Earl Grey Cookies with Lemon Glaze (Shortbread Recipe) (2024)

Earl Grey cookiesare buttery shortbread cookies flavoured with Earl Grey tea leaves and a sweet lemon glaze on top. The lemon glazed cookies are perfect for an afternoon tea or dessert.

Earl Grey Cookies with Lemon Glaze (Shortbread Recipe) (1)

Earl Grey Cookies with Lemon Glaze (Shortbread Recipe) (2)

I’m excited to be participating in the Great Food Blogger Cookie Swap this year! I received delicious holiday cookies from Korena ofKorena in the Kitchen, Elaine ofFlavour and Savour, and Kim ofThe Finer Cookie that we enjoyed very much. I was able to send batches of Earl Grey Cookies with Lemon Glaze to 3 different bloggers, too!



The Best Shortbread Recipe

The best shortbread recipe ever created is my grandma’s. Shortbread was always a staple at my grandma’s house. We’d celebrate our family’s Scottish heritage by using my grandma’s shortbread press to make the most delicious buttery cookies. We made shortbread together often, but it was at Christmastime when I most remember making it (and eating it!), and so I knew I had to make shortbread for this cookie swap! Shortbread recipes call for uncomplicated ingredients like butter, sugar and flour, but there are many different methods to create that tender, buttery cookie with just the right amount of sweetness and the perfect texture.

Earl Grey Cookies with Lemon Glaze (Shortbread Recipe) (3)

The Earl Grey Cookies are so simple to make and so incredibly delicious, that I just know you’re going to love this shortbread cookies recipe!

Looking for more cookie recipes? Try my Ginger Molasses Cookies or my Monster Cookies!

Ingredients Needed to Make Earl Grey Cookies

You only need a few basic ingredients to make this shortbread recipe:

  • unsalted butter
  • sugar
  • sea salt
  • lemon zest
  • one Earl Grey tea bag
  • all purpose flour

and for the lemon glaze:

  • milk
  • powdered sugar
  • lemon zest
  • turbinado sugar for garnish (optional)

You’ll also need one or two non-stick cookie sheets or baking pans. These cookies are as delicious as they are gorgeous! The recipe is perfect for the holidays because the Earl Grey cookies are bite-sized, so they fit nicely onto a holiday cookie platter. The cookies are warm and fresh-tasting with the deep flavour of the Earl Grey tea and the light lemon glaze. And the consistency of the shortbread is perfectly soft and it practically melts in your mouth.



Click HERE to learn more!

Earl Grey Cookies with Lemon Glaze (Shortbread Recipe) (5)

Looking for more easy holiday dessert recipes? Make thisClassic No Bake Cheesecake or theseWhipped Shortbread Holiday Cookies

Earl Grey Cookies with Lemon Glaze (Shortbread Recipe) (6)



These cookies are perfect with a cup of tea, and because they’re only 5 Weight Watchers SmartPoints each, they’re a great little treat for the holidays (4 SmartPoints without the glaze!).

Earl Grey Cookies with Lemon Glaze (Shortbread Recipe) (7)



Click HERE to learn more!

I hope you enjoy this recipe! It was fun to participate in The Great Food Blogger Cookie Swap!

How to Make Earl Grey Cookies with Lemon Glaze

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Earl Grey Cookies with Lemon Glaze

Earl Grey cookiesare buttery shortbread cookies flavoured with Earl Grey tea leaves and a sweet lemon glaze on top. The lemon glazed cookies are perfect for an afternoon tea or dessert.

Earl Grey Cookies with Lemon Glaze (Shortbread Recipe) (9)

5 from 1 vote


By Chrissie (thebusybaker.ca)

Yield 18 cookies

Prep 15 minutes mins

chilling time 2 hours hrs

Cook 20 minutes mins

Total 2 hours hrs 35 minutes mins

Recipe: Ingredients

  • 1/2 cup unsalted butter slightly cooler than room temperature
  • 1/3 cup sugar
  • 1/2 tsp sea salt
  • 1 tsp lemon zest
  • 1/2 Earl Grey tea bag
  • 1 cup all purpose flour
  • 3 tbsp milk
  • 3/4 cup powdered sugar
  • 2 tsp lemon zest
  • turbinao sugar for garnish optional

Recipe: Instructions

  • Add the butter and the sugar to the bowl of a stand mixer fitted with the paddle attachment. Cream the butter and sugar together on medium high speed until the mixture is pale in colour and becomes slightly fluffy.

  • Add the lemon zest, the salt, and the earl grey tea leaves and mix on medium speed until they're all incorporated (scrape down the sides and bottom of the bowl to be sure).

  • Add the flour and mix on low speed just until it's incorporated and no streaks of flour remain.

  • Dump the contents of the bowl onto a clean work surface and shape the dough into a log about 3 to 3.5 inches in diameter. Once the dough is starting to form a log shape, wrap the log of dough in a piece of plastic wrap and roll the log gently in the plastic wrap to create a smooth cylinder. Smooth the ends as best you can and with the dough firmly wrapped in plastic wrap, place it in the fridge for 1-2 hours.

  • Once 1-2 hours have passed, preheat your oven to 325 degrees Fahrenheit and remove the dough from the fridge. Prepare two baking pans by lining them with parchment paper.

  • Remove the log of dough from its plastic wrap and slice a tiny bit off both ends so they're clean and smooth. Slice the log into 18 slices, cutting as evenly as possible. It's a good idea to rotate the log each time you make a slice because this helps it keep its round shape.

  • Shape the cookies a little bit with your fingers, just to make sure there's no flat side left from the slicing and they're completely circular. Place them on your prepared baking trays and bake them for about 22-24 minutes at 325 degrees Fahrenheit or until you see the edges turning the slightest bit of golden brown. Cool them on the baking sheet for about 5 minutes and then transfer them to a cooling rack to cool completely.

  • Once the cookies have cooled completely, whisk together the milk, powdered sugar and lemon zest in a small bowl and drizzle it over the cookies using your whisk. Sprinkle a little bit of turbinado sugar over each of the cookies for a little bit of sparkle, and serve!

Course: Dessert

Cuisine: British

Keywords: best shortbread recipe, earl gray cookies, easy Christmas cookies, holiday desserts

Recipe: Nutrition

Nutrition Facts

Earl Grey Cookies with Lemon Glaze

Amount Per Serving (1 serving)

Calories 105Calories from Fat 45

% Daily Value*

Fat 5g8%

Saturated Fat 3g19%

Cholesterol 14mg5%

Sodium 67mg3%

Potassium 11mg0%

Carbohydrates 14g5%

Fiber 1g4%

Sugar 9g10%

Protein 1g2%

Vitamin A 163IU3%

Vitamin C 1mg1%

Calcium 6mg1%

Iron 1mg6%

* Percent Daily Values are based on a 2000 calorie diet.

Notice: Nutrition is auto-calculated, using Spoonacular, for your convenience. Where relevant, we recommend using your own nutrition calculations.

Earl Grey Cookies with Lemon Glaze (Shortbread Recipe) (10)

Earl Grey Cookies with Lemon Glaze (Shortbread Recipe) (2024)


What is the secret to making good shortbread cookies? ›

Tips To Make the Best Shortbread Cookies
  1. Choose High Quality Butter. No matter what brand of butter you buy, if it's real butter, you can rest assured that it's the best. ...
  2. Keep Ingredients Simple. ...
  3. Add Flavor. ...
  4. Don't Overwork. ...
  5. Shape Dough. ...
  6. Chill Before Baking. ...
  7. Bake Until Golden. ...
  8. Add Finishing Touches.

What's the difference between Scottish shortbread and regular shortbread? ›

Traditional Scottish shortbread is a simple recipe made with sugar, butter, flour, and salt. Other shortbread styles will include leavening agents like baking powder and baking soda, which makes them crisp instead of crumbly like traditional Scottish shortbread.

What is the difference between shortbread and cookies? ›

Compared to butter cookies, shortbread uses a higher ratio of butter to flour, and is baked at a lower temperature. This gives it its signature delicate consistency that crumbles in the mouth when bitten. It's also often baked in a pan and cut up after baking, rather than being cut into shapes before baking.

What is the difference between shortbread and spritz cookies? ›

Shortbread have some snap, thanks to rolling chilled dough.

These shaping differences also give the cookies different textures. Spritz cookies are baked straight away, with no additional rolling or chilling, giving them a more tender crumb.

What are common mistakes when making shortbread? ›

The most common mistakes when making shortbread are over-working the dough, and incorporating too much flour. The less you work the dough, the more crumbly and melt-in-your-mouth your shortbread cookies will be.

Is powdered sugar or granulated sugar better for shortbread? ›

Confectioner's sugar.

This is the secret to the tender texture and perfect sweetness of these cookies.

When making shortbread, what must you not do? ›

Avoid making your shortbread too thick

This is much thicker than a roll-and-slice sugar cookie — or really any other popular type of cookie. If you keep your dough any thicker, you risk the dough coming out of the oven raw. If it's any thinner, the cookie will have a crispy texture with the snap of a graham cracker.

What is the new name for shortbread? ›

Shortbread is now Trefoils®!

What are shortbread called in England? ›

In British English, shortbread and shortcake were synonyms for several centuries, starting in the 1400s; both referred to the crisp, crumbly cookie-type baked good, rather than a softer cake.

Do you cut shortbread before or after baking? ›

Immediately cut the shortbread, while it's warm; if you wait until it's cool, it won't cut easily. Using a pizza wheel or sharp knife, cut each round into 12 wedges. If you've baked squares, cut each square into four smaller squares, then cut each of those into thirds to make a total of 24 strips (12 per pan).

What is shortcake vs shortbread? ›

This buttery delight uses baking powder to help it rise, giving it a fluffy consistency. Shortcakes are often split and topped with strawberries and cream. Shortbread is similar to shortcake but doesn't include baking powder. Lots of rich butter gives shortbread a high fat content, resulting in a fine, crumbly texture.

How do you know if shortbread cookies are done? ›

The surface of the shortbread should be a toasty light brown when it is cooked. It should never appear raw or slightly opaque in the middle. If it is under-baked in the middle, it will probably stick in the pan when you go to unmold it.

What is the number one selling cookie in America? ›

Oreo is the best-selling cookie in the world. It is now sold in over 100 countries. Oreo was first produced in 1912 by the National Biscuit Company, now known as Na-Bis-Co. But did you know Oreos are a copycat product?

Are lady fingers shortbread? ›

Shortbread is a tight crumb, crisp, and buttery cookie, yet ladyfingers are light, airy, and meringue-based. So the two are very different cookies in several ways. However, both ladyfingers and shortbread are often used in trifles and other layered desserts.

What did shortbread Girl Scout cookies used to be called? ›

Trefoils were also the first Girl Scout Cookie back in 1935, when the Girl Scout Federation of Greater New York raised enough money through the sale of commercially baked cookies to buy it's own die in the shape of a trefoil.

Is it best to chill shortbread dough before baking? ›

After shaping the cookies, don't rush to the oven! Instead, chill the dough in the refrigerator for 30 minutes or so (overnight is OK, too). A short stay in the fridge will firm up the cookies and solidify the butter. This will help keep them from spreading too much.

Should butter be cold when making shortbread? ›

Should butter be cold or room temperature for making shortbread? Always start with cold butter straight from the refrigerator. This will keep the dough from warming up, making it greasy and difficult to roll out.

What are the qualities of a good shortbread? ›

Good shortbread is pale, buttery, crunchy, and 'short'. This means it crumbles at every bite, giving that characteristic shortbread texture. It shouldn't be soft or chewy like cookies, and it shouldn't be browned.

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