Studying? How Essential Oils For Concentration And Study Can Boost Your Focus And Energy (2024)

Essential oils for concentration and study are powerful natural remedies that really do make an enormous difference…

Studying? How Essential Oils For Concentration And Study Can Boost Your Focus And Energy (1)

It's 3pm and you’ve hit a mid-afternoon slump – right in the middle of studying. Your mind is all over the place and your concentration is shot. What’s more, your ability to focus has decided to go on vacation, and energy levels have hit an all-time low. In short, you’re a mess. And your exam is tomorrow…

We’ve all been there. Student life can be fun – but it’s also hard to keep up with all the studies, assignments and extracurricular activities. But what if a simple but remarkably powerful natural remedy can help you study better and more effectively? Enter the world of aromatherapy, essential oils and Sonoma Lavender!

Need more focus and energy? Try crisp, zesty peppermint. And improved concentration? The fresh juicy scent of lemon is your new BFF. What about easier learning and a better memory? The bracing woodsy-green aroma of rosemary can help.

Here’s how you can use 9 different essential oils, either alone or as a blend, to boost your focus, concentration and energy - and chase away those studying blues…


Studying? How Essential Oils For Concentration And Study Can Boost Your Focus And Energy (2)

Peppermint Essential Oil

Best for:Mental Clarity, Focus, Concentration, Improved Memory, Easier Learning, Energizing, Fighting Exhaustion

By far one of the most popular oils for increasing focus and concentration is peppermint. Its brisk, fresh aroma that not only stimulates the brain - and gives you a quick burst of energy - but also substantially improves mental clarity and the ability to retain information. It works by stimulating the hippocampus, part of the limbic system, which helps form new memories and promote learning.

Scientific studies have also shown the effectiveness of peppermint essential oil to fight burnout and exhaustion. A study with athletes has even shown that those who had a sniff of peppermint performed better overall than those who didn’t.Researchhas also found that a whiff of peppermint helped people concentrate and do better on tasks that required continuous attention. This makes a quick sniff of peppermint oil a must-have during exams.

Tryadding 6 drops each of peppermint and lemon together for the best diffuser blend while studying and when you need to get things done.

Lemon Essential Oil

Best for:Energy, Motivation, Concentration, Focus, Brain Fog, Energizing, Productivity

Having trouble concentrating? All the citrus oils like lemon, grapefruit, sweet orange and bergamot are known to be energizing, invigorating, and potent mood boosters.

Recent research at Ohio State University has shown the bright fresh smell of lemon oil raises levels of norepinephrine, a brain chemical linked to more stamina, easier decision-making and increased motivation. This helps you to clear any fog, focus better and improve productivity.

It has also been found to dramatically improve concentration and mental accuracy. A Japanese study found that workers made54% fewer errorswhen they inhaled lemon oil. This makes it the perfect scent for the morning to kick start your day in an energizing way.

Trycombining 3 drops each of lemon and rosemary essential oils in a diffuser to boost clarity of thought.

Rosemary Essential Oil

Best for:Memory, Mental Alertness, Focus, Stimulation, Speed, Easier Learning.

Rosemary oil is known to stimulate the mind and the memory.A recent studyshowed that 1,8-cineole (AKA eucalyptol), one of the main active chemicals in rosemary oil, helps improve cognitive ability. It has an earthy aroma and contains active compounds that improve the pathways of the brain responsible for focus, memory, and retaining new information.

Anotherstudyhas shown that inhaling rosemary essential oil improves both speed and accuracy on demanding mental tasks, and raised memory test scores by 60-75 percent. Another recent study in the International Journal of Neuroscience found that rosemary significantly improved the quality of memory and increased participant’s mental alertness.

Tryapplying 1-2 drops of rosemary mixed with a teaspoon of a carrier oil on the back of the neck and hairline, or add a few drops to your bath.

Studying? How Essential Oils For Concentration And Study Can Boost Your Focus And Energy (3)
Frankincense Essential Oil

Best For:Improves Memory Retention, Concentration, Mental Clarity, Stimulating, Lifts Mood

Frankincense includes high levels of a compound which stimulates and oxygenates the limbic system of the brain to help you better process and remember information. This makes it one of those go-to essential oils to promote mental clarity, stimulate the mind and improve memory retention.

A2019 studyfound that using frankincense helped with the acquisition and retention of memory after four weeks. And as an added bonus, it also lifts your mood.

Tryapplying 1-2 drops of frankincense essential oil to the back of your neck and your temples to enhance your concentration.

Eucalyptus Essential Oil

Best For:Refresh and Re-Energize, Stimulation, Focus, Concentration, Mental Clarity, Lifts Brain Fog, Anxiety

The invigorating scent ofeucalyptus oil, which also contains 1,8 cineole (AKA eucalyptol), stimulates the senses. This helps refresh and re-energize the body and also has a calming and soothing effect on the mind. In doing so, it helps reduce anxiety, enhance focus, concentration and memory, effectively clearing brain fog and promoting mental clarity. Consider adding eucalyptus essential oil from Sonoma Lavender to your focus essential oil blend.

It’s also been found toimprove brain functionand has been proven to be effective for treating dementia.

Tryspritzing your study area with aeucalyptus room sprayto invigorate your body and clear your mind. Or use this stunningeucalyptus room reed diffuserwhich doubles as a décor piece.

20 Incredible Health Benefits Of Eucalyptus Oil That Seem Too Good To Be True – Read More

Holy Basil Essential Oil

Best For:Alertness, Concentration, Memory, Boosts Focus, Creativity, Stress

Holy basil is arguably one of the best multipurpose oils when it comes to mental alertness, concentration and clarity. It lifts mental blocks and brain fog, strengthens memory, boosts focus and attentiveness, and enhances creativity. It has also been shown to be a greatstress relieverand so promotes calm and clear thinking.

Tryusing 20-25 drops in a diffuser and inhaling basil essential oil deeply to get yourself ready to go when heading into a late-night study session.

Studying? How Essential Oils For Concentration And Study Can Boost Your Focus And Energy (4)
Cedarwood Essential Oil

Best For:Stress, Anxiety, Calm, Clears Mental Clutter, Focus, Concentration

Cedarwood is a lesser-known oil which has remarkable stress reducing, calming and meditative benefits. Its oil contains more than 50% of sesquiterpenes, a chemical that delivers much-needed fresh oxygen to your brain cells – especially important when you’re studying. It’s known to help clear mental clutter allowing you to focus and concentrate on what is important. You need cedarwood essential oil in your calming essential oil blend!

Try1-2 drops cedarwood oil with a teaspoon of carrier oil on the feet at morning and bedtime, or add to a diffuser in combination with vetiver and lavender oils.

Sage Essential Oil

Best For:Memory, Immediate Recall, Reasoning, Concentration, Understanding, Alertness, Boosts Mood

Another essential oil containing 1,8-cineole, sage helps improve cognitive ability.Studieshave shown that it appears to enhance memory and brain function. Long used to help with declining mental functions like Alzheimer’s, it has been shown to boost and stimulate the senses and improve memory, immediate word recall, reasoning and understanding.

In larger doses, it also elevates mood, and increases alertness, calmness and contentedness.

Tryrubbing 1-2 drops of sage oil in your hands and inhaling to open your mind and memory.

Lavender Essential Oil

Best For:Stress, Anxiety, Burnout, Memory Retention, Regenerative Sleep, Stamina, Energy

Lavenderis one of the most popular and best-smelling essential oils that can also provide benefits in improving memory and concentration. It has been used to alleviate stress in school, allowing students to concentrate on questions and have better memory recall.

Lavender is known as an adaptogen, and so can assist in many different ways when adapting to stress, anxiety or imbalances. It can not only help you relax and unwind but also turns out it’s a great booster for when stamina and energy run low - and helps prevent work burnout, too.A study on work performancefound that using lavender during work breaks seemed to prevent deterioration of performance in later work sessions.

And of course,lavender oilis known as the “Queen of Sleep”, and is a non-negotiable for refreshing and regenerating both the body and brain overnight to make sure you retain all you’ve learned for the best exam results. Better sleep guarantees better memory and concentration!

Tryrubbing 2-3 drops oflavender oilin your cupped palms, then inhale the scent all the way into your brain to calm and focus the mind. For better sleep, cuddle up with acomfy pink heatable lavender heart pillowor spritz your pillowcases with a100% pure lavender linen spray. Aheatable lavender neck pillowwill also work wonders if you’re feeling a bit tense and stressed, and want to ease those knots in your neck and shoulders.

Essential Oils To Beat Brain Fog: ‘Cos You're Tired Of Feeling Like You're Losing Your Mind – Read More


There are a couple of different ways to use essential oils for concentration and study. Aromatherapy using a diffuser is the most common - either using one or a mix of essential oils diluted in water - to disperse their healing properties into the air.

Topical application on skin is also popular. Always blend a few drops with a teaspoon of carrier oil as undiluted oils are very potent. Apply to pulse points on your wrist, the side of your lower jaw, on the temples, or the side of the neck.

Essential Oil Rollerball Blend For Energy, Focus and Concentration:

  • 5 drops of rosemary essential oil
  • 5 drops of cedarwood essential oil
  • 5 drops of peppermint essential oil
  • 5 drops of lemon essential oil
  • 2-3 tablespoons of fractionated coconut oil (or carrier oil of your choice)

Add the essential oils to a dark glass or non-BPA rollerball, and fill up with the fractionated coconut oil. Shake well. Use it whenever you need to boost focus by applying to your wrists, temples, and neck.

Essential Oil Rollerball Blend For Memory:

  • 3 drops of Sweet Orange essential oil
  • 2 drops of Rosemary essential oil
  • 1 drop ofEucalyptus essential oil
  • 1 ½ teaspoons of Sweet Almond Oil (or carrier oil of your choice)

Add the essential oils to a 10ml amber roller bottle and fill with the sweet almond oil. Shake well until ingredients are thoroughly combined. Store in a dark, cool location.

Always Feeling Tired? Time To Use Essential Oils For A Serious Energy Boost – Read More

So, if you’ve already tried every trick in the book to help you study better – but had no luck – maybe it’s time to try the best-smelling essential oils for a diffuser to naturally boost your energy and brain power….

Important Notes:

If you have any medical condition, please consult with your health care professional before you use eucalyptus or peppermint essential oils. There are certain people who should avoid them altogether, including babies, young children under 5 years old, pregnant women and the convalescing or elderly, unless under the guidance of a qualified practitioner. Care must be taken when using with asthmatics, as they may not respond well to these oils.

Before using an essential oil on your skin, always do a patch test on the inside of your upper arm for 24 hours to check for any reactions.

As essential oils are potent, please do not apply anywhere too close to your eyes. Apply to the temples or on the neck, or sniff directly out of the bottle. They quickly permeate your skin and body and get to work within minutes.

Ensure that you always use top quality essential oils. There's a difference between an essential oil and simply an oil, which is basically a perfume. If a label does not clearly state that it is an 'essential oil,' then it is not a pure oil and should not be used as suggested.

At Sonoma Lavender, we excel at what we do, and you definitely need our essential oils for concentration and study. Contact us today and order!

Studying? How Essential Oils For Concentration And Study Can Boost Your Focus And Energy (2024)


Studying? How Essential Oils For Concentration And Study Can Boost Your Focus And Energy? ›

The use of essential oils such as peppermint, rosemary, frankincense, bergamot, lemon, cypress, and eucalyptus in aromatherapy can be a powerful tool in enhancing focus and concentration. Each oil's unique biological mechanism of action contributes to improved cognitive function.

What essential oils are good for focus and concentration? ›

Peppermint and Eucalyptus essential oils are particularly effective for clearing thoughts. Peppermint invigorates the mind, enhancing clarity and focus, while Eucalyptus is known for its ability to refresh and stimulate mental activity, cutting through brain fog.

Does essential oils help studying? ›

Research indicates that inhaling peppermint essential oil may enhance memory and cognitive performance. The refreshing scent of peppermint has been shown to stimulate mental clarity, making it an excellent companion during study sessions or when trying to absorb new information.

What essential oils boost energy? ›

Whether you need a zesty morning wake-up call or an uplifting scent to shake off the afternoon slump, here are our favourites...
  • Rosemary Essential Oil. ...
  • Lemon Essential Oil. ...
  • Eucalyptus Essential Oil. ...
  • Cedarwood Essential Oil. ...
  • Basil Essential Oil. ...
  • Grapefruit Essential Oil. ...
  • Pine Essential Oil.
Aug 10, 2023

What essential oils promote learning? ›

Here's 7 of our best essential oils for back-to-school!
  • Brain-Power Boosting Rosemary. ...
  • Lemon the Focus Booster. ...
  • Calming Lavender. ...
  • Manuka for Purification and Protection. ...
  • Grounding Vetiver. ...
  • Purifying Tea Tree Oil. ...
  • Tangerine for Creativity.

What essential oil blend helps you study? ›

Try combining 3 drops each of lemon and rosemary essential oils in a diffuser to boost clarity of thought. Best for: Memory, Mental Alertness, Focus, Stimulation, Speed, Easier Learning. Rosemary oil is known to stimulate the mind and the memory.

Which scent is best for focus? ›

The most effective scents to increase productivity and concentration are peppermint and citrus scents. When inhaled, these fresh and bright scents can decrease fatigue and promote mental clarity and focus.

What is the most powerful essential oil? ›

Frankincense Essential Oil (Boswellia carterii) is one of the most powerful and deeply spiritual essential oils available.

What scent is energizing? ›


Peppermint's invigorating and refreshing aroma is known to enhance mental clarity and increase energy levels. This makes it an excellent choice for combating fatigue and improving concentration.

What scent is best for studying? ›

Jasmine: In one study, jasmine was found to improve brain wave activities, so is helpful for focus work. Cinnamon: To heighten your brain's attention, cinnamon has been found to improve performance. Peppermint: Similarly to cinnamon, peppermint can help to heighten performance and alertness.

Which aroma is best for studying? ›


It is one of the best scents for focus. Find uplifting peppermint in our Onsen collection, along with eucalyptus and mandarin. To help fight fatigue on your commute morning or evening, try our Onsen air freshener in your car.

What essential oils relax and focus? ›

17 Essential Oils For Improved Focus & Concentration
  • Lavender. Lavender essential oil is most notably used to promote relaxation. ...
  • Cypress. For people who prefer less intense aromas, cypress oil can be a great option to help improve focus. ...
  • Ylang-Ylang. ...
  • Frankincense. ...
  • Sandalwood. ...
  • Vetiver. ...
  • Cedarwood. ...
  • Basil.

What essential oils do you use for ADHD? ›

What essential oils for ADHD might help with
  • Roman chamomile.
  • Lavender.
  • Mandarin.
  • Ylang-ylang.
  • Vetiver.

What blend of essential oils for ADHD focus? ›

Specific essential oils for concentration that are believed to help children with ADHD include: Roman chamomile (Chamaemelum nobile): soothes and comforts. Lavender (Lavandula angustifolia): calms and reduces anxiety. Mandarin (Citrus reticulata): quiets, especially when combined with lavender.

Which oil is best for brain memory? ›

Oils derived from plants, specifically extra virgin olive oil and coconut oil, have massive brain-boosting potential. Olive oil is rich in polyphenols, potent antioxidants that have been shown to reverse cognitive deficits brought on by both the natural process of aging and disease.

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Introduction: My name is Virgilio Hermann JD, I am a fine, gifted, beautiful, encouraging, kind, talented, zealous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.