FinancialAnalysis, Work &OrganizationalPsychology,


• Health Law • Sport Law • Protestant

Theology • Center for

Understanding ofSocial Processes

Campus and Research Park Switzerland -· Nestlé in the food industry, UBS and Credit Suisse in banking, Swatch in the watch industry, and Novartis and Roche in the pharmaceutical - [PDF Document] (21)

Campus Switzerland 19

University ofLucerne [emailprotected]

The University of Lucerne is young. Although itsroots go back to 1600, it has been inaugurated as amodern university only in 2000.

The convenient size of the university provides stu-dents with a great degree of freedom and the possibility to form innovative combinations. Studycourses are offered in traditional as well as in interdisciplinary subjects. Moreover, it is possible tocombine elements from different faculties.

Excellent support of students is a special feature of the University of Lucerne. Law students areallocated a mentor for the period of their studies in order to ensure optimal support and to main-tain a dialogue between the students and lecturers. The academic staff cultivates cooperation withnumerous foreign scientific institutions. These include, among others, renowned institutions suchas various Max-Planck-Institutes and Harvard University in Cambridge, MA.

Key Figures Number of students 07/08 : 2,107 Female students 07/08: 56,6% International students 07/08: 12% Annual tuition fees 07/08: (Swiss and non-

Swiss) CHF 1,570

Teaching and Research Areas • Law • Humanities

• Theology

Debasree BanerjeeB.S. in Engineering at West Bengal University ofTechnology, Calcutta, IndiaMaster’s student at EPFL

“I applied to the EPFL Masters Program in Computer Science due tothe attractive option of a specialized minor in Biocomputing. An excel-lent infrastructure, strong links between academics and industry, a dis-tinguished faculty and a myriad of available choices all make me proudof my choice. The beautiful campus, the Swiss way of functioning anda truly international student body, all contribute to make it an unforget-table experience!”

Prof. Thomas StockerInstitute of Climate and Environmental Physics, University of Bern

Professor Stocker is an internationally renowned climate scientist. Hisresults on CO2-concentrations were used by former US vice-president AlGore in “An Inconvenient Truth,” on the threat of climate change. This filmis one of the most-watched documentaries of all times in the USA, and ithas won an Oscar. When interviewed on his information sources, Al Goresaid: "One of the leading researchers that I rely on is Thomas Stocker. Myfilm contains brand new data that were evaluated at the University of Bern.

Campus and Research Park Switzerland -· Nestlé in the food industry, UBS and Credit Suisse in banking, Swatch in the watch industry, and Novartis and Roche in the pharmaceutical - [PDF Document] (22)

20 Campus and Research Park Switzerland

University ofApplied Sciences ofWestern Switzerland


The University of Applied Sciences of WesternSwitzerland (HES-SO) is noted for its faculty and itssupport staff. Bachelor’s and master’s degree pro-grams are offered in six different areas of specialization. The Master of Advanced Studies programand continuing education courses provide further possibilities for attaining professional excellence.Applied research, technology transfer, and postgraduate studies are conducted in so-called “net-works of excellence,” which consist of nationwide 13 groups of researchers combining resourcesfrom different schools. The main focus of each group is to align with public and private expecta-tions to meet a practical need. This strengthens the cooperation between the universities andindustry on the national level and helps individual, very promising research and development proj-ects to earn international recognition. The University of Applied Sciences of Western Switzerlandhas more than 100 cooperation agreements with universities abroad with special programs toenable international mobility of students and faculty.

Schools HES-SO Fribourg – Freiburg; HES-SO Geneva; HES-SO Valais – Wallis; HES-SO Arc; HES-SO Vaud;Changins School of Engineering; Ecole Hôtelière de Lausanne (School of Hospitality Management)

Key Figures Number of students (07/08): 13,301 Female students (07/08): 47.4% International students (07/08): 26%

Areas of Instruction and Research • Engineering • Business,

Managementand Services

• Design • Health • Social Work • Arts

University ofApplied Sciencesand Arts of Zurich


The University of Applied Sciences and Arts ofZurich is among the largest institutions of its kind inSwitzerland. Currently it includes three schools:applied sciences, arts, and teacher education.

Zurich has one of the world's highest standards of liv-ing and a lively cultural scene with a wide selection offirst-class theaters, museums, and cinemas. In thisenvironment, the University of Applied Sciences andArts of Zurich offers a broad range of study programs,including bachelor’s and master’s degree programs,Master of Advanced Studies programs and continu-ing education courses. The schools conduct researchthat serves practical purposes. Through their services, the schools make their know-how availableto the Swiss administration and nonprofit organizations. Numerous projects are done in cooperationwith other universities and the private sector, ensuring knowledge and technolgy transfer to thebusiness and industrial sectors. The University of Applied Sciences and Arts of Zurich promotes themobility of students and faculty and is integrated into international reseach networks.

Schools Zurich University of Applied Sciences; Zurich University of the Arts; Zurich University of TeacherEducation

Key Figures Number of students (07/08): 12,532 Female students (07/08): 50,1%International students (07/08): 11%

Areas of Instruction and Research • Architecture • Building

Engineering andPlanning

• Business FacilityManagement

• Managementand Services

• Chemistry andLife Sciences

• Design and Art • Engineering and


• Health • Applied

Linguistics • Music • Performing Arts

and Film• Design• Fine Arts• Applied

Psychology • Social Work • Teacher


2.4 Universities of Applied Sciences

Campus and Research Park Switzerland -· Nestlé in the food industry, UBS and Credit Suisse in banking, Swatch in the watch industry, and Novartis and Roche in the pharmaceutical - [PDF Document] (23)

Campus Switzerland 21

Bern University ofApplied Sciences [emailprotected]

The canton of Bern, including the Swiss capital ofthe same name, is home to a million inhabitants. TheBern University of Applied Sciences consists of sixdepartments at various locations in the cities ofBern, Biel, Burgdorf, Magglingen, and Zollikofen.Bern, Biel, and Burgdorf are medieval cities whichnot only have beautiful surroundings, but also offer awide variety of cultural events and institutions. TheBern University of Applied Sciences welcomes students from all around the globe and providesstudent services which support students with their curricula, accommodations, career plans, cul-tural and sports activities . Some of the schools maintain exchange programs with internationalpartner institutions and encourage their students to study abroad.

Schools Engineering and Information Technology; Architecture, Wood and Civil Engineering; Business andAdministration; Health; Social Work; Bern University of the Arts; Swiss College of Agriculture;Swiss Federal Institute of Sports Magglingen

Key Figures Number of students (07/08): 4,943 Female students (07/08): 37,7% International students (07/08): 9%

Areas of Instruction and Research

University ofApplied Sciences ofNorthwesternSwitzerland [emailprotected]

The University of Applied Sciences of NorthwesternSwitzerland comprises nine schools and academiesthat cover a wide range of studies. They offer veryindividualized, high-quality programs to their approx-imately 7,000 students. Nationally, the University of Applied Sciences of Northwestern Switzerlandclosely collaborates with ETH Zürich, EPFL, the University of Zurich and the universities of appliedsciences, and, on the international level, it cooperates with many foreign institutions. Appliedreseach generates solutions to resolve practical problems, which is of particular interest to the pri-vate sector in Switzerland and abroad. The University of Applied Sciences of NorthwesternSwitzerland emphasizes human aspects in its learning environment, and is committed to interna-tionalize its research and academic instruction.

Schools School of Applied Psychology; School of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geomatics; Academyof Arts and Design; School of Life Sciences; School of Social Work; School of Engineering; Schoolof Business; School of Teacher Education

Key Figures Number of students (07/08): 8,326 Female students (07/08): 44.7% International students (07/08): 12%

Areas of Instruction and Research • Applied

Psychology • Engineering • Architecture,

Civil EngineeringGeomatics

• Arts and Design • Business • Teacher

Education • Life Sciences • Social Work

• Science andEngineering

• BusinessAdministration

• Social Work • Health • Architecture

• Construction • Conservation

and Restoration • Sports • Arts • Agriculture • Food Sciences

Campus and Research Park Switzerland -· Nestlé in the food industry, UBS and Credit Suisse in banking, Swatch in the watch industry, and Novartis and Roche in the pharmaceutical - [PDF Document] (24)

22 Campus and Research Park Switzerland

Lucerne Universityof Applied Sciencesand Arts [emailprotected]

Lucerne is world-renowned for its beautiful setting,as well as for its rich cultural and outdoor activites.More than a tourist destination, however, Lucerne isalso a center of higher education. Three institutionsclosely collaborate in the “Campus Lucerne”: theUniversity of Lucerne, the Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts, and the University ofTeacher Education of Central Switzerland.

The Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts comprises five schools with over 3,000 under-graduates and approximately 2,000 postgraduate students. Together the schools offer bachelor’sand master’s degree programs in engineering, architecture, economics, social work, art, design andmusic. More specialized programs, such as the Master of Advanced Studies and courses in contin-uing education, are directly focused on the practical needs of postgraduates and their employers.

To foster national and international mobility and networks, the Lucerne University of AppliedSciences and Arts collaborates with other Swiss and foreign higher education institutions, offersstudy programs in English and encourages extra-curricular activities.

Schools School of Engineering and Architecture; School of Business; School of Social Work; School of Artand Design; School of Music

Key Figures Number of students (07/08): 4,163 Female students (07/08): 39,1% International students (07/08): 8%

Areas of Instruction and Research • Engineering and

Architecture • Economics and


• Design and Art • Social Work • Music

University ofApplied Sciences ofEastern Switzerland [emailprotected]

The University of Applied Sciences of EasternSwitzerland is one of the largest and most renownededucational institutions in its region. Modular studyprograms allow students to design their curriculumaccording to their personal preferences. Most of thefaculty have extensive professional experience and areable to present their topics dynamically with a focus on problem-solving research. The various schoolsconduct applied research and development, allowing the university of applied sciences to maintainclose contact with organizations from various sectors of industry, business, and society in general. Dueto their solid knowledge and experience in generating solutions to practical problems, students cangraduate with an attractive professional profile and have promising prospects in the job market.

Located at the crossroads of Switzerland, Austria, Germany, and the Principality of Liechtenstein,the University of Applied Sciences of Eastern Switzerland promotes cooperation between univer-sities and companies based in all four countries. As part of the International University of LakeConstance, the University of Applied Sciences of Eastern Switzerland encourages an approachcombining teaching as well as research and development. In addition, it has partnerships with uni-versities in more than 12 countries, both on an educational and a professional level.

Schools School of Engineering and Architecture Rapperswil (HSR); School of Business Administration;Engineering and Social Work St.Gallen (FHS); School of Business Administration and EngineeringChur (HTW); School of Engineering Buchs (NTB)

Key Figures Number of students (07/08): 4,122 Female students (07/08): 28.8% International students (07/08): 12%

Areas of Instruction and Research • Engineering and IT • Landscape

Architecture • Building

Engineering andPlanning

• BusinessAdministration

• Managementand Tourism

• Social Work andHealth

Campus and Research Park Switzerland -· Nestlé in the food industry, UBS and Credit Suisse in banking, Swatch in the watch industry, and Novartis and Roche in the pharmaceutical - [PDF Document] (25)

Campus Switzerland 23

Kalaidos Universityof Applied SciencesSwitzerland [emailprotected]

Kalaidos University of Applied Sciences Switzerlandis a private institution which earned federal recogni-tion in 2005. Its core competence lies in an optimalinterplay of science, education and practical experi-ence, as well as in study programs with a strong and consistent international market orientation.This is also reflected in the four main objectives of Kalaidos University of Applied SciencesSwitzerland: (1) integration of theory and practical experience into research and teaching; (2) inno-vative solutions on the basis of intercultural competence within international competition; (3) effec-tive collaboration with industry and society; and (4) active knowledge and technology transfer.Kalaidos University of Applied Sciences Switzerland has local campuses in Aarau, Bern, Basel,Lugano, St. Gallen and Zurich and is very well integrated into those regions. An international focusis guaranteed by its locations in London and Singapore and its study programs in English.

Key Figures Number of students (07/08): 1,291 Female students (07/08): 23,3% International students (07/08): 11%

Areas of Instruction

University ofApplied Sciences of SouthernSwitzerland [emailprotected]

The University of Applied Sciences of SouthernSwitzerland (SUPSI) is the only Italian-languageUniversity of Applied Sciences in Switzerland. Itsuniversity statute focuses on education based onprofessional needs and on applied research. Sinceits founding in 1997, the University of AppliedSciences of Southern Switzerland has constituted afundamental part of the Italian-language universitysystem in Switzerland with approximately 4,000 stu-dents in the marvelous Lugano region. It closely col-laborates with the University of Lugano and createsa bridge toward Italy. In addition to its regional orien-tation, it also has a national strategy through its affil-iation with the Swiss Distance University of Applied Sciences in 2004.

The University of Applied Sciences of Southern Switzerland is noted for providing learning oppor-tunities to individuals who have already gained some professional experience and who continue tooperate in a professional capacity. The faculty includes full-time lecturers/researchers and part-timeprofessionals. Moreover, it offers bachelor’s and master’s degree programs, continuing educationprograms, and conducts applied research projects in collaboration with companies and institutionswithin the region.

Affiliated SchoolsSwiss Distance University of Applied Sciences; Dimitri Theater School; Swiss Italian Conservatory

Key Figures Number of students (07/08): 2,427 Female students (07/08): 37,6% International students (07/08): 29 %

Areas of Instruction and Research • Architecture • Business

Administration • Civil Engineering • Computer

Science • Conservation

and Restoration • Electronics • Interior Design • Mechanical

Engineering • Engineering and


• BusinessInformationTechnology

• Music • Nursing • Occupational

Therapy • Physiotherapy • Social Work • Theater • Visual


• Business andManagement

• Nursing • Governance

• BusinessInformationTechnology

Campus and Research Park Switzerland -· Nestlé in the food industry, UBS and Credit Suisse in banking, Swatch in the watch industry, and Novartis and Roche in the pharmaceutical - [PDF Document] (26)

2.5 Universities of teacher education

Switzerland offers high-quality programs inteacher education. Theinstitutions offer diplomasfor pre-school, primary,secondary I, secondary II(or Matura school) levels,and continuing education.They also provide degreesfor special-needs educa-tion, speech therapy, andpsychom*otor training.Universities of teachereducation are located inBern, Brig, St-Maurice,Brugg, Basel, Solothurn,Chur, Freiburg (Fribourg), Geneva, Kreuzlingen, Lausanne, Locarno, Lucerne,Schwyz, Zug, Porrentruy, Bienne, La Chaux-de-Fonds, Rorschach, Schaffhausen, St.Gallen, and Zurich.

2.6 Special institutes

Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies (IHEID)

The Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies (IHEID) is theresult of the merger between the Graduate Institute of International Studies (HEI)and the Graduate Institute of Development Studies (IUED). It is a private founda-tion that receives financial support from the Swiss Confederation and the Cantonof Geneva.

The Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies offers master’sand Ph.D. degrees in International Affairs, International Studies, and DevelopmentStudies, and joint programs with the University of Geneva. The programs aretaught in English and French. Located in Geneva, the IHEID provides access to aworldwide network of international relations institutions. A cosmopolitan faculty, amulticultural student body with more than 100 nationalities represented, and finan-cial support for students (scholarships or part-time employment opportunities) alsomake the institute unique in the field of International and Development; [emailprotected]

24 Campus and Research Park Switzerland

Campus and Research Park Switzerland -· Nestlé in the food industry, UBS and Credit Suisse in banking, Swatch in the watch industry, and Novartis and Roche in the pharmaceutical - [PDF Document] (27)

Swiss Graduate School of Public Administration (IDHEAP)

The Swiss Graduate School of Public Administration (IDHEAP) in Chavannes is adistinguished postgraduate institute that prepares students for senior positions inthe country’s public and public-private administrations. IDHEAP is accredited bythe Swiss Confederation and, at the international level, by the EuropeanAssociation for Public Administration Accreditation. It acts as an independentobserver and provider of advice and expertise, called upon by political leaders andthe public administration.; [emailprotected]

Kurt Bösch University Institute (IUKB)

The Kurt Bösch University Institute (IUKB), located in Sion, has been recognized asa university institute by the Swiss Confederation since 1992. Two recently createdteaching and research units offer a Master of Advanced Studies in Children'sRights (in cooperation with the University of Fribourg) and a Master of Arts inTourism (in cooperation with the University of Lausanne). In addition, the instituteprovides programs and courses in palliative care, mediation, geriatric medicine,gerontology and business. Strong emphasis is placed on the development of inter-and transdisciplinary teaching and research in their fields.;[emailprotected]

Swiss Federal Institute for VocationalEducation and Training (SFIVET)

The Swiss Federal Institute for VocationalEducation and Training (SFIVET) serves theSwiss Confederation by offering university-level training and continuing education forprofessionals responsible for vocational edu-cation. R&D projects provide up-to-date the-oretical and practical findings that are incor-porated into the training and continuing edu-cation at the Swiss Federal Institute forVocational Education and Training and alsointo vocational education practice. The insti-tution has campuses in Lausanne,Bern/Zollikofen, Zurich and

Campus Switzerland 25

Campus and Research Park Switzerland -· Nestlé in the food industry, UBS and Credit Suisse in banking, Swatch in the watch industry, and Novartis and Roche in the pharmaceutical - [PDF Document] (28)

2.7 Private institutions

Business schools

Switzerland offers excellent MBA and executive education programs. TheInternational Institute for Management Development (IMD) in Lausanne is one ofthe world’s leading business schools. IMD is renowned for its outstanding networkwith the business world. The executive education program at IMD was ranked 1stamong European business schools and 5th worldwide by the Financial Times in2007.

Hotel and Tourism Management Schools

The Swiss hotel and tourism sector enjoys an outstanding international reputation.Not only were Swiss hotel management institutions the first to provide such spe-cialized programs in the 19th century, but the Swiss have succeeded in creating amodern and thriving combination of hotel management and international businessin a multicultural environment. Students from all over the globe study at Swisshotel schools to ensure that they get a professional and future-oriented education.Hotels and tourist organizations worldwide are keen on employing Swiss-trained‘hoteliers’, due to their ability to succeed in a highly competitive environment.

Swiss Federation of Private Schools (SFPS)

The Swiss Federation of Private Schools (SFPS) represents some 260 privateschools in Switzerland. This encompasses a great variety of institutions that offereducation on pre-school, primary, secondary, and tertiary levels.; [emailprotected]

26 Campus and Research Park Switzerland

Katherine FilipB.A. in Psychology/Clinical Neuroscience (2009) and B.A. inPhilosophy (2009) at Vanderbilt University, Tennessee, U.S.A.ThinkSwiss Research Scholarship Awardee 2008

“I completed an internship in a lab that worked with the University HospitalLausanne (CHUV), the University of Lausanne, and EPFL to form a comprehen-sive view of Schizophrenia. Instead of looking at clinical, biological, cellular andgenetic information alone, this lab integrates the information to take a full viewof the disorder and all its origins and effects. One of the most impressive traitsof Switzerland—aside from how international it feels, how undeniably beautifulit is and the amazingly preserved historical sites—was how incredibly helpful,calm and friendly its citizens remain. It is the perfect place to learn a foreign lan-guage as most citizens are multilingual and very patient. It is also quite possi-bly the best run country in the world from the level of how the universities runto the timing of the trains.”

Campus and Research Park Switzerland -· Nestlé in the food industry, UBS and Credit Suisse in banking, Swatch in the watch industry, and Novartis and Roche in the pharmaceutical - [PDF Document] (29)

Research Park Switzerland 27

Research Park Switzerland The knowledge-based Swiss economy invests considerably in research and innova-tion. R&D is crucial to ensuring long-term national prosperity. Social welfare and eco-nomic success strongly depend on a highly qualified workforce. Therefore, publicly-and privately-funded research institutions ensure Swiss competitiveness and research.

3.1 Overview

Switzerland’s R&D expenditures are2.9% relative to GDP, putting it in thetop ten worldwide (2006). Private com-panies (particularly chemical, pharma-ceutical, electronics, and metallurgicalindustries) finance three-quarters of allR&D in Switzerland, with the remain-der coming from the public sector andgoing mainly to universities and publicresearch institutes. Most basicresearch (65%) is performed in thepublic sector by universities, whereasapplied R&D is predominantly thedomain of the private sector, whichfinances almost 90% of this research.

Switzerland actively supports its research through several government organiza-tions dedicated to funding and promoting innovation. In addition, Switzerland is afull member of EU’s 7th Framework Research Programme, contributing CHF 2.4billion over seven years (2.8% of total).

Chapter 3

R&D Investments as % GDP (2006 or latest available year)

Source: OECD Factbook 2008: Economic and Social Statistics

0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0






United States







as % of GDP

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28 Campus and Research Park Switzerland

Strong impact of Swiss scientific publications

Switzerland enjoys worldwide recognition for its research. Researchers inSwitzerland are not only the most productive in the world, with the highest num-ber of scientific publications per researcher, but their publications also have thehighest number of citations per publication.

In relation to other countries, Switzerland’s scientific research has the highestimpact in the areas of life sciences, agriculture, biology and environmental sci-ences, as well as clinical medicine, as measured in citations per publication. Inaddition, there is excellent performance in engineering, computing and technolo-gy as well as in physics, chemistry and earth sciences.

Number of Publications (2006) per1000 Researcher (2003) for 11Selected Countries

Source: Swiss State Secretariat for Education and Research, all bibliometric data from University of Leiden

0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800



United States





United Kingdom




Number of Citations per Publication(2002-2006) for the 11 Most CitedCountries in 2006

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8






United Kingdom


United States




Scientific Publication Impact Rankings of Top Countries by Research Area, 2002-2006

Research Area 1 2 3 4 5

Life Sciences Switzerland USA UK Netherlands Germany

Agriculture, Biology, Switzerland Sweden Denmark USA UKand Environmental Sciences

Clinical Medicine Switzerland Denmark Belgium Netherlands USA

Physics, Chemistry, and Earth Sciences USA Switzerland Netherlands Denmark UK

Engineering, Computing and Technology USA Denmark Switzerland Netherlands Israel

Source: Swiss State Secretariat for Education and Research, 2007, all bibliometric data from University of Leiden

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Swiss Nobel Prize Laureates

Switzerland has one of the highest numbers of Nobel Prizes per capita, thoughdetermining the exact number is difficult since there is no common definition of aSwiss Nobel Prize laureate. Below are 25 Nobel laureates who were Swiss citizensat the time of their award ceremony, and 29 Nobel laureates of other nationalitieswho conducted research in Switzerland for more than five years.

Swiss Nobel Laureates (Swiss citizens): 1901 Henry Dunant (peace) Red Cross

Zurich1902 Élie Ducommun and Albert Gobat

(peace) Permanent InternationalPeace Bureau Bern

1909 Theodor Kocher (medicine)University of Bern

1913 Alfred Werner (chemistry) Universityof Zurich

1919 Carl Spitteler (literature)1920 Charles Edouard Guillaume (physics)

International Bureau of Weights andMeasures France

1921 Albert Einstein (physics) Kaiser-Wilhelm-Institut für Physik Germany

1937 Paul Karrer (chemistry) University ofZurich

1939 Leopold Ruzicka (chemistry) ETHZurich

1946 Hermann Hesse (literature)1948 Paul Müller (medicine) Laboratory of

the J.R. Geigy Dye-Factory Co. Basel1949 Walter Hess (medicine) University of

Zurich1950 Tadeus Reichstein (medicine)

University of Basel1951 Max Theiler (medicine) Rockefeller

Foundation USA1952 Felix Bloch (physics) Stanford

University USA1957 Daniel Bovet (medicine) Institute of

Public Health Italy1975 Vladimir Prelog (chemistry) ETH Zurich1978 Werner Arber (medicine) University

of Basel1986 Heinrich Rohrer (physics) IBM Zurich

Research Laboratory Rüschlikon1987 Karl Alex Müller (physics) IBM

Zurich Research LaboratoryRüschlikon

1991 Richard R. Ernst (chemistry) ETH Zurich1992 Edmond H. Fischer (medicine)

University of Washington USA1996 Rolf M. Zinkernagel (medicine)

University of Zurich2002 Kurt Wüthrich (chemistry) ETH Zurich

Nobel Laureates of OtherNationalities (conducted research inSwitzerland for more than 5 years):1915 Richard Willstätter (chemistry) ETH

Zurich1933 Erwin Schrödinger (physics)

University of Zurich1936 Peter Debye (chemistry) ETH Zurich1938 Richard Kuhn (chemistry) ETH

Zurich1943 Otto Stern (physics) ETH Zurich1945 Wolfgang Pauli (physics) ETH

Zurich1953 Hermann Staudinger (chemistry)

ETH Zurich1961 Robert Hofstadter (physics) CERN1967 Hans A. Bethe (physics) CERN1975 Ben R. Mottelson (physics) CERN1976 Samuel C.C. Ting and Burton

Richter (physics) CERN1979 Sheldon Lee Glashow (physics)

CERN1982 Kenneth G. Wilson (physics) CERN1984 Niels K. Jerne (medicine) and

Georges J.F. Köhler (medicine)Basel Institute for Immunology

1984 Carlo Rubbia and Simon van derMeer (physics) CERN

1986 Gerd Binning (physics) IBMResearch Laboratory Rüschlikon

1987 Johannes Georg Bednorz (physics)IBM Research LaboratoryRüschlikon

1987 Susumu Tonegawa (medicine)Basel Institute for Immunology

1988 Jack Steinberger and Leon M.Lederman (physics) CERN

1989 Wolfgang Paul (physics) CERN1990 Richard E. Taylor (physics) CERN1992 Georges Charpak (physics) CERN1999 Robert A. Mundell (economics)

University of Geneva1999 Martinus J.G. Vetman and Gerardus

’tHooft (physics) CERN

Research Park Switzerland 29

Campus and Research Park Switzerland -· Nestlé in the food industry, UBS and Credit Suisse in banking, Swatch in the watch industry, and Novartis and Roche in the pharmaceutical - [PDF Document] (32)

30 Campus and Research Park Switzerland

Researchers in Switzerland: International on all levels

International researchers are attracted to Switzerland by the high-quality research,well-funded research institutions and the innovative environment. Relatively highsalaries and good quality of life are further important assets. So it is not surprisingthat in 2006, international Ph.D. students and postdocs were the majority at Swissuniversities (53.6% in full time equivalents). The percentage of foreign professorswas slightly lower, but still impressive at over 45% (Swiss Federal StatisticalOffice). Thanks in part to these international researchers, 3.1% of the Swiss pop-ulation holds an advanced research degree (such as a Ph.D.), the highest numberamong all OECD countries according to 2005 statistics. It is followed by Portugal,Germany, and Sweden, as well as Austria and Finland. The percentages for theU.S. (1.3%) and Japan (0.9%) are much lower.

Patents - Excellent knowledge transfer

One measure of a country’s innovation is the number of patents it can claim sincepatents reveal the number of marketable inventions derived from research.Switzerland is the European country that has filed the most patents in the threeleading patent offices around the globe — the U.S., the European Union andJapan. (OECD 2008). In 2005, Switzerland ranked second in patents per millionpeople, after Japan and before Germany, the Netherlands, Sweden, Korea, Israeland the U.S. (OECD).

3.2 Outstanding public research

Switzerland considers the promotion ofits research to be an important task.Through the Swiss National ScienceFoundation (SNSF), it funds basicresearch at Swiss universities and inde-pendent research institutes. CTI,Switzerland’s Innovation PromotionAgency, supports the transfer of knowl-edge and technology between business-es and universities of applied sciences,universities and research institutes.Switzerland also fully participates inEuropean research programs as an asso-ciate country.

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Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF)

In 2007, the SNSF providedresearch funding totaling CHF531 million to Swiss universi-ties and independent researchinstitutes, supporting basicresearch in a variety of scientif-ic disciplines, ranging from phi-losophy to nanotechnology andfrom engineering to medicine.Its main task is to evaluate theresearch proposals of individualresearchers and provide fund-ing. The SNSF also financescareer programs and specialgrants to assist youngresearchers between their doc-toral thesis and an assistantprofessorship. In addition, the SNSF runs National Research Programmes (NRPs)and National Centres of Competence in Research (NCCRs). NRPs search for scien-tific solutions to pressing social, societal and economic problems such as sustain-able water supply and consumption, smart materials, stem cells and regenerativemedicine, opportunities and risks of nanomaterials, and religion, state and society,whereas NCCRs reinforce long-term research capacities in scientific fields that areof strategic importance to Switzerland (NCCR Table). They also contribute to a moreeffective research structure in Switzerland and strengthen its competitiveness.

Research Park Switzerland 31

Prof. Michael HengartnerInstitute of Molecular Biology,University of Zurich

“After having spent all my professional career in North America, Iwas slightly apprehensive about moving my research lab toSwitzerland. But what a pleasant surprise it was! Thanks to its twooutstanding universities, Zurich is rapidly developing into a Mecca inlife science research: I found excellent infrastructure, generous andstable financial support, inquisitive and eager students, and above allstimulating colleagues who constantly challenge you to give yourbest—all what a scientist's heart desires. And thanks to Zurich'swonderful quality of life (routinely rated #1 in the world), I enjoy mytime outside the lab as much as my time inside it!”

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32 Campus and Research Park Switzerland

National Centres of Competence in Research (NCCR)

Each NCCR consists of a "leading house" and a network of national and internation-al partners. For 2005-2008, Switzerland’s 20 NCCRs received a total of CHF 255 mil-lion in SNSF funding, CHF 360 million in university funding and CHF 95 million inthird-party funding (

National Centres of Competence in Research in Switzerland

Source: Swiss National Science Foundation, 2008

Name/Leading House Focus

Affective Sciences Emotion elicitation and University response patterning, of Geneva emotion regulation

and emotion in social processes

Climate Past climate variability, University of Bern predictability, eco-system

impacts and risks

CO-ME Potential of information ETH Zurich technology to optimize

medical interventions

Democracy New political decision-University of Zurich making processes and

strategies to improve the quality of democracy

FINRISK Risk assessment and University of Zurich models of risk impacts on

decision-making processes

Genetics Function and regulation of University of Geneva genes during cellular and

organism development

Iconic Criticism Dependence of iconic University of Basel criticism in our image-

oriented society

IM2 Prototypes in the fieldIDIAP Research of man-machine Institute interaction

MaNEP New electronic materials University of Geneva and their application

Mediality Link between the formation University of Zurich of cultural meaning and

media forms

MICS Decentralized models of EPFL IT-systems

Name/Leading House Focus

Molecular Basic tumor biology and Oncology the host response to Swiss Institute cancerfor ExperimentalCancer Research ISREC

Nanoscale Science Impact of nanometer scale University of Basel on life sciences, medicine,

biology, nanorobotics, computing or communication

Neuro Restoration of function University of Zurich after damage or disease

of the nervous system

North-South Global change, the University of Bern pressures of these

syndromes and their causes on human, natural, economical resources.

Plant Survival Interactions among plants,University of and between plants, Neuchatel insects and pathogens

Quantum Photonics Interaction of light with EPFL matter

SESAM Mental health and mental University of Basel disorders over a person’s


Structural Biology Quantitative understanding University of Zurich of the 3D-structure of

proteins, their foldings and their interactions with other molecules

Trade Regulation Balance between economic University of Bern and other regulatory


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CTI: The Innovation Promotion Agency —“Science to Market”

The CTI is a federal agency dedicated to promotinginnovation. It serves as an essential link between lab-oratories and industry and helps to rapidly convertstate-of-the-art research findings into commerciallyviable products or services. The agency’s motto is“science to market.” To achieve this aim, the CTI sup-ports research partnerships between universities andprivate companies and focuses on four areas: engi-neering, enabling sciences, micro- and nanotechnolo-gies and life sciences. In 2007, CTI supported nearly 280 projects with about 530companies and most of Switzerland’s universities of applied sciences, universitiesand public research institutes. The CTI funded almost CHF 90 million of total proj-ect costs of CHF 217 million.

European research programs: Switzerland as a full-fledged partner

For a small country like Switzerland, it is extremely important to be integrated asmuch as possible into European and global knowledge networks. Switzerland hasbeen involved in the EU’s Framework Programmes for Research and TechnologicalDevelopment (FP) since 1987, although with limited rights, and was granted fullparticipation as an associated country in 2004 by virtue of bilateral agreements.This allows Swiss researchers the same rights as their EU colleagues and includesaccess to the European Research Council (ERC), the first pan-European researchfunding body. With a budget of EUR 54.6 billion for 2007 – 2013, the seventh FP(FP7) is striving to create a European research area (ERA). Switzerland’s contribu-tion to FP7 will be about CHF 2.4 billion. In FP6 (2003-2006), Swiss researcherswere highly successful at securing an overproportionate share of research grants.

Switzerland is also represented in numerous other European and international institu-tions and programs. Among them are EUREKA, with its economy-oriented researchand development projects, the Human Frontier Science Programme (HFSP) in neuro-biology and molecular biology, the European Space Agency (ESA), and the EuropeanOrganization for Nuclear Research (CERN) on the Swiss-French border in Geneva.

CERN, the European Organization for Nuclear Research, is one of the world’slargest and most respected centers for scientific research. Its business is fundamen-tal physics, finding out what the universe is made of and how it works. At CERN, theworld’s largest and most complex scientific instruments are used to study the basicconstituents of matter—the fundamental particles. It was also at CERN where theWorld Wide Web (www) was invented in 1990. It was originally conceived to meetthe demand for automatic information sharing between scientists all over the world.

The CERN Laboratory sits astride the French–Swiss border near Geneva and is runby 20 European member states. Many non-European countries are involved aswell. In 2006, the total expenditures were CHF 1.26 billion.

Research Park Switzerland 33

Campus and Research Park Switzerland -· Nestlé in the food industry, UBS and Credit Suisse in banking, Swatch in the watch industry, and Novartis and Roche in the pharmaceutical - [PDF Document] (36)

34 Campus and Research Park Switzerland

Public Research Institutions

Basic research takes place primarily at the universities, the four federal research insti-tutes within the ETH Domain (Paul Scherrer Institute, Empa, Eawag and WSL) and themany other public or publicly co-financed research institutes. Universities of applied sci-ences focus on applied research and maintain close contact with the private sector.

Research Institutes (Public or publicly co-financed) Budget 2007

Paul Scherrer Institute (PSI)develops and runs large, com-plex research facilities andplays a special role as a userlab. It is well known for itsenergy research, basic andapplied research in physicsand chemistry, and in thestructural determination ofmaterials, matter, or biologicalmolecules. In the field of can-cer treatment PSI has pio-neered a proton therapy andsuccessfully treated over5,000 patients.

CHF 280 million

Empa is an interdisciplinary research and service institute for materialsciences and technology development. There are five focal points ofEmpa’s research: nanotechnology, adaptive material systems, materialsfor health and performance, natural resources and pollutants, and mate-rials for energy technologies.

CHF 135 million

Eawag is an aquatic research institute committed to the ecological,economical and socially responsible management of water—the pri-mary source of all life. It carries out research, teaching and consultingand forms a link between science and practical

CHF 66 million

WSL, the Swiss Federal Institute for Forest, Snow and LandscapeResearch, focuses on the sustainable use and protection of landscapesand habitats and develops an integrated approach for handling the natu-ral hazards that commonly occur in mountainous countries.

CHF 63 million

Agroscope consists of three agricultural research stations belonging tothe Federal Office for Agriculture: Agroscope Changins-Wädenswil,Agroscope Reckenholz-Tänikon, and Agroscope

CHF 97 million

CSEM, the Swiss Center for Electronics and Microtechnology, is a pri-vately held research and development company active in micro- and nan-otechnologies, microelectronics, systems engineering, microrobotics,photonics, information and communication technologies.

CHF 58 million is a research consortium with eight universities and threeresearch institutions, totaling about 80 collaborative research groupsthat work in systems biology.

CHF ~ 50 millionannually 2008-2011

The Friedrich Miescher Institute (FMI) is devoted to fundamental bio-medical research and is part of the Novartis Research Foundation.Current research focuses on epigenetics, growth control and neurobi-ology.

CHF ~ 50 millionannually

The Swiss Tropical Institute (STI) is a public organization and consistsof four departments: Medical Parasitology and Biology of Infection,Public Health and Epidemiology, Medical Services, and the Swiss Centrefor International Health.

CHF 22 million(2005)

Campus and Research Park Switzerland -· Nestlé in the food industry, UBS and Credit Suisse in banking, Swatch in the watch industry, and Novartis and Roche in the pharmaceutical - [PDF Document] (37)

3.3 Strong and impressive private research

The contribution of private sector research is key to a highly competitive and inno-vative Switzerland. Private companies finance three-quarters of all R&D inSwitzerland. In 2004, private investments amounted to CHF 9.7 billion of a totalCHF 13.1 billion R&D expenditures. This corresponds to a growth in real terms of18% since the year 2000. The pharmaceutical industry accounts for 37% of all pri-vately funded R&D in Switzerland, followed by the machining and tooling sector,research and development companies, andthe information and communication tech-nologies. Eighty-seven percent of privatesector research is funded by large compa-nies with over 100 employees (FederalStatistical Office and economiesuisse).

In 2004, Swiss industry invested about thesame amount for R&D (CHF 9.6 billion) intheir research institutes abroad. More thantwo-thirds of these foreign investmentswere made by the pharmaceutical industry,followed by the nutritional (9%) and chemi-cal (8%) sectors. Another category of R&Dinvestments, mandates given out by the pri-vate sector, more than doubled to CHF 4 bil-

Research Institutes (Public or publicly co-financed) Budget 2007

CSCS, the Swiss National Supercomputing Centre, develops and pro-motes technical and scientific services for the Swiss research commu-nity in high-performance computing. Located in the Italian-speakingpart of Switzerland, CSCS is an autonomous unit of ETH

CHF 19 million

The Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics (SIB) is a private foundation thatcoordinates research and education in bioinformatics throughoutSwitzerland and provides high quality bioinformatics services to thenational and international scientific community.

CHF ~ 15 millionannually

Institute for Research in Biomedicine (IRB) contributes to theprogress of biomedical research by studying basic mechanisms ofimmune defense against bacteria, viruses and tumors, and by findingnew approaches to diagnostics and therapy.

CHF 11 million(2006)

The Swiss Group for Clinical Cancer Research (SAKK) conducts clin-ical cancer trials as a nonprofit organization.

CHF 9 million

The Idiap Research Institute is an independent, nonprofit research foun-dation that conducts cutting-edge research and development in the areasof speech processing, computer vision, information retrieval, biometricauthentication, multimodal interaction and machine

CHF 8 million

Swiss Institute for Art Research is a center for art research and docu-mentation that focuses on art in Switzerland.

CHF 7 million

Research Park Switzerland 35

Campus and Research Park Switzerland -· Nestlé in the food industry, UBS and Credit Suisse in banking, Swatch in the watch industry, and Novartis and Roche in the pharmaceutical - [PDF Document] (38)

lion between 2000 and 2004. In short, the private sector financed R&D totalingmore than CHF 23.3 billion in 2004 and employed more than 37,000 people inR&D, corresponding to over 33,000 full-time equivalents. The biggest R&Demployer is the machinery sector. For more details, see the table below.

36 Campus and Research Park Switzerland

Research and Development of the Private Sector in Switzerland, 2004

Sector Number of Companies R&D Investments R&D Personnel

SME* Large Total % of Full-time % of(CHF mio) companies** (CHF mio) Total equivalents Total

(CHF mio)Food 2579 21 481 502 5% 1943 6%Chemistry 1671 57 629 686 7% 2690 8%Pharmaceuticals 274 15 3550 3565 37% 6018 18%Metals 8810 35 30 65 1% 426 1%Machinery 5428 156 1419 1575 16% 8268 25%High Tech Instruments / Tools (incl. Medical Technology) 2810 116 429 545 6% 2515 8%Information- and communication technology (production and services) 18425 411 794 1205 13% 5238 16%Research and Development 702 438 934 1372 14% 5507 17%Insurances ND ND 143 143 1% 479 1%Total 40699 1249 8409 9658 100% 33084 100%

* Small and medium enterprises, ** Large companies (= companies with more than 100 employees)Source: economiesuisse 2006, based on 2004 data of the Swiss Federal Statistical Office

Dr. Matthias KaiserswerthDirector, IBM Zurich Research Laboratory

“More than 50 years ago, the IBM Research organizationselected Switzerland as the location for its European branch,the IBM Zurich Research Lab. There were very good reasonsfor coming to Switzerland in 1956, and there are at least asmany for staying here today. We have highly skilled peopleand internationally renowned universities and other researchfacilities within short distances. Moreover, the political cli-mate traditionally has been and continues to be characterizedby a strong commitment to innovation, making Switzerland a hotspot for innovation and providing just the right environment for cutting-edge research, which is at the core ofIBM’s business.”

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Case Study: IBM’s European Research Laboratory in Rueschlikon

Switzerland has always been attractive as a location for the headquarters andresearch laboratories of leading global companies like Merck-Serono, ABB, Roche,and Novartis, among others. IBM is one example of the many companies that havebeen working in Switzerland for decades. Other companies such as Google con-tinue to choose Switzerland as their European base, not only because of the excel-lent quality of life but especially for the highly educated workforce and strongresearch universities.

Research Park Switzerland 37

IBM Rueschlikon

The American high-tech companyInternational Business MachinesCorporation (IBM) has located oneof its two European laboratories inRueschlikon, near Zurich. Theworld’s largest IT company has hadthis research laboratory inSwitzerland since 1956. The Zurichlaboratory employs approximately300 individuals, including as manyas 30 visiting scientists who typical-ly stay for several months of inten-sive collaboration. In addition, asteady stream of postdoctoral fel-lows, Ph.D. candidates, and sum-mer students pass through theZurich laboratory. More than 20nationalities are representedamong the research staff mem-bers. The Zurich laboratory is involved in many joint projects with universitiesthroughout Europe in research programs established by the European Union andthe Swiss government.

Throughout the years, scientists of the Zurich lab have made significant contribu-tions. Gerd Binnig and Heinrich Rohrer were awarded the Nobel Prize for Physics in1986 for the invention of the scanning tunneling microscope. One year later, GeorgBednorz and Alex Müller received the same honor for the discovery of high-temper-ature superconductivity. Many other inventions were developed: new techniques totransmit data over telephone lines, to increase the storage density on magnetic harddisks, or to make secure payments over the Internet.

In spring 2005, IBM restructured its European headquarters into two regions—southern/southwest Europe in Madrid and northern/northeast Europe in Zurich. Thisnew headquarter has created around 200 additional jobs.

Research areas:• Systems: servers, storage, networking• Services & Software: privacy and data

protection, information security, fluid andmobile computing, business integrationtechnologies, intelligent business infra-structure

• Science & Technology: life science, mate-rials for semiconductor technology, micro-and nanofabrication, nanoscale science,photonics and optoelectronics, post-CMOS technology, server technology,storage and memory technology

• Industry Solutions: executive briefing facil-ity, forum of latest IBM mobile e-businessoffering and partner technologies

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38 Campus and Research Park Switzerland

Studying in Switzerland

While Switzerland is known for chocolate, cheese and the Alps, one of the country’sbest offerings is its outstanding higher education. This chapter lists the many reasonswhy studying in Switzerland can be an attractive and career-oriented choice for you.(For more information, visit:

4.1 High quality education and low tuition

The Swiss higher education system offers a wide range of first-rate educationalopportunities to national and international students. Switzerland has twelve publicuniversities. ETH Zurich and EPFL, the two federal institutes of technology, areamong the world leaders in science and engineering education and research. Theten cantonal (state) universities provide comprehensive courses in diverse fields ofstudy, and conduct cutting-edge research.

Excellent programs are also offered by the eight universities of applied sciencesand the fifteen universities of teacher education. Moreover, Switzerland is hometo several outstanding special institutes in the areas of International Affairs, PublicAdministration, Finance and Hotel Management.

Switzerland has a long tradition of valuing public education, including higher edu-cation. Due to the substantial public funding—on average around 80%—tuitionfees are low.

Studying in Switzerland means: • High-quality education• World-leading research environment • Low tuition and fees (the universities

are mainly publicly funded) • Wide spectrum of study programs • Many study programs in English

Chapter 4

• Ph.D. candidates are paid work-force

• Low student/faculty ratio and smallworking groups

• Excellent facilities

Campus and Research Park Switzerland -· Nestlé in the food industry, UBS and Credit Suisse in banking, Swatch in the watch industry, and Novartis and Roche in the pharmaceutical - [PDF Document] (41)

4.2 A wealth of master’s and Ph.D. programs in English

The great majority of bachelor’s programs are taught in German, French or Italian.However, for master’s degrees, Master of Advanced Studies, and Ph.D. programs,English has become the main language. A wide range of programs are fully or par-tially taught in English in an international setting, offering attractive opportunitiesfor international students to pursue their postgraduate studies in Switzerland.There is a broad offering of Ph.D. or postdoctoral programs, which are often organ-ized in small working groups. At many Swiss universities, international studentscomprise 50% of total Ph.D. candidates, who are considered part of the workforceand are well paid. They benefit from Switzerland’s position as a center of excel-lence in research, innovation, and international business.


4.3 Admission of foreign students

Applications for admission should be filed directly with the admissions office at theuniversity or university of applied sciences that you wish to attend since they are ulti-mately responsible for admitting foreign students. For bachelor’s programs, an impor-tant requirement for admission is proof of command of the language of instruction.

For admission to a Swiss university, applicants must provide proof of prior educa-tion equivalent to a Swiss “Maturität” (Federal academic baccalaureate), certifyingthat the holder has the general knowledge and skills required to enter a universi-ty. In addition, to be admitted to a university of applied sciences, the applicantmust provide proof of at least one year of work experience in the chosen field.Because Swiss universities and universities of applied sciences may require for-eign students to meet additional admission standards, it is best to contact theadmissions office at the institution of your choice.

Studying in Switzerland 39

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4.4 Scholarships supporting international students

Through the Federal Commission for Scholarships for Foreign Students (FCS), theSwiss government offers scholarships to foreign students from a large number ofcountries. Various Swiss universities offer their own scholarships and are introduc-ing merit scholarships. Within the European Higher Education Area (EHEA),Switzerland participates in the ERASMUS student mobility program and theLEONARDO DA VINCI Vocational Training Program.

4.5. Studying in Switzerland: A website for international students

“Studying in Switzerland” is a comprehensive website designed for foreign stu-dents to explore the excellent study opportunities in Switzerland. Visit the websiteand learn what you need to know about studying in Switzerland.


More Links: serves as a portal to Swiss universi-ties, providing basic information to international students who wish to study inSwitzerland. allows the user to search programs byfields of study, keyword or detailed search.

These brochures give additional insight into the possibilities of studying inSwitzerland:

Studying in Switzerland – Universities:

Studying in Switzerland – Universities of Applied Sciences:

Studying in Switzerland – Universities of Teacher Education:

40 Campus and Research Park Switzerland

Dr. Klaus W. WellershoffChief Economist, UBS AG

“The University of St.Gallen not only provided me with thenecessary background, means and resources for a careerin business, but also gave me real insights into scientificeconomic research. Both aspects are of inestimable valuein my current position.”

Campus and Research Park Switzerland -· Nestlé in the food industry, UBS and Credit Suisse in banking, Swatch in the watch industry, and Novartis and Roche in the pharmaceutical - [PDF Document] (43)


Switzerland’s Knowledge Network

The Swiss knowledge network is a key component of Swiss foreign policy aiming atpromoting education, research and innovation. To this end, Switzerland has formed aworldwide network of science, technology and higher education outposts. It includesswissnex Boston (2000), swissnex San Francisco (2003), swissnex Singapore (2004)and swissnex Shanghai (2007), as well as twelve Science and Technology Counselorsat selected Swiss Embassies. swissnex Bangalore is planned for 2008/09. The net-work is run by the Swiss State Secretariat for Education and Research (SER), in closecooperation with the Federal Department of Foreign Affairs (FDFA).

Along with Europe and the U.S., Switzerland has signaled out India, China, Russiaand South Africa as priority countries for bilateral cooperation, given their provenpotential for scientific and technological development. Brazil, Chile, Japan andSouth Korea have also been identified as secondary priorities.

The mission of Switzerland’s knowledge network is• to strengthen and promote, through original events and projects, Switzerland's

excellence as a prime location for higher education, research, technology andinnovation

• to set up and maintain a robust network of contacts with universities, researchinstitutions, companies, government agencies, governments, and other organi-zations in the host region and in Switzerland

• to support the internationalization of Swiss institutions in the host regions• to support Swiss students and scientists in the host regions • to provide background and analysis for fact-based policy decisions in

Switzerland • to help structure, implement, coordinate and extend bilateral research coopera-

tion programs where they exist


BeijingBrasiliaBrusselsNew DelhiLondonMoscow

ParisRomeSantiagoSeoulTokyoWashington, D.C.

Bern, Swiss State Secretariat for Education and Research (SER)

swissnex LocationsBangaloreBostonSan FranciscoShanghaiSingapore

Science Counselor Locations

Campus and Research Park Switzerland -· Nestlé in the food industry, UBS and Credit Suisse in banking, Swatch in the watch industry, and Novartis and Roche in the pharmaceutical - [PDF Document] (44)

Further Information on Higher Education and Research in Switzerland

Federal InstitutionsState Secretariat for Education and Research:

Federal Office for Professional Education and Technology:

Federal Commission for Scholarships for International Students: – Official platform on education on all levels in Switzerland:

Studying in Switzerland - Universities and Universities of Applied SciencesStudying in Switzerland:

Rectors’ Conference of the Swiss Universities (CRUS):

Rectors’ Conference of the Swiss Universities of Applied Sciences (KFH):

Swiss Conference of Rectors of Universities of Teacher Education (COHEP):

Study Programs in English:

Study Programs at Swiss Universities:

University Rankings:

Science and Research Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF):

CTI: The Innovation Promotion Agency:

National Centres of Competence in Research (NCCR):

National Research Programs (NRP): – The Swiss Portal for Research and Innovation:

Euresearch – Swiss guide to European research:

The Researcher’s Mobility Portal Switzerland:

Swiss Education & Research Network: – Research database of several Swiss universities:

BrochuresStudying in Switzerland – Universities:

Studying in Switzerland – Universities of Applied Sciences:

Studying in Switzerland – Universities of Teacher Education:

Campus and Research Park Switzerland - · Nestlé in the food industry, UBS and Credit Suisse in banking, Swatch in the watch industry, and Novartis and Roche in the pharmaceutical - [PDF Document] (2024)
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Name: Rueben Jacobs

Birthday: 1999-03-14

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Hobby: Candle making, Cabaret, Poi, Gambling, Rock climbing, Wood carving, Computer programming

Introduction: My name is Rueben Jacobs, I am a cooperative, beautiful, kind, comfortable, glamorous, open, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.