Little poor Ole me - SmUtTLoVeR (2024)

Chapter 1: Human ambassador

Chapter Text

Loud ringing blast through the halls as the shouts of Sister Kate echoes across the rooms, groans and whines pierces the air as sleep drugged bodies sluggishly move from out their beds. Of course you watch from your perch up in the support beams, not even fazed as your ear flicks tail curling lazily as you watch your roommates drag their foggy minded brains to the shared bathroom.

You yawn, bored. Same ole morning with the same ole people the sun hasn’t even risen all the way yet, but that’s how she likes it. As she says ‘the early bird gets the worm which is plump with opportunities' rolling your eyes as you can hear her saying the term, you jump down from your hiding spot.

She will blow a fuse if she were to see you in the support beams ‘Oh Y/N! How many times must I tell you the support beams aren’t spots to lounge on! You can get hurt!’ of course you ignore her. If you listened to half of the sh*t, she has sprouted you'll be another Abigail. Walking to the shared bathroom you push open the door, Trixie, Vivvy and Tina tiredly get ready for the day, two of them showering as the third is brushing her teeth. The shared bathroom is small, by the door on the left side is a long counter, three sinks with a long mirror stretching across.

On the right side are two small stalls, the toilets are inside, on the far right of the toilets are four shower stalls, a flimsy white curtain blocking the entrance, the only bit of privacy you do have.

Walking inside your pawed feet slap quietly against the wet cold tiled floor, tail puffing up as you hiss lowly in discomfort, you hate the cold. Ignoring it, you walk toward a sink. Grabbing your toothbrush as you apply animal friendly toothpaste on top. You learned the hard way when you tried to use human toothpaste. Your mouth was burning for weeks.

Opening your mouth and examining your teeth, you're still amazed by how sharp they are. But then again you don’t stare at your mouth often…you still remember, being six going through the transitions first it was an extreme pain in your eyes and ears. Eyes physically changing becoming sharper vision being more clearer. Then your ears, shifting and reforming become cat-like.

From six to ten your human teeth have fallen out, growing in new sharper cat-like ones also your love of meat started to blossom as well. You wouldn’t forget the time you actively hunted a bird, broke your leg and arm while falling out of the tree. Cat reflexes didn’t kick in yet But you had the damn bird in your mouth. Sister Kate damn near fainted at the site. You hold back a giggle at the memory.

Spitting out the paste you start to brush your tongue, that has also changed more rough, course someone caught you grooming your leg a few times, at first it was embarrassing but you started doing it more privately and well it was soothing. You also have the urge to groom others but you hold yourself back. Rinsing your mouth out, you put up your toothbrush as you look at yourself in the mirror. Your shoulder length hair is down, bangs covering your eyes but you can see clearly through them.

You reach up pinching the ends of your blended black and white hair, another mutation of course, parts of your are stark white. No color will stay no matter how many times you try to dye it. It matches with your lower body, from belly button down your legs and lower abdomen is covered in calico type fur inner thighs and your…special spot is white, as the side, back and front of your hind like back legs are covered in splotches of black, and orange with stripes. Your paws are not spared from the random spots of black and orange, only one toe is white.

My tail is the same, if you were to look at me well waist up I just look like a girl with cat ears and cat like eyes, moving downward and well…Sighing you stare at your eyes, the whites are green, forest green vibrant and glowing. Your Pupil being a black tiny thing, expands and shrinks depending on your mood. But the ones who've known you the longest go by your tail, it gives you away more.

Tina looks over at you as she is drying her face, she is two years younger than you are. And one of the ten humans that resides here. She is Fifthteen short Hispanic mixed African American child she is also one of the five human kids who are biracial. Of course there are some mutes that were biracial before the mutation but you can’t tell that anymore.

“How long have you been awake?” and extremely nosy. She is the youngest out of our little group. Always have to know how and when something is done. “Mmm a few hours before Sister Kate” she frowns “you're never up earlier though… unless…. you had a nightmare” she whispers the last part as her face shifts from curiosity to pity.

Everyone here knows of my origin story, how I came to be and the gruesome past that transpired before the cops found me. They also know of the nightmares I have because of that past. I shrug “mm couldn't sleep” I mumble she looks skeptical.

A scoff comes from behind me looking through the mirror. Vivvy steps out her shower stall, towel wrapped around her as her beak pulls up in a sneer. “You. Can’t sleep? f*cking lie we both know it” she rubs the towel against her feathered body “Everyone here knows that you sleep like a damn log, napping and dozing off throughout the day. So don’t give Tina the “can’t sleep” bullsh*t”

I glare at her through the mirror, I have a strong desire for a bird right now. Exhaling, I roll my eyes turning around facing her as I cross my arms over my chest back leaning against the counter. “I think I smell burning chicken” she squawks looking offended at my comment as I giggle “oops did I say that out loud?” she hisses “count your f*cking days Y/N last time I checked your next to age out, not surprising considering no wants a damage cat”

“Is that all you have to throw at me?” I giggle “then again you are a chicken, they are not the smartest of the bunch” her beak opens but Trixie slips out slime body bouncing up and down slowly as she walks out the shower “guuuyyyssss…stoooaapppp” she slurs out. Blue goop slipping off her body and onto the floor.

Vivvy face scrunches up as Tina shakes her head sighing, I take this as my time to sneak out walking into our room. It's plain; four beds in front of a wall. Each bed has a closet a few feet in front of it along with a tiny desk on the right side. My bed is by the window, the last in the row farthest away from the door. A tiny ledge is below the window, I nap there when the sun shines through, perfect basking spot. I walk to my side with heavy fluffy blankets and pillows thrown around over the bed, a few joggers or shorts here and there and I think a shirt is laying limply on the bed.

My side is well…a mess but it's a perfect mess….my mess…Walking toward my closet I open the creaky door it whines as I pull it away from its counterpart, crying as it's pulled away from its lover. I shuffle through the pile of clothes, grabbing some joggers and an oversized half shirt that has one gray large fishbone on it.

Slamming it shut as Tina, Vivvy, and Trixie walk out the bathroom. Walking past the three I walk into our shared bathroom. Taking off my shorts and oversized shirt, I slip on the joggers making sure my tail slides through the hole in the back and my paws are not getting caught on the bottom of the pants. Sliding on the shirt I look in the mirror, lazy and unkept stares back at me. I smirk. Purrfect.

I look around for a hair tie finding one I put my hair in a messy short ponytail. Fluffing out my bangs before turning and walking out the bathroom. The three are getting dressed as I walk out the room, walking down the old worn out brown wood floor. I distantally hear Sister Kate's voice, hollering about something important. My ear flicks and nose scrunches as she speaks about a Human ambassador or some sh*t like that.

Walking down the stairs I watch as a range of children and pre teens scurry about rushing to get to the dining room or to get ready. Sister Kate stands in the middle in front of the front door. Have I mentioned she is a human? Will she is, and she is a very tall thin woman, high pitched voice that's borderline screeching when she speaks. Her lackey sweet abigail is beside her tail wagging excitedly as her dog body waits for any command. She is a bulldog.

Sister Kate eyes catches mine as I try my best to sneak past her, she grimaces “Y/N! How many times must I tell you to dress presentable?! This is unexpectable! You must change immediately!” ears lowering against my head as I try to muffle her voice I simply walk past her.

She can kiss my furry ass if she thinks I'm changing. Hearing her scoff behind me I walk into the dining room, kids laughing and talking loudly as others play around shoving each other as they sit in their seats. I find my way in the back away from the noisy children and by the quiet or otherwise low speaking pre teens or teens. There are eight tables, four kids at each. Each table is a room, or kids closely related in age. Each table is in a row four on one side and four on the other.

Sitting down my roommates walks through the doors, along with the breakfast bell. Any stragglers make it in before Sister Kate as she closes the doors behind her. “GOODMORNING MY CHILDREN!” she shrieks as she looks over at us yelling over the rowdy kids that haven’t shut up yet. Kids getting the hint and quieting down she smiles “we are so lucky today! We have two special guests visiting us today, the human ambassador and one of the young princes. They are looking to adopt a few of you all and to give to monsters who are in need of some special young children” code word for snotty brats and monsters who can’t make a child of their own.

“They will be picking five of you all, so it’s best you be on your best behavior, a happy child, a child that will be taken home” A knock vibrates against the large door, Sister Kate jumping as she turns swinging them open. Two figures stand, if it wasn’t for Sister Kate telling me that they are two different people I'll think they were siblings.

They both have short shoulder length hair and bangs, but they are completely different shades. The one with the purple sweater with two pink stripes across they have a dark skin tone..sunkissed skin also their hair is a darker brown . Also their eyes are closed, I hope they aren’t blind. It will be hard picking out a kid you can’t see. The other one is….creepy. Sickly pale skin, the only thing that has color are their cheeks…and eyes… eyes a ruby red, dark and glistening like spilled blood their hair is a lighter brown almost blonde toward the ends. They wear an olive green sweater with two yellow stripes across the middle. Both sporting brown shorts and shoes. The purple sweater one has lots of bandaids on their legs and fingers they even have one on their cheek.

The creepy one is lean and tall; they look around boredly as their counterpart practically vibrates with excitement, a head shorter and a slim build. They walk in the creepy one speaks voice low but loud enough for all of us to hear. “I’m sorry for the intrusion, it seems frisk here was too excited to wait for lunch..I hope you don’t mind” even if Sister Kate did mind she has enough sense to keep her mouth shut. The way the creepy one speaks has my fur standing on end.

Frisk waves excitedly, they start to move their hands, signing? The creepy one watches before speaking again “oh right, I am chara and this here is frisk. I’m assuming your keeper has told you of our roles, therefore I have nothing further to say other than” they look at Sister Kate “may we?” Sister Kate nods for once quiet in her life.

Chara takes the lead, walking down the aisles of each table. Stopping and looking at Frisk as they lean down pulling out a notepad and pen from their pocket before scribbling down whatever they are writing. The kids will read whatever is on the pad and speak to Frisk or Chara . Frisk will nod while listening to them, then they will straighten up signing to Chara, Chara will look at the kids they will either; shrug, frown or nod. Frisk will then look at the table and smile at a kid scribbling on a pad. The kid will smile brightly, get up and is guided over to a proud Sister Kate.

They will repeat this process, down the tables. Some tables don't pick a kid and some they do. By time they make it to my table they have one kid left to pick. Vivvy, Tina, and Trixie perks up as they walk over, Chara looking hella over it as Frisk smiles warmly at us. Frisk flips the notepad.

Hii I am frisk! I am the Monster’s Ambassador as you have heard from my friend Chara! I have a few questions to ask so Please answer honestly!’

Flipping a page questions are written down, it's only five and they are pretty simple

‘What's your name’

‘How old are you’

‘What is your mutation? Or race’

‘’What do you know about second genders? And do you know yours?’

‘Do you want a family?’

Vivvy is the first to open her beak “I am Vivvy I am seventeen years old, I am half chicken I don’t know much about them but I do know it tells you if you're an Alpha, Gramma, Beta, Delta, Omega, or the rare and almost mythical Enigma I am also a beta and yes I want a family” she answers with an air of confidence. Frisk smiles and looks over at Tina. Chara's face twitches but other than that stays in a blank face. Tina smiles “I am Tina, I am sixteen years old..I’m biracial i’m mixed with hispanic and african american. I do not have a second gender…but I do know of the basics”

Frisk hums Trixie opens her mouth to speak but gets interrupted “sorry kid, but no one is looking for a slime” body deflating as Chara says this emotionlessly. Frisk smiles drop as they turn and glare at them. Chara shrugs “better not to have her waste her breath” Frisk starts to sign aggressively toward Chara. They just ignore them. and Frisk eventually gives up and sighs they give Trixie a sad smile.

Now frisk turns to me, as well as Chara. Chara studies me as Frisk smiles softly “eh..can I skip?” Vivvy gasp offended as Tina eyes widen even Trixie looks at me like I just assaulted the world's president…. Not like we have one anymore.. Chara perks up as Frisk frowns. They look up at Chara as Chara looks amused. “And why not….kitty?” I glare “because I simply don’t want to” Chara chuckles.

“And if I told you, don't you have a choice?” I shrug “I'll report you are taking away my basic rights” Chara blinks slowly as Frisk giggles. Frisk closes the notebook, sliding it in their pocket.

They sign to Chara, Chara looks irritated and glares at them their face morphs from irritation to full blown annoyance. They laugh without humor glaring over at me “congrat kid, you're the last one” I blink body freezing as my brain shuts down.

A screech escapes Vivvy as she whips her head to look at Chara “WHAT?! HER!?” Chara shrugs unfazed by Vivvy squawking “frisk likes her” Vivvy looks tore as she starts to cry “I can’t believe this” she sobs as Tina hugs her rubbing her back.

sh*t you can’t believe it? Neither can I. “I…I think your mista- A notebook is shoved in my face stopping me mid sentence.

‘I know a tired person when I see it, dressed lazily, hair unkempt” What? I put it in a ponytail. That’s good enough! ‘not trying to show off because you're tired of the same process happening over and over. Your body language speaks louder than any other answers to question we may give you’

Frisk smiles pulling away the notebook, giving me a thumbs up. Chara turns and starts to walk toward Sister Kate. “Come on, we got hella sh*t to do” they grumble as Frisk gasps, slapping their arm.

I slowly get up, kids faces changing from happy to shocked as I walk past the tables. Even Sister Kate looks shook.

Chapter 2: New Faces


HIIII Nice to see you stuck around! I'm so happy! I usually don't do this unless I already had it planned to update more than once in a day, but considering I am just buzzing with excitement for this fic I decided to post another chapter! Took me a while but I did it! I hope you enjoy it! Also, I really appreciate comments I like to know what you're thinking, and if you want something to happen in this fic just let me know! I'll be more than happy to include it!

Chapter Text

Sister Kate guides Chara and Frisk along with the other four kids, down the hall and it seems like I am the oldest out of the bunch; the youngest is six. Sister Kate seems…. nervous she walks stiffly as we arrive at her office. She opens the door letting Chara and Frisk in before walking in herself. Closing the door gently behind her.

The four kids chat excitedly among themselves, actually as I look at them, they are…an odd bunch and one human... should have known monsters would want a human but the other three are confusing, a girl who is half bunny, a boy that is a fox, a boy that is a skunk and well the human. The human I understand they will probably show them off as trophy. As for the others well I don't know....but ..I feel bad for whoever is stuck with me.

Walking toward the door I press my ear against it, it doesn't hurt to be nosy. Some shuffling is heard before dragging some chairs. Someone clears their throat before speaking, “b..before we move on to the…adoption process” sounds like Sister Kate “I would like to ask…why Y/N?” my heart shutters…why should I be surprised; I always knew that woman had it out for me..

“Why not? You got a problem with our choice?” lowly growls Chara, they sound pissed. Sister Katie Sputters “O.Of course not! It’s just..isn’t she a bit old…compared to t..the other children” a dark chuckle floats around the room “what does her age have to do with her being adopted? She is under the age of eighteen?” a squeak of a chair.

“w..well she is…she is under the age of eighteen…b.but she is....oh dear…Y/N is a troubled child, horrible upbringing just awful. Poor thing was found in a house full of dead relatives” Great way of exposing my past traumas “she is closed off and very reserved I think it would be too hard for her future Guardians”

“Listen here…Sister..just give me the damn papers to sign, whatever f*cked up sh*t your trying to do to jeopardize her isn’t going to work, I don’t know what grudge you have against her, but she is a kid. And like most kids they want to get adopted”

My heart flutters…is…are they…?

“Now slide the papers over, we can make this quick and easy. Frisk friends are dying to meet their kids and I don’t have the patience or time to explain to them why it took so long for them to be delivered, now that I think about it, we paid you a hefty amount to skip all the visitation bull crap I’m also starting to think we paid you a little too much. Since your thin ass is still yapping ” Shivering at the dark murderous tone I step away from the door.

Did they…did they take up for me?

But why?

The door opens as a very guilty and shook looking Sister Kate walks out, her smile is a grimace as she looks down at the overly excited kids. Chara walks out with a pleased look on their face. And Frisk looks nervous.

“Children…so it seems your new mommies and daddies are so excited to meet you that they have skipped the visitation process..”a kid's face furrowed as another looks confused and... scared? “Now don’t be scared, it just means they love you already! They have your room stuffed with toys. Just waiting for you to play with them” the kids smile one even starts to jump. “Now go pack your things, you have twenty minutes so be fast, we can’t wait all day” as she says this, she looks up at me.

“Roger” she glares at me as I smirk “what? Isn’t that a command?” her glare intensifies and I giggle, turning as I walk up the stairs.

Walking down the hallway I approach my room door, opening it as I walk toward my bed. Sitting down I reached under my bed grabbing the suitcase we all were given the first day we arrived, I walked over to my closet swinging open the door ignoring the sharp wail.

I start to stuff my clothes inside; oversized shirts, bras, panties, joggers, shorts, half shirts, regular shirts all the like, I pull off pictures that’s taped on the doors and inside of my closet.

Closing the top but not zipping it I close the closet door,

Walking over to my bed, I lift the mattress, I pull out a picture and an envelope, I slide it in the front part of the suitcase. I look down at my cover and pillows groaning as I start the long process of folding and stuffing it in, it doesn’t fit…

Of course it doesn’t fit…..Sighing I leave it on the floor as I grab my pillows. At least I can take these. I look back at my basking spot, walking over. I grab drawings from off the walls beside the window and my sketch pad throwing it over to my suitcase. Walking to my desk I grab my pencils and colored pencils along with the cheap ass watercolor's. Dragging the case I walk toward the bathroom. Walking toward the sink I grab my hygiene essentials, stuffing them in the case before zipping it up.

Walking out the bathroom I walk out the room, shutting the door behind me as I walk back down the old worn-out wooden floor and down the stairs. Looking over at the four kids who are waiting patiently my face heats up as I realize they were waiting on me.

“Took you long enough” Ignoring Chara I look at Frisk. They seem happy as they open the door, the four kids run up and hug Sister Kate, I walk out. f*ck her.

I hear byes coming from the window, looking back I see Tina and Trixie waving goodbye. Vinny is crying, no not crying she is full blown sobbing. I doubt it’s because I'm leaving… Looking forward I pause a huge I mean 8 ft tall goat lady stands in front of me has on purple like robes, her fur is white and fluffy with two short white horns her ears are large and floppy she stands there, one hand on top of another as they are laid gently in her lap. She smiles a soft smile, and a motherly warmth surrounds her “hello dear child" her voice is soothing; it reminds me of my…mothers… “I’m so happy to meet you. I am Toriel” My head tilts to the side as my tail flicks “your my new mom?” she blushes “Oh No! I.I already have children I’m just here to drive you and your four other friends to group house. There you’ll meet your pack" my brows furrow


“Oh dear, did Chara not explain?” she sighs “I swear that child…" looking exasperated "You are being adopted into a pack my dear, you do know what a pack is” I shake my head


“Of course you don't, you're a damn cat” Toriel gasps as Chara flops their arm around my shoulders. “I would be surprised if a little kitty like you knew what a pack was” they coo looking down at me mocking.

I hiss, teeth baring as my ear's plants down against my head “f*ck off" I growl Chara laughs removing their arm from my shoulder and stepping back “Mm someone is pissy”

“Chara Language! Same with you child!" scolds Toriel. Frisk walks over with the other four kids; they are crying as Frisk pats their head trying to console and comfort.

“Oh you poor dears!” Toriel huge ass swoops down picking them up as she nuzzles them “Ms. Toriel is here there there you’ll meet your new packmates soon” she coos. They cling to her as Frisk takes their bags, dragging them to the trunk of the minivan.

Opening it they push them in, I walk over with my bag. They look over and smile as I push my bag in. They pull out their notepad scribbling something down before showing me.

‘I am so happy! The kids are the sweetest and so nice! Your pack alpha’s will absolutely adore you all!’

I frown, “pack? Alpha? Um…can you explain?” The door car door opens “we can explain more of that child when we arrive at the group house, I bet your Alphas are getting antsy” closing the door, Toriel she looks back at the two of us. “Now let's go, we have quite the journey”

Closing the trunk Frisk nods walking around and toward a door, opening it they get in. I walk around the car following Frisk, they scoot over as I get in. Chara comes around closing the door before walking around and getting in the front.

I look around the van, how long has it been since I was in a car? f*ck…my tail curls around my waist. Not since…

“Come on Y/N! We are going to be late!” The car door gets swung open as I am pulled out. Running behind my brother as we run down the run-down sidewalk jumping over the cracks, we run up the steps to the porch, he swings open the screen door it hits nosily against the wall as he shoves open the front door.




A harsh slap brings me out as I hear harsh breathing…wait…that’s me…muffled yelling but I can’t figure out what’s being said..

“D..don…t h…hit Her!”

“Aye! Kitty snap out of it!” hands grasp my face as it's lifted up, my blurry vision focuses on two dark bloody jeweled eyes.

“Breathe…follow hold it…out..again no no follow me kitty cat…in hold. Out.”

Inhale. Hold. Exhale. Inhale. Hold. Exhale.

My vision clears as a cheeky looking Chara stare back at me “ahhh there she is, damn almost gave poor Frisk a scare. Even mom was worried, but she is always a worry wart so that’s nothing new” They are on their knees, in front of me.

“Well than, looks like the hag wasn’t lying about you having problems”

“Chara!” scolds Toriel as Frisk gasp, slapping their arm, they laugh “don’t worry kid, we all have our baggage” pulling away they look me over.

“I’m happy Frisky here saw the signs, would’ve been a pain to get you out during a flow blown attack” turning around they shove Frisk aside “sh*t you even got me to give up the front seat”

Toriel exhales a long deep sigh “Chara language, thank goodness you are alright child, you gave us quite the scare” she smiles at me through the review mirror “but worry not as we are pulling up into the group house” as she says this the car stops

Looking outside I look at a Ranch style house, two story with a beautiful dark brown hue. Large and opens windows in the front as a wide porch wraps around the whole house, lifting the front part higher than the rest. A porch swing sits on the far-right side of the door, facing toward the house as the sun perfectly shines down on it, my skin shivers as I faintly feel the warmth spreading against my skin.

The house is in the middle of a grassy field, short grass around the front of the house but it's gets longer toward the back, my noise twitches.

Van door opening, Toriel steps out, opening the Van door beside me. Wasting no time I practically jump out, paws hitting soft grass. I resist the urge to fall down and roll around in the dirt, it's very…refreshing a soft purr rumble from my throat as I walk around in the grass.

The Front door slams open, jumping. I scurry back tail puffed up as my ears are pinned back Hissing at the figure that steps out.

“Woah there! Didn’t mean ta scare Ya!” Giant White fluffy paws hold up in surrender “Howdy! I am Asgore.” Another huge ass goat stands before me, looking somewhat similar to Toriel but with blonde wild hair paired with a mustache and beard. His voice is deep but warm. He also wears Pink Hawaiian shirt and Khaki shorts with light brown loafers.

“Asgore! How many times do I have to tell you to be more gentle with the doors!”Toriel glares at the giant goat man as she walks over, carrying two children in both of her arms. The other two cling to her robes. “Make yourself useful and help Chara and Frisk with the bags” looking back at me her glare turns into a warm gaze. She smiles down at me “come now” turning as she walks up the stairs.

I follow, she walks through the door multiply scents hit me at once. My nose scrunches as I sneeze. Toriel giggles, walking from the front door and into an open space living room my eyes widen as I stare at the figures in front of me.

A giant wolf, A..spider lady...? , a burning fire…man? And a tall ass fish lady.. Eyes trailing down the end of the line my heart clenches in fear as I feel all warmth leave my body.

My ears pin back as my tail tucks between my legs. Fur standing on end as I fight back a growl in the back of my throat.

No f*cking way

Am I seeing two Giant ass skeletons?

Chapter 3: Introductions


For the night owls around the world, here is an update...and if you aren't oh well, here is an update.

Chapter Text

A Hand slides down my hair in the middle of my head between my ears, scratching my scalp lightly “calm down kitty, they might look mean but they are harmless” says Chara

Glaring over at them I push their arm, removing their hand from my hair. Leave it to them to invade your personal space. They smile cheekily at me as I glare a low growl slipping between my bared teeth.

They giggle seeming to enjoy my misery,

“I ASSURE YOU HUMAN; WE ARE NOT TO BE TAKEN LIGHTLY!” jumping I look back over at the skeleton. His voice is shrill and high pitched, my ears ache as they flatten down on my head.

Standing ten feet tall and having sharp wicked looking teeth, a long-jagged scar running down his right eye, as his red eye lights glared at the two of us. His posture holds confidence and power, he wears a tattered red scarf around his neck with a black armor chest plate, it is cut off as his lower spine shows black jeans with a two studded black belt lay that over his hip bones, bright red boots stop mid-calf having a slight heel at the bottom.

“Ignore him, he might be loud but a big ole softy!” coos Chara.

He glares Witherly down at them. Looking over at the other skeleton, he is rather…big… looking almost fat? How can a skeleton be fat? Shaking my head I stare at him. He looks far more intimidating than the tall skinny one, having a large uncomfortable looking hole on the side of his skull. Only having one huge red eye light that wobbles in a socket as the other is pitched black; he wears an oversized gray jacket with fur lined up on the hood. The jacket is zipped up as his hands are in his pockets, he wears worn out black converse that are untied as he leans back slouching almost, his teeth pulled up in a strained grin.

“Heya punk! I thought we agreed to be nice!” shouts out a rough voice, looking over at the fish lady who screams at Chara, she is blue with fins for ears? with ruby red hair, kinda reminds me of Chara eyes. It's pulled up in a ponytail. She is tall but short compared to the two skeletons and Asgore, she wears a black tank top and ripped jeans and red boots on her feet she glares over at Chara with one yellow eye. The other is covered with a black eye patch.

“I am being nice” a tiny giggle comes from the spider

“uhuhuhu” snickering as one of her eight hands covers her fanged mouth, she has five black eyes. No pupil in sight, she wears a puffy red dress with dark purple stockings covering her legs and she wears short cut red heeled boots. A bow on top as long on top of the front of her dress, she even has tiny bows on the end cuffs of her short sleeves of her dress. They are dark purple, her hair is short and black, bangs covering her forehead as her hair is pulled into two pigtails, dark purple bows on them as well.

“How about we do introductions first? I think it will be nice for the children to tell us who they are” Toriel puts down the two kids as the other two stand beside her “how about you dear? Would you like to go first in introducing yourself to your future pack alpha’s?” she asked the little half bunny, half human girl.

Deciding to drown them out I look over at the giant dog, gray armor adoring their body as their black eyes stare at Toriel and the child with intense concentration, tail wagging as they simply wait for her to be finished. Their fur is white and fluffy, kinda like snow…

Eyes shifting you finally land on the fire monster, you're amazed their clothes haven’t burned off. They are dark purple wearing a snazzy black fancy looking suit with fur around their shoulders, you can’t make out any facial features other than the eyes, and they are a light lilac color. Slanted and calculating.

A soft paw lands on my shoulder, breaking out of me thoughts you turn. Looking at Toriel as she looks down at you smiling “mind telling us who you are dear?”

“Mmnn.. name is Y/N…” she smiles “wonderful, can you tell us your age and what you like to do for fun?”

“seventeen…I like to sleep” Toriel seems pleased, but you can see a little bit of concern in her eyes.

“Hmm, how about a hobby? ”


She blinks

“Other than sleeping”

“Basking in the sun”

She smiles “Ah a nice way to get vitamin D, and fresh air”

I nod “perfect for a nap”

She just stares at me as a few giggles are heard beside me

“You have quite the humor don’t you?” I shrug “it’s the cat in me”

She turns looking over at the monsters, smile strained “Now with the children's introductions out of the way, why don’t you all introduce yourselves.”

The fish lady steps up hitting her fist against her chest “I am Undye! One of the captains of the royal guard! I am the alpha of my pack. It's best to remember me, punks!” seeming pleased she steps back.

A scoff is heard from beside her, a roll of eyelights as the tall skinny skeleton hands moves behind his back clasping around each other as he tilts his head up looking down at all of you with a unyielding stare “I AM THE GREAT AND TERRIBLE EDGE, I AM APART OF THE ROYAL GUARD, ONE OF THE TWO ALPHA’S IN MY PACK” hand letting go of the other as he flings it carelessly over at the bigger skeleton.

He just stares, eye light shirking, then expanding “butcher…” he tumbles out, voice deep. Real deep. Your body shivers as your tail curls around your leg. He is by far the deepest voice you heard.

“A man of few words uhuhu” the spider lady says “I am Muffet dearies Alpha of my pack” she smiles mischievously. “The lad beside me is Gib, he doesn’t like to speak but he is the other member of my pack he is a delta. And the big fluffy dog beside me is lesser dog, he is also a delta and apart of my pack”

My ear twitches as I start to feel irritated “what is a pack?” the question slips out before you can stop it, gaining the attention of all monsters in the room.

“A pack is a group of members that care for each other, to put it simply punk” Undye hip co*cks to the side as her hand sits on top of it “weren’t you taught about pack and pack dynamics?”

“” Undye blinks as a giggle escapes Muffet.

“Who all knows about pack dynamics?” she asks

The bunny girl and Fox boy raises their hands…but that’s about it.

“Oh my” comments Toriel “looks like we have a lesson!”

Chara groans“Of course we do, leave it to mom to make any situation into a lesson” Toriel seems proud.

“Why of course, how else are you supposed to learn?”

Chapter 4: Emotional meltdown


Another update! Also please excuse the last chapters if I have gone in and out of different narratives, I will go back and fix it, as I was uploading a different fanfic and a book (which is on Inkitt) at the same time as uploading this fanfic. They all have different narratives and once i'm in the writing zone my mind kinda sticks on one, and my stupid ass don't realize until someone (a reader from my Inkitt story) pointed out! So now I gotta go back and fix any mistakes (which is a whole damn chapter on my Inkitt story!!!!) This story is supposed to be in first person! I know the first chapter was in second BUT! I did that on purpose, (easier for me to explain things on second than first personally) But as you saw it changed into first after explaining how you looked. And stayed into first for the next three chapters! SO! if you see 'you and your' it is a mistake and I need to go back and fix it!!

Chapter Text

“How about you all sit down and get comfortable, while I go and get the whiteboard” turning she walks out, Lesser dog sits on the floor as Muffet sits on the couch by the window, Gibs sits beside her as Undye sits beside lesser dog. Edge sits on a bench beside the fireplace as Butcher continues to stand.

He watches you all eerily.


Looking away from him I look around the room, it’s nice and big, spacious.

It has a high ceiling with an abstract bulb chandelier, windows covering every inch of the walls, large and wide. All sorts of couches, chairs and benches litter around the floor with plush rugs underneath.

A fireplace sits in front of I with a TV on top, it's large with pictures and trophies. A coffee table sits in the middle with a vase of yellow flowers, looking behind you, two steps leading into a nice and large kitchen, lots of counter tops, looks very expensive.

On the far left of the kitchen by the front door are some stairs, looking up more I see a wooden-like fence. Behind you can see just a glimpse of a couch and a coffee table.

Looking away from that I look back over at the group, a hallway on the right of the fireplace, where Toriel disappeared off too.

Looking around I find a comfy looking recliner, its big and fluffy look so comfy I think if you sit on it will just might sink in, it sits in front of one of the windows, sun shunning just right…so tempting..tail flicking your ponder on what to do…

f*ck it…

Walking over, ears lowering back as you walk toward it looking a lot bigger. Not wanting to look like a puss*. Heh.. you climb on. Turning I get comfortable instantly sinking in. I immediately resist the urge to purr, fuuuccckkk this is the plushest thing you ever laid your ass on!

Slumping, as my tail curls and uncurls lazily I sigh softly in bliss. Running footsteps head my way…running footsteps?

A body jumps on me laying sprawled on me, body being shoved back my eyes widened. Chara grins at me mischievously.

“What the hell!” I screech. Jumping up as my tail fluffs up, pressing myself against the back of the chair trying to get away as they laugh moving off me, sitting on the other side of me clutching their stomach.

A growl rips from me as I glare at their laughing form “oh that was priceless! You should have seen your face!” they crackle, tears rolling down their flushed cheeks.

“Do you like f*cking with me?!” They giggle “yes, yes I do..your very emote a easy victim”

“Victim?! Who the f*ck? Uhuh. Nope. Move.” they smirk

“Actually your in my dad’s chair, and since your not part of my PACK your on my chair and since this is my chair I want to sit here, so YOU gotta share”

“Okay then I’ll just move” they shake their head “Nope, I don’t want you too and since your in my house your my guest and since your my guest you gotta listen to me”

“What type of f*cked up logic is that?! I don’t gotta listen to you!”

“Uh yes you do”

“UGHHH!” Throwing my hands up as I cry up at the ceiling.

f*cking perfect!

“Awn, don't be like that kitty. You should be glad”

I hiss at Chara" I'm dying, suffocating actually. I needs my space” body moving away from Chara I go to slide off the seat.

I’m pulled back by Chara as Toriel walks back in, pushing a whiteboard, seeing this as my opportunity I cry out “help me! I’m bei-” Chara covers my mouth as I fall backwards.

Toriel looks over at you two as you struggle, pulling on Chara arm I pull away their hand “let me be freeeeee”their hand slaps back down, I try to pull it back off but…they are hella strong. What the f*ck! tail wrapping around Chara neck I yank them back, rolling off the couch landing on all fours, but my tail is yanked back. Sharp pain radiating from my backside a yowl escapes my lips as Chara lets go before, I swing backwards.

Snickering Chara grins down at me.

“Bully” I hiss, ears pinned down as I gently rub the base of my tail. They smile sinisterly.

A soft chuckle escapes Toriel as she shakes her head, “Chara be nice, we talked about you and your playing”

Playing?! This asshole just pulled my tail!

“Correction, bullying. They are bullying me” Chara rolls their eyes as I sit on the floor.

Toriel stops in the middle of the room, looking stern as she looks at Chara “Chara” Chara sighs “ok ok i’ll leave the wimp alone” I glare back “who the f*ck are you calling a wimp?”


“Language child” both Toriel and Edge say at the same time, now that I think about it. Weren't the monsters watching you and your exchange with Chara.

Feeling a little betrayed as none of them decided to at least help me with my struggle I pout, glaring at the floor.

“Now! Let's begin!” looking up Toriel has some words written on the board “as Undye has stated before a pack is a group of unrelated individuals that are taking care of one another. Sometimes a sibling or two can be in a pack”

Chara coughs “or ten” Toriel and Edge glares.

“As I was saying, each pack has an Alpha, the leader. A delta which is another Alpha but doesn’t mind sharing the role with the current Alpha. A beta is the worker, he or she is in the middle they don’t lead but can if Alpha or Delta aren’t present. The omega who is the caretaker of the group and the lowest when it comes to rank, they are also the most protected as they are the ones that are most likely to either be nursing or taking care of the offspring.”

Alpha, Delta, Beta, Omega?

My head starts to hurt

“Each monster, or human, is given a second gender, at birth but isn't aware. Most monster children will be aware of their gender at the age of 13. Sadly, I don't know much about humans, but I do know it isn’t that far behind from monster’s” I raise my hand.

“Hold up, so you're saying I am not a girl?” Toriel shakes her head

“Not necessarily, if you are an Alpha for example, you will still have your biological reproductive organs, of course heat will come along, and they will change. I will not get into the deep parts, but you are still technically female.

“You’ll just have a penis” responds Chara dryly

“WHAT?!” I scream head swinging back as I stare at Chara dumbfounded.

“Chara!” shouts Toriel

“A PENIS!!??” Chara, Undye and Muffet chuckles. I look flabbergasted.

W.what the f*ck? Where does it come from? Out my vagin*?!

“What’s a penis?” ask the human girl looking confused. Frisk face flushes as they shake their hands side to side.

“It's a males di-” Chara goes to answer but is cut off by Toriel.

“WE ARE NOT!” shouts a flustered looking Toriel. “Talking about the monster or human Anatomy!”

“What’s a heat?” I ask, face flushing as I try to push away the thoughts of a dick sprouting out my vagin*.

“Damn are you dumb?” asks Chara. I flip them off.

“Actually yes, I’m talking to you "I growl, they look offended.

“Chara! Y/N!” shouts Toriel

“I’m about tired of you picking on me” Chara shrugs “whatcha gonna do? Cry?”

I laugh “My tears dried out a long time ago asshole”

Chara scoffs “they seemed to work perfectly fine in the car kitty”

“Trauma and being bullied are two different things” I respond dryly “Yea, I bet. Kate did tell us your damaged goods” I hiss

“You're a dick!” I shout standing up as I growl down at Chara

They laugh “a pretty big one, can’t lie. I'm packing”

“That is enough! You two separate!” yells Toriel.

“Gladly” I grumble as I walk over to an empty spot plopping down.

“I am highly disappointed in you Chara” Chara rolls their eyes, arms crossed over their chest.

“It’s not the first time”

“Silence! Not one peep from you!” growls Toriel as she glares at them, “you're supposed to make her feel welcomed! That behavior was unacceptable.” she scolds.

Sighing she rubs her face, looking tired. “It’s clear to me that you children weren’t educated properly during your time with sister kates, and for that I will get fixed. But with Y/n and Chara acting childishly I will not continue further with this lesson. As for anything i’ll say will just be questioned or taken the wrong way, I’ll just leave the teachings to your future Alpha’s which to say I am also disappointed in as well as they didn’t think to reprimand but watch the scrabble as it was amusem*nt” she glares over at the monsters.

Undye looks sheepish, rubbing the back of her head grinning as Muffet covers her fanged mouth, corners tipped up as she holds back a giggle. Edge face is in a scowl looking irritated as Butcher eye light focus solely on me…. which is Hella creepy. Grib looks amused and lesser dog looks ashamed.

“Sorry Toriel, it’s not every day you see Chara actively speaking with another being. More or less have fun picking on them without death threats other than Asriel of course” comments Undye.

Muffet nods “I too agree, it was amusing”

Toriel still looks disappointed.

Shaking her head. “Also it seems neither of you all have even reached the age, other than Y/N of course knowing their second gender. I am curious. What is your second gender Y/N?”

I shrug “don’t know…”

“Obviously the punk is an Alpha, did you see the way she held herself?" Questions Undye

“Uhuhuh I think your wrong Undye, the kitty is a beta.” giggles Muffet


“Mmm…omega” all heads turn to butcher as he stares me down.

“HOW SO?” asks Edge as he turns to look at the bigger skeleton, “Not possible, no omega talks back against an alpha” growls Undye, looking a bit pissed.“Hmmm….” hums Muffet as a thoughtful expression crosses her face.

Butcher shrugs “j’nst no..” Edge looks back at me, his gaze becoming intense as Undye stomps over, standing to the side she waves her arm up and down. “Do this! Looks like an omega!!??” she screeches, “omega are tiny, cute even. Not…not this!” feeling offended I glare at her.

“Well, she is small Undye, you must remember she is the only teen in a room with children of course she will look bigger compared to them” murmurs Muffet. “And past the glaring, hissing, growling, and cursing she is adorable” Muffet coos.

My face flushes as she looks at me, winking one eye. Undye squats getting really close as she stares at me, lips pulling into a smirk “yea I see it” leaning back I stare at Toriel for help. She too has a thoughtful expression on her face.

“Well, we will never know until her scent changes” everyone's head turns to Asgore.forgot the dude was even in here, him being so quiet, right along with frisk who seems a little nervous. “While you all were talking, I noticed that she doesn’t have a scent, same with the children. It’s obvious her second gender hasn’t hit her yet, as is common with late bloomers and children who are too young. Excuse me dear but have you hit puberty yet?”

“Obviously not, she is flat as a board,” murmurs Chara. Having just about enough of chara and their bullsh*t, I grab a pillow throwing it at them. “I am sick! Of you picking on me! So, f*cking what if I don’t have boobs! It’s none of your damn business and NO! I haven't, which is perfectly normal! Must I add before dipsh*t over here finds that as a way to INSULT me!!”

Fur standing on end as my ears are flat against my head hands clenching shut as my tail sways back and forth aggressively “and before you even think about muttering any other word about me and what I got going on remember before I mutated, I was a perfectly fine human girl!” pointing at the human girl beside me “just like her! So if you have a problem with my body and how I am! Blame the f*cking mutation! Because last time I checked I DIDN’T ASK FOR IT!” screeching the last part as my hands clench and unclench nails semi forming as a low deep rumble of a growl vibrates from deep within my throat, heat swelling in my chest as my vision sharpens focusing intently on their face as it drops from smugness to tense and calculating, grabbing ahold of my temper I turn quickly speed walking out the room and out the front door, eyes blurring as I walk down the steps and into the grass.

Biting my tongue as I try not to let out an angry scream.

Walking away from the house before stopping, sitting down in the overgrown grass holding myself as I try not to cry. Body vibrating with anger.

f*cking hell!

f*ck f*ck f*ck!

Breath hitching as heat leaves my chest being replaced with….hurt

Why am I so damn emotional?! I never gave a damn before!

And over a stupid jab at my chest none or less

f*cking.. GAH!!! Whimper tearing down my throat, as my eyes stings.

Of course, I know I am late!

Sister Kate made it her damn business to get me checked by a doctor after Vivvy, Trixie and Tina got their periods and I didn’t. Of course the doctor pushed her concerns to the side. Saying it's normal for me to be a little late, especially with my mutation and all that other nonsense bullsh*t.

And yeah, the stupid jabs by Vivvy as she so called surpassed me at a younger age.

And f*ck me! As I don’t know much sh*t about packs!

Sleeping during class as Sister Kate went over the pack bullcrap and all the other bullsh*t that went along with it!

And how when you hit puberty your body will start to change! A.and develop a..and

A soft sob falls past my lips as it sinks in that I really f*cked myself over. And here I am looking dumb like a box of rocks as Chara points out the obvious about me lacking basic knowledge.

So what!

At least I protected my feelings from being hurt by the teasing and mockery I had to deal with Vivvy for years and years and how hard I put on a brave face shaking it off because I know what she said isn’t true…

Or the fact that if it wasn’t for me not knowing sh*t I wouldn’t have gotten adopted…

O..or the little sliver of hope I felt when Chara took up for me….

Ha, how stupid I am to think that we will be friends…

Am I really that desperate?

A gentle tap on my shoulder spooks me as I jerk away hissing. Frisk sits beside me with a worried look on their face…frowning.

Hastily wiping my face, I curl up hiding away from them as they look at me. Don’t know how it’s possible with their eyes closed but I do feel a gaze.

They pull out their notebook, writing before showing it to me.

‘I’m sorry about Chara’

I laugh dryly “ah, too good to apologize for themselves huh?” Frisk shakes their head pulling the notepad back, writing again before showing me.

‘Being scolded by mom, I’ve never seen her so angry before…kinda scary’ frisk smiles sadly

Pulling the notebook back and writing as I uncurl and watch. Getting done they show me.

‘Chara didn’t have the best life before mom and dad, and I know it doesn’t excuse his behavior but I hope it’s to shed some light on him. He was picked on a lot..and..well… not treated very well…he doesn’t like to socialize with a lot of people, other than Asriel and if he does it’s more of a threat..’ frisk laughs a little scratching the back of their head.

Asriel? This is my second time hearing this name…

‘So, imagine the shock we had when he actively spoke and interacted with you. Now I'm not saying what he said was right in any way and he should have been a lot nicer, and we should have intervened before it got like this to avoid this situation. But it was nice seeing him actually enjoying himself even if it was a little bit mischievous’

My eyebrow raises “a little?” Frisk giggles writing on the pad before showing me

‘Okay a lot,’ I giggle. Frisk smiles. They stand up putting the notebook back in their pocket before holding a handout to me. Looking at it I hesitate, looking up at them they are still smiling, a soft scent surrounds me tickling my nose, feeling calm I grasp their hand.

They pull me up, holding my hand as we walk back to the house, walking up the porch steps and through the front door as we enter the living room.

The other kids are gone, same with Muffet, Undyne, Lesser dog, and Gib..Edge and Butcher are the only two to remain. Toriel speaks quietly towards the two, sounding worried.

“Are you two sure about this, I don’t think she will be comfortable with this arrangement”


“Well…if you're confident…” Frisk walks over. Toriel turns looking at the two of us “Oh! There you are” looking at me she smiles “I see frisk has successfully retrieved you” smiling sadly Toriel looks regretful “I am sorry Y/N, for Chara behavior he can be a little….overbearing”

I shrug, energy low from the outburst “whatever…” she frowns looking over at Edge and Butcher with an unsure look. “COME. YOU ARE JOINING OUR PACK!” looking over at Edge he stares down at me “ARE YOU DEAF?” I glare “I wish I was, but I think I’m halfway there with your screeching" Edge looks offended as Butcher chuckles “Mnn…ike.. er” he murmurs eye light wobbling as he stares at me.


With that my vision goes black as the world compresses and expands before swirling in a whirlwind.

Chapter 5: A whole bunch of skeletons and a rock with sprinkles


This is the last update until Friday, I gotta update my second fanfic and if I don't stop myself from updating here, I don't think that fanfic will past chapter two! Lol i'm so addicted to this one it's insane!!

Chapter Text

Feet hitting something solid I double over clutching my stomach as I gag, head feeling woozy as the room spins.

“SUCK IT UP! IT WASN’T THAT BAD!” weakly looking up I glare at Edge.

I open my mouth, but I gag again, covering it as I run toward a conveniently placed trash can, throwing up stomach acid as I remember my dumb ass didn’t eat breakfast today.

Feeling a tad better, I look up ear flicking as I hear muffled sounds and talking, as my nose twitches picking up faint scents of damp wood and pine.

Edge makes a face of disgust, before walking off as Butcher stays put watching me. “Mnn…orry”I shiver, tail curling around my leg as he stares at me.

He reaches down, under the sleeve of his jacket as he pulls off a black patch. Scent or iron and rust hits me in my face, hands flying over my nose I stumble back, tripping over my feet as I land on my ass.

Hissing, I arch up, whining. “f*cking hell!” I growl glaring up at an amused looking Butcher. He smiles, grin stretching uncomfortably large “e’ver…melt…mones...b’fore?”

Looking confused I tilt my head “he means have ya ever smelt pheromones before kid” another deep baritone voice but not as deep as Butchers comes from beside butcher.

Getting up shakily and peeking over I see a short skeleton, super short actually. Standing around 5 ft he looks up at me with a lazy grin. He is big, like Butcher.

He smells like damp wood and…winter? If winter had a smell..

Wearing and oversized blue jacket, with a white shirt underneath, black shorts with white stripes down the sides with white socks and pink house slippers.

His whole outfit screams lazy! Much like mine.

“Names Sans, Sans the skeleton” he holds out his hand, bony fingers stare back at me. Tilting my head, I grasp his hand gently, a sharp pain radiates from my palm yanking my hand back as I hiss.

What the f*ck?!

Butcher chuckles slowly as Sans chuckles normally, “nice ole hand and buzzer trick”

Glaring, I rub my hand gently, trying to soothe the ache. “Haha, very funny” I growled.

“So…she's the new pack mate?” Sans asks Butcher looking up at him. Butcher stares back, eye light shrinking and expanding before nodding.

“SANS!” Screeches a husky gravel voice. Sans stiffing, he salutes at me. “See ya later kid” before disappearing.

I step back, eyes widening as my ears perk up. “h..he disappeared…how?” Butcher chuckles slowly.

Pulling his hands from his pockets, he waves them slowly “mnn…magic”

Another skeleton pops up, face pulled in a downward scowl with sharp looking teeth, one is gold, his sockets are dark with no eye lights. A red studded collar around his neck as he wears an oversized black jacket with fur lining on the hood, a red turtleneck underneath as he wears black shorts with yellow stripes on the side, yellow socks with black boots.

He is big boned..heh like Butcher and Sans but standing a few feet taller than sans around 5 '6.

Burning wood and smoke assaults my senses, a deep growl vibrating from him as he glares at Butcher. “Where tha f*ck is he!” Butcher shrugs looking down at him unfazed.

“I swear ta f*cking stars! If I see tha mother f*ck-“ his skull turns over to me. Eye lights popping into existence as his scowl turns into a smug smile.

“Why hello there kitty” he purrs, I glare at him hissing as my tail fluffs up. “Nawww go back to your ranting” he chuckles.

“Awn don’t be like th-“A black boot kicks him forward. Flying over toward Butcher, Butcher steps to the side as he stumbles catching himself before falling, turning a snarl rip from his form as he whips backwards to see who kicked him.

Cloves and ginger swirls around me as a tall lanky skeleton laugh huskily, he is about 8 ft shorter than Butcher and Edge. Around Toriel and Asgore height. A collar around his neck he looks like Edge, but his cheek bones are pointy, and his canines are wicked sharp, one canine is gold as his eye lights are orange he wears a oversized jacket its purple with a black hood, he wears a black tank top underneath and black baggy sweatpants with white stripes on the side.

“Shut your trap Red, Milord is snoozing” he replies huskily. A shiver tingles up the back of my spine as he speaks, deep, husky, smooth my face flushes as my ears pin back. His voice is the huskiest I've ever heard, not that I've been around a lot of men, but it…it does something.

Red opens his mouth but pauses as he looks over at me, Butcher and the new skeleton also looks at me as well.

“W…what?”I ask looking confused as I step back more, back lightly hitting the front door. Red sniffs as Butcher tilts his skull, the new guy tilts his skull as well.

“hat exactly are ya? er emttin some pretty confusin mones” comments Red as he tilts his skull right along with the other two.

“W…what do you mean?” the tall looking skeleton chuckles “y'all picked up one that ain't even aware of what they are?” he shakes his skull. “Mm course y’all did, ur emitting two different scents love, mmm kinda like one is tryin to cover the nother” his hand holds his hip as he co*cks it to the side.

“Pretty confusin, as each scent is a lot different. One fragrant as tha nother isa bland not very appealing” he shrugs, “not much ta do bout it tho but I’m curious Edge told us ur a omega. I can smell hints of it but at tha same time ya smell like a gamma”

Red scoffs “Ya only sayin tha cuz yo ass is one, she smell like a beta” The lanky one glares “i don’t smell no damn beta on er!”

Bland, fragrant? Scents trying to cover the other?

The only smells I'm smelling are coming from them.

Apples and cinnamon too….wait

“HOW ABOUT YOU FOUR LEAVE FROM IN FRONT OF THE FRONT DOOR AND COME TO THE LIVING ROOM SO OUR NEW YOUNG PACK MATE CAN INTRODUCE HERSELF” Another tall skeleton walks over. Looking like another of the other lanky tall skeleton but skull is a lot rounder and smooth as his teeth are blunt. Hands on his hip bones as he wears a white chest plate, a red scarf, red gloves, shorts that are blue with yellow trim with black skin tight leggings cover his bones.

Walking between Butcher and the other lanky tall skeleton, he walks to my side. Gently pushing me forward, and past the three other skeletons. Down past a kitchen and some stairs and into a living room, stepping down a step I enter a large open space, one large couch sits in the middle as a comfy huge round gray plushie looking pillow is behind it. Bean bags sit in front of a window that looks out into the backyard, a door beside the bean bags leading outside as a long thin-like cushion is on the windowsill, pillows and fluffy looking blankets litter the middle of the room, around a coffee table that’s in the center with a rock on it. It looks like it's covered in….sprinkles? An arm chair is beside the beanbags and window. Another arm chair is on the other side by opening, on the wall is a TV with huge speakers on each side, a thin long table underneath the TV, game systems and DVDs litter it and below it as it has two other shelves.

A door is beside the TV, “NOW MAKE YOURSELF COMFORTABLE AS I GO AND GET THE OTHER’S” Turning he walks away, feeling nervous I walk timidly farther in the room. Rust, Iron, damp wood, winter, Cloves, Ginger, Smoke, Apples, Cinnamon, Lavender, Sage, Pine, Citrus, Lilac, and Jasmine, swirl around in my nose. Almost overwhelming so as I cover it coughing lightly as my nose itches. A sock lays on the floor, notes attached to it, feeling curious I walk over looking down at it.

{SANS! PICK UP YOUR SOCK!!! - Papyrus } {ok} {DON”T PUT IT BACK DOWN, MOVE IT! - Papyrus} {ok} {YOU MOVED IT TWO INCHES! MOVE IT TO YOUR ROOM - Papyrus} {ok} {AND DON’T BRING IT BACK!! - Papyrus} {ok} {IT’S STILL HERE!! - Papyrus}{didn’t you just say not to bring it back to my room?} {he can rite?- Red} {You can spell? - Mutt} {f*ck off Mutt! - Red} {FORGET IT!!- Papyrus}

Giggling I step back,


Turning I walk over to the couch, sitting down, I instantly sink in.

Fuuuccckkk I think this is better than the damn lounge chair at Frisk’s place.

A body plops beside mine, arm stretching over me on top of the rim of the couch. Looking over its the same lanky skeleton from before, “mnn..ames..mutt nice ta meet ya” he looks down at me with a smirk “I ave a feelin imma like ya”

Oh the things you could do to me with your voice….

feeling my face heat up, my ears lower as I cover my face, tail slapping against the couch cushion.

What the hell Y/N! Where in the hell did that come from?!

He only said he is going to like you and you're getting all fizzy feeling from his voice!!

“MUTT! WHAT DID I TELL YOU ABOUT SITTING ON THE FURNITURE?!” screeches a high pitched voice. Peeking from my hands I look over to see a short skeleton, probably a few inches taller than sans but shorter than Red looking like another sans but with sharper teeth, purple eyelight’s as one of them is an triangle and a scar across one eye socket, wearing a purple chest plate, with a purple scarf around his neck and a black long sleeve skin tight shirt underneath it. Black puffy pants with purple boots that stop mid thigh. They also have a tiny heel at the back.

“Mnn…orry milord” Mutt slides down the couch and onto the floor leaning against the front of the couch by my legs. “Nice paws” he compliments. Facing burning all over again, a rough skeleton hand grasps my face yanking it to the side as Milord looks down at me “DO NOT PAY THAT DISGRACE OF A BEING ANY ATTENTION CAT! AS I THE MALEFICENT BERRY SHOULD HAVE YOUR ATTENTION!” letting go of my face he sits down, “don’t scare the poor girl berry” a slow lazy voice says beside me. Jumping I whip my head over staring dead….heh at another skeleton.

Tall like mutt, he slouches against the seat wearing an oversized hoodie that is orange, a white shirt peeking from the top as he wears gray joggers and white socks, a lollipop stick sticks between his blunt teeth. “Papyrus said to make her feel comfortable” Berry scoffs but doesn’t say anything else.

Sans and Edge walks in, Sans plops down in one of the lounge chairs as Edge stands in the opening coming into the living room with his arms crossed, a scowl on his face, Red and Butcher walks in after walking around Edge. Red slumps in a bean bag as Butcher sits in the other lounge chair.

The tall skeleton from before walks in with a bouncing smaller Sans, his skull is a lot rounder, eye lights are shaped like stars as they are blue, he wears a white t-shirt with blue edges, a blue bandana wrapped around his neck with black long sleeves underneath his shirt, blue gloves that stops mid arm along with black shorts and black boots stopping mid-calf.

“OH MY!” him seeing me he bounds over, practically jumping over the end of the couch and onto Berry crashing into me as he hugs me body bouncing. “IT’S SO VERY NICE TO MEET YOU!!” voice high pitch but soft, pulling back to look at me he gets shoved off as Berry screeches at him “YOU DUMBASS! DON’T JUMP ON ME!!” not looking slightest bit fazed he jumps up from the floor, he starts bouncing in front of me as he grabs one of my hands shaking it up and down excitedly. “WHEN PAPYRUS TOLD ME ABOUT YOU I JUST COULDN’T BELIEVE IT! A NEW PACK MEMBER!! AND A GIRL AT THAT I WAS FILLED WITH SO MUCH EXCITEMENT! I ALMOST EXPLODED!!” a orange covered arm reaches over gently pulling on the other sans hand “calm down blue, you're scaring her” Blue face morphs into terror as he pulls away like he was burned “OH NO NO I AM SO SORRY!!” feeling a little overwhelmed I manage a shaky smile. “'re fine..”

His face breaks into a wide grin, “i think yer overwhelmin er” murmurs mutt as he looks up at blue. “Yea! Back off shortstack!” yells Red.

Blue turns glaring at Red but listens as he sits down beside Mutt, beside my legs. The tall skeleton from before walks in, at this point I am going to assume it's Papyrus.



“Um…my name is Y/N…uh…i like to sleep” feeling nervous with all the eye lights planted on me I curl up on myself, my tail wrapping around the front of my legs. Face hiding behind my legs “…eat…breath?” I squeak out the last part..

My head feels fuzzy

“I don’t feel to good” I grumble

Vision getting blurry my vision shift as my body tilts to the side, before my vision going black.

Chapter 6: About the boys! / Part 1 Scents and Pack Dynamics


Late night post! Part 1 it's not two really long chapters! it's more of one unfinished chapter. I explain more down in the chapter - A/N - Information about well the boys!

Chapter Text

I didn’t have enough time today to post an official update, But I will give some information about the boys and their second genders, along with their scents! I WILL UPDATE TOMORROW. I have half a chapter done right now, but I didn’t want to post it because it will be short and not fair to Y’all. Also I had a super super busy week, hence the late post and other stories not being updated.

Now enough with that let's get in with the boys and a little bit of Pack Dynamics

Starting off with Butcher he is the Alpha of the Pack, he shares the role with Edge who is also an Alpha. Now with this pack and other packs I will have in my story they will have more than one second gender, (not all but majority) the first is obviously the one that runs everything but a second that lays underneath the first. For example, Butcher is an Alpha but underneath the Alpha is a Delta, or Edge, he is an Alpha but underneath the Alpha he is a Beta.

And it explains why, Butcher and Edge can lead the Pack without a fight for dominance between the two, Butcher has tendencies of leading a pack like an Alpha but can share the responsibilities like a Delta, Edge can take said responsibilities like an Alpha and run things smoothly but can back off when needed too like a Beta.

Now with that explained I will list off the rest of the boys, they will be listed off within rank. With Red coming in third he is a Delta/Beta, he can have tendencies of acting like an Alpha (often put in his place) but is pretty tame and can handle things as a Beta. tying third with Red is Berry he is a Beta, I won’t put Berry above or below Red because they balance each other out,(Red being hella crude and no self-restraint whatsoever and Berry having some form of self-restraint and somewhat respectful ) fourth coming in place with ranking is Sans, even though he the most powerful out of the group his laid back attitude and the outright refusal of wanting to lead the pack out of sheer laziness is what ranks him fourth. He is tied with Blue who is a Beta/Omega again neither is put over or above because they balance themselves out. He is a Delta/Beta, Papyrus, Mutt and Crooks come in Fifth with Gamma/Omega as their body hasn’t chosen to be either an Omega, Beta, Delta, or Alpha. And stretch is dead last being an Omega.

The boys are not related! Only the ones with a brother of course but the ones from different AU (alternate universes) are not, they are just copies of the originals! So, there will not be any incest! So, if Butcher and Stretch was f*cking it will be fine, they aren’t related!

Of course I can’t say much without spoiling, but hopefully this can give Y’all an insight on the Pack Dynamics that will later be stated within the story, of course if Y’all get confused I’ll probably (most likely) post a Chapter explaining it more in detail!

Okay! SO the boys have scents, not just one but two. Obviously two makes sense because of them having two second genders, the first scent will always be the strongest because it corresponds with the first second gender, I will put down the boys' scents, well the ones Y/N smelt so far, I won’t add any others you’ll have to wait for those in upcoming updates.

Butcher scents are both dominating, rust and iron corresponding with his Alpha and Delta, Edge (will find out later on), Red has smoke and burning wood (campfire really) matching with his fiery (heh.) personality , Berry (scent will come later on) Sans is damp wood and winter, Blue is Citrus (get his second scent later on) Papyrus is Apples and Cinnamons, Mutt is Clove and Ginger, Crooks is pine and sage Stretch is Lilac and Jasmine. If you look up the scent's meanings, you’ll find they match perfectly well with the boys. …… I'm feeling a bit bad for not uploading on time, so I'm going to post the half I got now and post the other half tomorrow. It can be part 1 and part 2. I wanna give y’all at least something!

Part 1 - Scents and Pack Dynamics

Comfy, fluffiness surrounds my body as my foggy mind tries to wake up, blinking open my crust shut eyes, I bleary look around. Black walls surround me, blank with nothing on them, I have the urge to cover them with art I have stored in my….wait.

Eyes widening my mind clears, wait…where am I?

Blurry images pass by my eyes as I remember what happened, getting adopted, yelling at Chara, frisk coming to find me, getting yanked through a black abyss, meeting a whole bunch of skeletons with interesting scents…

Then I passed out, f*ck…I passed out.

A door opens quietly as a lanky tall form walks in lazily, they slide in the bed arm circling my waist as I’m pulled to a bony chest.

Soft vibrations escape them as soft noises accompany it, I soon realize they are purring.

Face heating up, I scoot a little away. The body shifts, lifting up, peeking from the corner of my eye. Stretch looks down at me, he smiles softly.

“Ah! You're awake! You gave us quite the scare.” He pulls away sitting up against the headboard, turning my body. I too sat up looking up at him.

He digs in his pocket, pulling out a sucker he unwraps it and pops it in his mouth, “h…how long? W.why were Oh my god” I groan covering my face as my face burns.

A low chuckle escapes him “you were asleep for about a day and a half, you passed out on me, and when I tried to move you off you’ll whine or cling to me. Don’t be embarrassed, it’s a pretty normal reaction”


How the f*ck?!

“Your transitioning, I guess with the different environment and scent, your body decided to start changing into your second gender. It’s partly our fault with not slowly introducing you to our scents, Sans thinks that’s why you passed out your body being overwhelmed”

He digs in his pocket, pulling out a sucker “want one?” I shake my head “ thanks” He nods “well since you’re up, let's get some food in you Papy should be done with dinner by now” Sliding out the bed, he walks toward the door, sliding off the bed I follow him.

I follow him down the hall and down the stairs, we walk into the kitchen Papyrus hums as he is plating food on plates, looking up he smiles at me “AH! IT’S NICE TO SEE YOU UP! I JUST GOT DONE WITH DINNER!

Grabbing plates and lining them on his arms, he walks past us and into the living room, following him he sets the plates on a table I didn’t see before, looking confused Papyrus looks at me smiles “WE MOVE THE NEST PILLOW BEFORE WE SIT DOWN TO EAT, SPEAKING OF EATING. STRETCH GO AND FETCH THE OTHERS” Stretch nodding, he walks off.

Now that I look at the table, I see Butcher and….another skeleton I haven’t seen before, if I thought Butcher and Edge was tall this one sure takes the cake, towering around the 11 ft mark he hunches over, glasses covering his tiny eyes as crooked jagged stained red rusty teeth, he wears a oversized brown sweater and baggy blue jeans with boots.

He avoids eye contact as he leans more toward Butcher, Butcher stares at me. Grin widening as his eyelight wobbles, expanding. “....kitty” voice ever so deep he nods at me “…ta…see…….up” smiling timidly. I reply back “h..Hi…” he pats a chair beside him “...sit” not wanting to piss the giant skeleton off I walk over, he pulls the seat back.

Sitting down his hand waves over toward the other skeleton “...Cro…ooks” Crooks looks over at me and smiles a little “Nice to meet you…”he whispers. I wave “Y/N” he nods “I heard a lot about you….” “IT WOULD HAVE BEEN IMPOSSIBLE NOT TOO, BERRY WAS PRETTY UPSET WITH YOU PASSING OUT ON US, HE WOULDN’T BE QUIET ABOUT IT” says Papyrus with an irritated huff, Plopping down in a chair as he takes off a frilly pink apron draping it on the edge of his chair, “SAYING HOW RUDE YOU ARE, BUT DON’T WORRY SANS TOLD HIM WE ARE THE RUDE ONES, WE SHOULD HAVE KNOWN YOU WOULD HAVE BEEN OVERWHELMED WITH SO MANY DIFFERENT SCENTS.” Papyrus looks apologetic.

“WE ARE SORRY” I smile waving him off “don’t be, mistakes happen” Butcher nods “mnn…st..stretch…o..oved…th…ta…ention” Papyrus nods “OH YES, YOU JUST WOULDN’T LET GO NO MATTER HOW MANY TIMES HE TRIED TO PULL YOU OFF, I SAY BLUE WAS QUITE JEALOUS HE THREW A FIT!”

“I DID NOT!” looking over Blue walks in “I DID NOT PAPYRUS YOU LIAR!” blue flushed over his skull he shakes it side to side aggressively, Papyrus rolls his eye lights.

Chapter 7: Part 2 Scents and Pack Dynamics

Chapter Text

Stretch, Red, and Berry Walk in behind him, Berry rolling his eyelights “OH SHUT UP BLUE, WE ALL WATCHED YOU!” Berry scowls at me, sitting across from me as Blue races to sit in the seat beside me before stretch can. Red sits on the right side of Berry, Sans, Mutt, and Edge walks behind them, Sans sits on Papyrus right side Crooks on his left. Mutt sits beside Stretch who is on the right of Blue. Plates in front along with silverware, Red, Blue, Butcher, and Crooks waste no time digging in, eating with fever. I look down at my plate. It’s spaghetti, Red makes a loud slurping sound noodle hitting his face sloppy as sauce sprays everywhere. Berry and Edge make a face of disgust as Papyrus seems happy.

Picking up my fork I twirl it around, leaning down I open my mouth taking the bite, I hum. Tail curling pleasantly as I pull the noodles from the fork chewing. Swallowing I look over at Papyrus “this is really good” Papyrus blushes smiling “EXPECTED FROM THE GREAT PAPYRUS! NYEHNYEHHEH” I giggle what a strange laugh, “so since we all here, might as well explain to ya about the pack” comments Sans.

Edge nods, pulling the fork out his mouth. “BUTCHER AND I ARE THE ALPHAS, RED, BERRY, BLUE, AND SANS ARE THE BETAS. PAPYRUS, MUTT, AND CROOKS ARE GAMMAS NOT YET DETERMINED AND STRETCH IS THE OMEGA” I look confused “okay…Toriel tried explaining to me about these…alpha’s and stuff but I…i really didn’t understand…”



Scent? Scent markings? Heats? Runts?

Feeling a little overwhelmed, Blue pats my shoulder gently.


“What will I exactly experience?” Blue hums tilting his head as he thinks “pends on ya second gender kitty” comments Red, he burps patting his stomach? Leaning back against his seat looking content.

Does he even have a stomach?

“YOU ARE A DISGUSTING CREATURE!” growls Berry, dabbing the corner of his mouth with a napkin as he scowls at Red. Glare shifting over to Edge “TRAIN YOUR DOG! HE HAS WORSE MANNERS THAN MUTTS!” Edge glares at Berry “SAYS THE ONE WHO HAS THEIR DOG AT THE TABLE!” Berry glares over at Mutt “DOWN!” Mutt scrapes the rest of his food into his maw before leaving the table.

Now that I think about it….where does the food go?

Sans, Butcher, Crooks, and Papyrus get done with their plates, Butcher eyes mine. “...onna…insh?” looking over at him he stares me down, “Yea…” He nods, getting up grabbing his and Crooks plate, Papyrus collects the rest of the plates. Handing them over Butcher walks towards the kitchen, Crooks disappears along with Edge and Red.

I quickly finish my plate as Papyrus reaches over and grabs it along with Blues and Stretches.

“Will…transitioning hurt?” Blue shakes his head “NO, WELL…MINE DIDN’T AND I DON’T THINK ANY OF MY OTHER PACK MATES HAS EITHER….” Stretch looks past Blue and over to me, “we can’t say for sure…with you not being monster, and also you not being human we can’t say how it will go” my face drains but Stretch smiles reassuring “don’t worry little one, I got you ever step of the way” smiling my heart warms.

I’m starting to really like stretch, Blue pouts skull flushing blue “AND I TOO!” standing from his seat he grabs my hand pulling me from my seat around the table and into the living room, plopping down on the couch he pulls me down, I fall beside him as he pats around. Finding what he is looking for, the TV comes to life.

“AS THE BETA OF THE PACK, WE SHOULD BOND. ESPECIALLY WITH YOU BEING NEW!”not seeing a reason not too, I get comfortable.

Stretch walks over sliding in on the other side of me, also getting comfortable. Blue slowly turns his skull from the TV glaring at Stretch. “WHAT ARE YOU DOING?” stretch smiles “watching TV” “CAN YOU GO AND SIT SOMEWHERE ELSE?” stretch shrugs “naw, bone tired” I giggle as Blue glare sharpens Papyrus groans behind us, turning I peek over the back of the couch as Papyrus folds the table, walking over to a door, beside the staircase. Opening it he pushes it inside, along with the chairs that are stacked by the door. He pulls out the huge black pillow from before plopping it down behind the couch before walking back over to close the door. “PLEASE, NO PUNS. IF SANS HEARS YOU-” Papyrus shudders “J..JUST DON’T” Stretch laughs as I giggle at Papyrus over dramaticness. Papyrus walks over sittting on one of the lounge chairs “WHAT ARE WE WATCHING BLUE?” blue sighs “I WAS GOING TO ASK KITTY WHAT SHE WANTED TO WATCH” both eye lights staring at me I shrug “we didn’t watch TV back at the orphanage and the when we did it was only on sundays it came on a rolling cart and we was forced to watch lectures and other bullcrap” ears pinning down on my head from the memory of the loud squeaky wheels on the cart and the monotone voice on whoever is speaking coming from the tv.

“Sounds bonering” stretch snickers. I giggle right along with him as Papyrus and Blue groans “REALLY?! RIGHT AFTER I JUST TOLD YOU NOT TOO YOU DO IT ANYWAY!”

“Sorry paps, couldn’t help myself” says Stretch. “But that do sucks” I nod “yea…so i’m down with anything you guys might think I’ll like” Papyrus smiles clapping his mitten hands.


“What’s netflix?”

“Tha est place ta stream shows a’tha than hulu and a’tha streamin platforms” turning around Mutt walks in, body slouching as he plops down on one of the bean bags “ est ta nap too”

Face flushing at his deep gravelly voice, I curl up. Legs pulled to my chest.



“Wouldn’t that be unfair? You know, to the ones who already watched it?” comments Stretch. Papyrus thinks as Blue shakes his head. “KITTY HASN’T SEEN IT, BUT IF YOU HAVE A PROBLEM, YOU CAN ALSO LEAVE” stretch frowns as Mutt smirks “Blue tryin ta catch up?” Blue flushes blue “W..WHAT?!” Mutt snickers as a look of understanding passes over Stretch face.

Papyrus still looks like he is thinking as I am confused.

Catch up?

Little poor Ole me - SmUtTLoVeR (2024)
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Author: Reed Wilderman

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Author information

Name: Reed Wilderman

Birthday: 1992-06-14

Address: 998 Estell Village, Lake Oscarberg, SD 48713-6877

Phone: +21813267449721

Job: Technology Engineer

Hobby: Swimming, Do it yourself, Beekeeping, Lapidary, Cosplaying, Hiking, Graffiti

Introduction: My name is Reed Wilderman, I am a faithful, bright, lucky, adventurous, lively, rich, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.