The 16 Best Essential Oils for Kidney Health - MBSF (2024)

Why is your kidney health so important? Well, your kidneys play a vital role in detoxification by removing toxins from your blood. They also remove excess fluid from your body, help to balance your blood pressure, and so much more.

Supporting healthykidney function is important. When the kidneys become overworked, other key detoxification organs, such as the liver, become overburdened. Overworked kidneys can also contribute to kidney stones, urinary tract infections, and kidney disease.

In this guide, we’ll cover all of the best essential oils for kidney health and how to use them. We’ll also answer your most frequently asked questions about healthykidney function.

The 16 Best Essential Oils for Kidney Health - MBSF (1)

The Best Essential Oils for Kidney Health

Clearly, taking a proactive approach to supporting healthykidney function is important. Essential oils can play a key role in maintaining kidney function, as well as for relieving the symptoms of kidney stones and kidney disease.

Let’s take a look at the best essential oils for kidney health:


Lavender is calming and soothing, so it can help manage the pain of kidney stones. It also contains important antioxidants that assist with healthy metabolism in the kidneys and liver, so it’s an excellent choice for supporting healthykidney function.


Frankincense reduces inflammation in the kidneys to improve kidney health. It may also prevent the formation of kidney stones.


Grapefruit essential oil is an effective diuretic, so it can assist the kidneys with removing excess fluid and toxins from the body. It also has disinfectant properties, which fight the bacteria that cause urinary tract and renal infections.


Peppermint is an excellent detoxifier for liver and kidneys.


Pure rosemary essential oil may help to heal kidney damage by reducing the amount of protein in the urine.


Chamomile essential oil is an effective pain reliever, so it’s useful for those who are dealing with painful kidney stones and infections.


Cypress is an essential oil that supports kidney health by promoting urinary flow. It also has additional health benefits, including assisting lymphatic drainage and circulation.


Geranium essential oil is often used in skincare for its antibacterial, antiseptic, and antimicrobial properties. All of those benefits are fantastic for fighting UTIs and kidney infections, too. It’s also beneficial for foot and leg swelling caused by edema.

Juniper Berry

Juniper berry is an excellent detoxifier and diuretic.


Lemongrass can assist with bladder and kidney stones. It also supports the lymphatic system to help with detoxification, which takes some of the burden off of overworked kidneys. It’s also an excellent pain reliever for those suffering from kidney stones.


Oregano essential oil has amazing antibiotic properties, which makes it an excellent choice for those suffering from UTIs or kidney infections. It also has anti-inflammatory and pain relieving properties.


Fennel can help to detox the liver, kidneys, and blood. It’s also useful for relieving pain or blood in the urine due to kidney stones. Fennel actually contains compounds that can break down existing kidney stones.


Wintergreen can support kidney function by reducing inflammation and removing excess waste products, fluid, and salt from the body. This is an excellent essential oil to use when you’re doing a kidney cleanse.

Lemon Oil

Lemon essentialoil improves overall kidney function. It also detoxifies the kidneys and liver and may be helpful for breaking down kidney stones. It’s stimulating and calming properties also make it a popular oil for lifting the mood when you’re dieting. It’s also a fantastic oil to use when you’re doing a cleanse or a 3-day fast for detoxification and weight loss.

Helichrysum Oil

This oil helps to detoxify the kidneys and reduce the risk of kidney stones. It’s also an excellent anti-inflammatory and diuretic, so it will make it easier to pass stones if you already have them.


Clove is an immune system strengthener, pain reliever, and it supports good digestion. Due to its healing properties, it may help to reverse kidney damage and help them regain normal function. It also has antibacterial properties that aid in killing the bacteria that cause UTIs.

The 16 Best Essential Oils for Kidney Health - MBSF (2)

How to Use Essential Oils for KidneyHealth

If you would like to try essential oils for kidney health, pick up to five from the list above. Choose the ones that seem to match your symptoms the best. You can use them in one of the following ways:

  • Topically:There are lots of ways to use essential oils topically, but keep in mind that they should always be diluted with a carrier oil to prevent skin irritation. You can simply squirt two drops of each oil you want to use in your hand with a dropper add some carrier oil, and rub it on your lower back where your kidneys are. Or, add your chosen oils to a massage oil or bath oil.
  • Aromatherapy:Using a diffuser to distribute your essential oils into the air is a lovely way to receive their health benefits. But, keep in mind that pets can have bad reactions to certain essential oils in the air. Be sure to do your research before using this method if you have a pet in the home.

Keep in mind that, although they are natural remedies, essential oils can have side effects. They can also interact with certain medications and supplements.

It’s always a good idea to do your research and consult with a pro before working with them, especially if you have a health condition or take medication.

The 16 Best Essential Oils for Kidney Health - MBSF (3)

What to Look for When Choosing Essential Oils

When choosing essential oils, always purchase pure essential oils from a reputable company. doTerra essential oil blends or Young Living Essential Oils are both good choices, but there are many companies that offer high quality oils.

Keep in mind that therapeutic grade essential oils aren’t always pure. Instead, look for oils that are clearly labeled as 100% pure and free of any additives.

The 16 Best Essential Oils for Kidney Health - MBSF (4)

Frequently Asked Questions About Kidney Health

  • What do the kidneys do?

If you’ve ever had problems with your kidneys, you already know that poor kidney function can have a major impact on your health. That’s because they’re some of the busiest organs in your body with a variety ofimportant jobs to do.

Here’s what these multitasking, hardworking little bean-shaped organs do:

  • Filter waste from your blood
  • Remove wastes and extra fluid from your body
  • Make red blood cells
  • Regulate your electrolytes
  • Help to regulate your blood pressure
  • Maintain your body’s pH level
  • Excrete waste like ammonia and urea through urine
  • Produce several hormones, including renin, erythropoietin, and calcitriol
  • Support bone health by producing vitamin D
  • What are the symptoms of poor kidney function?

Whew! With a job description like that, it’s no wonder that poor kidney function can have a major impact on how you feel.

Here are some signs that your kidneys might not functioning at their best:

  • Infrequent or weak urination
  • Edema (swelling from water retention) especially around the ankles
  • Difficulty breathing due to fluid buildup in the chest
  • Urinary tract infections related to kidney inflammation
  • What are kidney stones?

Kidney stones are a common medical condition. They are caused by mineral or protein by-products in the urine. Excess salt in the diet could also be a contributing factor.

The most common type of kidney stone is a solid piece of calcium. Other types of kidney stones include struvite stones made of magnesium and ammonia and crystalline stones made of cystine.

Kidney stones often pass through the urine unnoticed. But, sometimes they are too large to pass and they get stuck in the ureter, bladder, or urethra.

When this happens the flow of urine becomes blocked, leading to intense pain in the lower back. The pain is often accompanied by blood in the urine and lightheadedness that sometimes leads to fainting.

Typical Western treatment includes pain medication, surgery, and/or the use of an acoustic pulse to break up the stone. Of course, you should consult with your health care professional if you suspect that you have kidney stones or any other kidney issue.

  • What is kidney disease?

Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) is a condition that involves the gradual loss of kidney function over time. As the disease progresses, wastes build up in your body and blood, leading to illness.

People with kidney disease often suffer from high blood pressure, nerve damage, weak bones, anemia, and poor nutritional health.

Chronic kidney disease can be caused by diabetes, high blood pressure, and other chronic health issues. Early detection and treatment is essential for slowing the progression of the disease and maintaining quality of life.

Symptoms of kidney problems include lack of energy and focus, poor appetite, insomnia, muscle cramps, edema, puffiness around the eyes, and frequent urination.

If you suspect that you may have kidney problems, you should consult with your health care professional immediately.

Wrapping Things Up

Clearly, the health of your kidneys is super important. Complications with your kidney health, such as UTIs, kidney stones, and kidney disease, can have a dramatic impact on your health. Thankfully, essential oils can not only help to support your kidney function, but they can also help to recover from complications in a safe and natural way.

The 16 Best Essential Oils for Kidney Health - MBSF (2024)


The 16 Best Essential Oils for Kidney Health - MBSF? ›

Essential oils that can be beneficial for the kidneys

Antiseptic oils (helpful for kidney infections, urinary tract infections, cystitis): Sandalwood, Juniper, Geranium, Cypress, Cedarwood and Chamomile. Calming confidence boosting oils: Chamomile, Thyme, Juniper, Cypress.

Which essential oil heals kidney function? ›

Essential oils that can be beneficial for the kidneys

Antiseptic oils (helpful for kidney infections, urinary tract infections, cystitis): Sandalwood, Juniper, Geranium, Cypress, Cedarwood and Chamomile. Calming confidence boosting oils: Chamomile, Thyme, Juniper, Cypress.

Which oil is best for the kidneys? ›

Adding olive oil to your diet can not only improve your kidney health and protect them, but it can also reduce the rates of heart disease and cancer. Olive oil is a good thing to have if you're following a one-kidney diet plan because it gives you the healthy fats you need.

What essential oils are good for kidney yang? ›

Basil Essential Oil is a key essential oil to help strengthen a person's Kidney Yang energy and in this way bring warmth and stimulation to a person's overall metabolism. Basil essential oil is also an important oil for a general lack of vitality, weakness in the lumbar region, and low sex drive or impotence.

What is the best drink to restore kidney function? ›

Let's discuss the top 8 best drinks for people with kidney disease.
  1. Water. Water is the source of all life, making it by far the best beverage you can have. ...
  2. Sparkling Water. Dark sodas can be hurting your kidneys more than you think. ...
  3. Smoothies. ...
  4. Coffee. ...
  5. Herbal Tea. ...
  6. Green Tea. ...
  7. Carrot Juice. ...
  8. Apple Juice.
Jan 31, 2023

What doTERRA essential oil is good for kidneys? ›

When used for its aroma, Juniper Berry essential oil has a calming and grounding effect and can also be diffused to help cleanse and purify the air. Juniper Berry oil can be used internally as a powerful cleansing and detoxifying agent and to support urinary tract and healthy kidney function.

What is the best home remedy for healthy kidneys? ›

You can also use home remedies to avoid UTIs and improve kidney function.
  1. Drink a lot of water. ...
  2. Drink cranberry juice. ...
  3. Avoid alcohol and coffee. ...
  4. Take probiotics. ...
  5. Get some vitamin C. ...
  6. Try parsley juice. ...
  7. Consume apples and apple juice. ...
  8. Take an Epsom salt bath.

What heals kidneys fast? ›

Following are some natural remedies that can help you take care of your kidneys.
  • Stay hydrated. The most common reason for the formation of kidney problems is lack of water. ...
  • Vitamin C. Vitamins and minerals are powerful antioxidants. ...
  • Apples. ...
  • Kidney beans. ...
  • Lemon juice and honey. ...
  • Watch blood pressure. ...
  • Dates.
Dec 13, 2021

How can I make my kidneys stronger again? ›

If kidney function begins to decline, you can take the following steps.
  1. Keep your blood pressure and blood sugar within norms. This will help slow the decline in kidney function. ...
  2. Lower your cholesterol. ...
  3. Consider medication. ...
  4. Eat a plant-based diet; limit protein intake. ...
  5. Use NSAIDs with caution.
Sep 11, 2023

What is superfood for kidneys? ›


Another kidney-friendly super food is cauliflower. This cruciferous vegetable brings lots of vitamin C to your plate, along with folate and fiber. In addition it contains compounds that help your liver neutralize toxic substances. Cauliflower can be eaten raw with dip or in salads.

What is the best liquid to flush your kidneys? ›

Beets and their juices contain Betaine which increases urine acidity, prevents build-up of struvite and calcium phosphate and reduces the chances of kidney stone formation. Other effective cleansing agents are coconut water, cucumber juice and cherries.

What is the best supplement for the kidneys? ›

What Are Supplements for Kidney Health
  • Niacin (B3)
  • Pantothenic acid (B5)
  • Folic acid.
  • Cobalamin (B12)
  • Pyridoxine (B6)
  • Biotin.
  • Vitamin C.
  • Vitamin A.
Nov 3, 2022

What Chinese herb heals kidneys? ›

Rheum palmatum L; Astragalus membranaceus (Fisch.), is referred to as 'Dahuang, Huangqi' in China. As an important medicinal plant, the rhizome of rhubarb and astragalus is traditionally used in the treatment of kidney diseases associated with renal failure, inflammation and tumors.

What tea is best for chronic kidney disease? ›

Green tea

Green tea has also been shown to decrease the risk of kidney stones. In particular, green tea contains the catechin epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG), which may be helpful for people with kidney disease. Several studies have shown that it can slow the decline of chronic kidney disease.

How to strengthen kidneys in Chinese medicine? ›

In Chinese medicine, walnuts are traditionally thought to strengthen the kidneys and consequently to relieve fatigue and frequent urination, improve men's sexual function, maintain fluid levels in the intestines to support bowel regularity, and promote longevity.

What damages the kidneys the most? ›

Diabetes is the most common cause of kidney disease. Both type 1 and type 2 diabetes. But also heart disease and obesity can contribute to the damage that causes kidneys to fail.

Does lemon water flush your kidneys? ›

Water helps eliminate waste from the body through urine and healthy bowel movements. However, there is no evidence suggesting that lemon water is better than plain water for this. In fact, most claims that foods or beverages can cleanse or detoxify the organs are not grounded in scientific fact.

How do I detox my kidneys naturally? ›

Foods for Kidney Cleanse
  1. Beet juice, to improve blood flow to the kidneys. A small 2021 study found no real benefit. ...
  2. Watermelon and lemon juice. Fruits that contain citric acid are believed to help prevent kidney stones. ...
  3. Cranberry juice. ...
  4. Pumpkin seeds.
Jul 31, 2023

Which essential oil is good for the kidneys? ›

Oregano- Known for its antibiotic and anti inflammatory properties, Oregano essential oil is great for kidney health and can help with UTIs. Oregano is a VERY spicy oil and should be used with caution when applying topically.

What oils are kidney friendly? ›

People with CKD are at higher risk of heart disease and should limit the amount of fat they consume. Monounsaturated fats and polyunsaturated fats—found in foods such as canola oil, corn oil, peanut oil, and safflower oil—are healthy alternatives to saturated fats and trans fats.

What is the most powerful essential oil? ›

Frankincense Essential Oil (Boswellia carterii) is one of the most powerful and deeply spiritual essential oils available.

What not to drink if you have kidney problems? ›

Many manufacturers of dark-colored drinks add phosphorus to their products to enhance flavor, prolong shelf life, and prevent discoloration. Phosphorus in its additive form, found in dark cola and beer, is highly absorbable by the human body and is not recommended for those following a renal diet.

Which exercise is best for the kidneys? ›

Choose continuous activity such as walking, swimming, bicycling (indoors or out), skiing, aerobic dancing or any other activities in which you need to move large muscle groups continuously. Low-level strengthening exercises may also be beneficial as part of your program.

How do I make my kidneys stronger? ›

What can I do to keep my kidneys healthy?
  1. Make healthy food choices. ...
  2. Make physical activity part of your routine. ...
  3. Aim for a healthy weight. ...
  4. Get enough sleep. ...
  5. Stop smoking. ...
  6. Limit alcohol intake link. ...
  7. Explore stress-reducing activities. ...
  8. Manage diabetes, high blood pressure, and heart disease.

How can I reverse kidney damage naturally? ›

You can't reverse the damage that's already been done. However, you can reduce the risk of kidney damage. Healthy lifestyle habits, diabetes management, and keeping blood sugars in target range can help you reduce your risk of kidney damage.

What Chinese herbs heal kidneys? ›

Rheum palmatum L; Astragalus membranaceus (Fisch.), is referred to as 'Dahuang, Huangqi' in China. As an important medicinal plant, the rhizome of rhubarb and astragalus is traditionally used in the treatment of kidney diseases associated with renal failure, inflammation and tumors.

What is the best thing to take for kidney function? ›

ACE inhibitors and ARBs are two types of blood pressure medicine that may slow the loss of kidney function and delay kidney failure.

Is there a supplement to help kidney function? ›

Special renal vitamins are usually prescribed to provide extra water soluble vitamins needed. Renal vitamins contain vitamins B1, B2, B6, B12, folic acid, niacin, pantothenic acid, biotin and a small dose of vitamin C.

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