The Montana Standard from Butte, Montana (2024)

-10ft Montana Standard, Sunday, April 3, 1960 7 Grand OES dW Hur ins First i SLA Kiwanians ost Relative of H. E. Norris Is Summoned In Science Fair Visit nn LaanjLuo sner 4 to DRUMMOND Howard E. Nor- TWIN BRIDGES Jon Hurd, ris received word of the recent first student from the Twin Bridges death of a brother-in-law, Frank school to compete ki the Regional M. Spauldsog, 72, to Snohomish, science Fair Butte, won first Wash- place in the Atomic Energy, Elec- Mr.

Spaulding was bora Jan. 18, tricity and Magnetism division. In 1888, In NeHeigh, and was addition he also received the Navy an employe on the Milwaukee science Award for outstanding per-Railroad when was built here In formance and will be a guest of 1906. He and Bertha Norris, Drum- Navy on a two week' cruise mond, were married here at that Pacific this summer, time and they moved shortly after- Mrg. Burton Whiting and wards to Washington to make their home.

They had been located in Eureka, worthy grand matron and Louise Herrin and the Sheridan Maynard Jones, Rapelje, worthy FHA Chapter mother, Mrs. Doro- the Grand Chapter of thy Carey. The girts enjoyed la Mont QnIer round of activities which included an entertaining talent show Friday Star, made then- official vit to evening and a series of seminars Margaret Cummmgs Chapter 57, at based on this conventiya special meeting Monday evening theme. "Family Fitness." at Masonic Temple The State FHA chorus was com Other distinguished guests were posed of one JJ Lucille Kennedy. Missoula, grand ter and ths year the Shendan Aer grouS was represented by Sylvia secretary.

Agnes Anderson, Ronan. Anderson. grand Ruth; Augusta Baumgartner, Ronan, past worthy grand matron; Ol i Fern Hobaugh' philipsburg. grand KJ3 C1T1 NtllflPriTS committee woman; Re va officials DRUMMOND Victoria Baney. Drummond, "International Peace Gardens committee.

Visitors included Mrs. Raymond Jones, Bitterroot Chapter 96, Rapelje; Helen Kennedy, worthy matron," Emmanuel Chapter 54, Missoula; Kingdom Kennedy. Louise Johnson, Oline Ohmstad, Mil dred Dishman, Katie and Elmer Hanse. John Hunt. Emmanuel chapter.

Missoula; Miriam Jensen, LiUy the Valley Chapter 4, Boze- Vxfl SHERIDAN The Sheridan Ki- wanis Club met Tuesday evening at Bethany Hall. Their quests for the evMiinff were members of the LtrSmgSTciub the two coaches Lee Spuhler and Lyonall Thompson Three high school students vided the entertainment for the evening. They were Richard Four- nier who played accordion selec- tions Vera Gilman, vocal selec- tions' and Clark Conrow, a humor- ous monologue. Members of the-S Club attend- Ing were Steve Mortensen, Fred Salmonsen, Joe Bill Lar-sen, Joe Stauduhar, Clark Conrow, Bud BariL Bill Marsh. Jerry Pack, Jerry Callahan, John Clay-pool.

Ray Paige, Bob Bray, Bob Wright, Larry Elser, Leroy Johnson, Fay Wessel, Dan Moore, Dan Marsh and Alan Paige. Other high school athletes also attending were Vern Gilman, By- ron Sagunsky, Vera Dornbos, Dar- nell Godfrey, Larry Magnus. Eu- Snohomish since 1944. Besides his widow, Bertha, he is survived by a daughter, Mrs. Frances Finnegan, Helena; two sons.

Robert of Seattle and Glenn of Columbus, Ohio; three sisters and seven grandchildren. Funeral services were conducted In Snohomish and burial vas in the cemetery there. The recently elected board of directors of the Drummond VaHey Recreation Center had an organi- WISDOM-JACKSON Mrs. Lela ration meeting during the week. Rutledge was the guest of honor at Merle Arrington was chosen as a pinochle luncheon given by Mrs.

president; Mrs. Arthur Ahlin, vice Fred Rutledge Saturday at Mrs. president; Mrs. Ed Schaffer. sec- Rutledge's home.

The occasion was, retary; Heber Miller, treasurer, her birthday. Places were laid for F. M. Durfee will be in charge Mrs. Mabel Coon and Mrs.

Over-of the renting of the center. Discus- and of Butte. Mrs. Clarence Helm-sums on projects for the coming ing, Mrs. Chris Rasmussen, Mrs.

year followed the election. Harry Helming, Mrs. George Helm-Mr. and Mrs. J.

H. Schultz and ing, Mrs. Hans Lauesen, Mrs. Mrs. Jody Stokes attended the Claude Anderson, Mrs.

Bertha graveside services for Patricia, Francis, Amy Stephens, Mrs. Ruby Sue, infant daughter of Mr. and'Bledsoe. Mrs. Lela Rutledge, Mrs.

Mrs. Robert Cobban of Winston Fred Rutledge and Lana. Prizes citf Later to the afternoon the guests opened their gifts after which mov- uis "sv "bu. III I tl LlllfX tI MRIWIl. Refreshments were served to RofnacVrru.n HUM urvaH Mrs.

Maude StraUon. Mr. and Mrs. Chapter Is gene Bock Jeff Gleason. Joe uwr ziauK iuici.

m. mcij. Lucier, Kutn ToyJen- Gleason and Martin Gallagher. The teachers are trying to get the nie Pearl chapter 14, Philip Arthur entertained enterested in leather ipsburg; HaraW and Vida Olsson, Mrs. Anna Arthur entertainea attended Anemon ChaDter 93 Ronan the following ladies- her home ia" Anemone uiapter Konan.

March 24: Mrs. Polly Oakwood. thT' dinner meeting of the Kiwams Mrs. Otto Scbulz. Mrs.

Ben Hardin Kd Cross volunteers to help Club was held Monday evening with Jr Mrs. Isabelle Marsh, Mrs. WIth donations in Boulder last Fn- Paul Greany, president presid-Glenn March Mrs David Birrer dav afternoon were Mrs. John mg. EHis Donaldson of the Mon-and Mrs Kitt Contract O'Neill.

Mrs. Alice Carlson and tana Power Butte, was the bridge was played and' Mrs. Otto Mrs Helen Nonis Those who pest speaker Andy Sorenson. Shuk had high score for the even- donated blood were Mr. and Mrs former resident now of Helena, John Neill, Doug DuBois and was also a guest 1' Mrs.

Alice Carlson. Four young ladies from Shendan Beats Odds The mrther looks on as farmer Wilson Ensley of Douglass, holds triplet calves considered a one in 2,000,000 possibility. Ensley believes he can sell the calves for about $120 each. High School sZMlZy 2 FHA Convention Bozeman fcom as zl March 25 and 26. They were Carol temoon-J 7 BurlLngame, Carol Carey.

Betty reviewed and other CubScout re-Jo Weber and Sylvia Anderson, quiremente were Practiced A coal Mews of Magic Conservation District Has Annual Meet; Supervisors Are Elected to Soil Board SM i. Jl WHITEHALL The annual meet- ing of the Jefferson Valley Soil observation uistnct. was new the nigh scoooi gyinwith 5 at- Rex Campbell, extension con- servationist. spoke on "The Human MSHT III 1 JirLXfl Vl II It 1 I 1 11171 I slf I glides mustratin thc uiuouau rl.c illivcirotintl imurf agriculture on the present stand- Madison OES tendmg. ard of living.

E. J. Berg. aU of Butte and Mr. Mrs.

a. c. Mewart wmnei. sey and the hostess. Prizes were Teresa Smith of Boulder High Honoring Mrs.

Myrtle Gillespie and Mrs. William Stratton. Frank, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hixson of won by Mrs.

WiHiams, Mrs. Ste-School won first place in the speak- and Charles Stratton. Mr. and Judiann and Jayne, Miss Klemo. Spokane have announced the birth phens and Mrs.

J. Hirschy. ing contest, Judy Stahl, also of Mrs. Ray Gillespie, Mr. and Mrs.

Victor Hovin, Mr. and Mrs. Ray of a son, Ricki Ray. Maternal Boulder, placed second and Billy William Stratton and Kaye Klemo Gillespie and Donald. grandparents are Mr.

and Mrs. Powell of Whitehall won third, entertained at a surprise birthday Mr. and Mrs. Gene Stewart of Ray Hixson of Whitehall and the C1 Each student received an individual dinner at the Ray Gillespie Ranch. Harve are the parents of a son, paternal grandparent, Mr.

and NWPPT Inlrtr achievement medal and a cash Mrs. R. alter Brisden of Great ff uux (1 Tl'l ftfl 1 1 TT1 OTl Leather Craft BASIN-Films on leather craft were snown last yveaneuay eve- nng the grade school by the Pwnt U) U1C 'u put aoiuc su UK uv ngiui uic growth that comes from the chemi calization of the plant. It was decidedtovprepare for Easter at the nelcTmeeting. The Basin Arts and Crafts enjoyed a day of bowling at the Star Lanes Wednesday afternoon.

Lunch was enjoyed by the ladies before the games. Joseph LaCombe arrived In Basin to spend weekend with his family. He- is working in Great Falls. COT. BIX! MrS.

Uene niaUUCn OUU Mr and Mrs. Gene Madden and daughter of Helena visited friends and relatives here Pictures of Earthquake Are Shown VIRGINIA CITY At a apedal meeting of toe Virginia City Worn- en-, dub, rnembers and Invited rth. qiake whidl occurred fa, August i ir.n glides were shown by Neil J. Ho- lX. TT 1 Tl Stevens and Gene Stevens.

The business meeting was held earlier and was presided over by Helen Erickson. A report was en on the "Day Court" which was held in the courtroom of the court house with Judge Philip C. Duncan presiding. A report was given by Mary Stiles, education chairman, con- snminff rvi mn anna iv.1. lege and a report was given by ThmaS international 1 After the program was concluded ISTZirZTvvllJ lLZS.

1 IjTu Those who attended the meeting of Butte Lodge No. 11, Fraternal Order of Eagles on March 22 from Alder Gulch Aerie No. 664 to honor their first president, William Hu- stead, were Victor Magnus, Em- mett Pankey. Harry Hagl. Floyd Marx, Lawrence Oliver, George Hubbard and Ronald Carey.

Hustead was the first president of Alder Gulch Aerie and is the onlv which he helped found April 7, 1904. In addition to being the first president of the aerie he has also served as secretary, treasurer and trustee. He now lives in Butte. After the meeting a lunch was served by the members of the cuue uxige ana a social Dour loi- towed. family were Sunday dinner guests of Mrs.

Helen Brown ki Aider. Mr. and Mrs. Leaco*ck of Gar-' rison were visitors on Sunday of Mr. and Mrs.

Charles Whitney and family. Mr- and Mrs. Bill Halverson of Butte spent Sunday afternoon as guests of Mr. and Mrs. Glen Tut-ney and Gary.

Mr. and Mrs. Howard Reeves of Butte were guests on Sunday of their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Jiggs High and Danny.

Mr. and Mrs: Sam Patrick of CardweU visited Sunday with A. W. Pasco and Miss M. M.

Ten pteton. Mrs. Leland Tash, Mrs. A. R.

Smith, Mrs. Nick Peppercoff and Mrs. Therman Wall were Dillon visitors on Thursday. Mrs. Jane Talbott went to Sheridan on Saturday where she was a guest until Monday of Mr.

and Mrs. E. J. Osborne and granddaughter. Mr.

and Mrs. Fred Maiky and Kathy and Mrs. Esther High were visitors Sunday in Laurin the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Grat-ton.

Mrs. Dale Barkell and Vernon and Mrs. Richard Woods and Benny of Silver Star were callers in the home of Mrs. Esther High Sunday. Mr.

and Mrs. Burl Norris of Leavenworth, were guests from Saturday to Monday of Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Smith and Harold and Mr. and Mrs.

Clyde Donaldson and sons. MikeReillyls Honored on 9th Birthday BOULDER Mrs. Stanley Refflji entertained at a party Sunday afternoon ki honor of her son, Mike, who was celebrating his ninth birthday. A group of schoolmates gathered at his home for an afternoon of. games, after which the hostess served refreshments.

The honored guest received many gifts. Pat Duffy. Son of Mr. and Mrs. T.

F. Duffy, celebrated his 11th birthday anniversary at a party Thursday evening, March 17. at his home. His guests were class mates of the fifth grade. Refresh ments were served, after which the group attended the picture show.

Mr. and Mrs. Frank Williams of Missoula and their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Robert McGill and daughter, Kathy, of Smock. visited at the home of Mr.

and Mrs. George Ammen from test Wednesday through Friday. John Graesser and his weekend guest. Harvey Jung of Helena, left for Bozeman Monday where they are students at the Montana State College. Mr.

and Mrs. Emmett Angland of Great Falls, are visiting at tha valley home of Mrs. An gland's part end, Mr. and Mrs. A.

C. Quaint aoce. Mr. end Mrs. Arthur Madsen visited in East Helena Saturday, at the home of Mr.

and Mrs. Robert Fekh. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne McFarlane and family visited relatives and friends in Great Falls over the weekend Mr.

and Mrs. Floyd McFarlane of Choteau were weekend visitors at the Gordon McFarlane home. Mr. and Mrs. Charles E.

Mande-ville and children, Mary Ann, Joan, and Charles Edward of Helena, pent the weekend at the home of Mrs. AMa Dawson. Brig Leths Are Hosts At Dinner NORRIS Mr. and Mrs. Jack Cain and Mr.

and Mrs. Harold Cain of Bozeman Hot Springs were Friday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Brig Leth and son, James. Dan Todd of Ennis was a Monday caller at the Wilbur Grauman home.

Mr. and Mrs. George Rowe and daughters of Bozeman were Nor, ris callers Sunday. Mrs. Edna McKenzie of Alder was the weekend guest of her sister, Agnes Hadzor.

Mrs. Bessie Jackson of Twin Bridges visited last week in the home of her son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Peter V. Jackson III.

Mrs. Marjory Sbanholtzer and daughter, Dorothy, of Willow Creek, were dinner guests Friday night in the home of Mr, and Mrs. Billy Reynolds. 500 Club Honored By Mrs. Jones TWIN BRIDGES Nellie Jones entertained the 500 Club in her home Wednesday afternoon.

GuesU present were Mrs. Harlan Juzeler, Mrs. John Huck, Mrs. Violet Ray! and members, Mrs. Charles Harvey, Mrs.

Norma Reid, Mrs. Bess Lott, Mrs. T. J. Morrow, Mrs.

John Seyler. Mrs. Alta Pitch er. Mrs. C.

J. Cox, Mrs. W. B. Sey ler, and Mrs.

George Jenkins. Prizes went to Mrs. John SeyW, Mrs. Fitcber god Mrs. Marrow.

Host to Official Visit of Grand Matron and Patron at the Sunset Memorial Cemetery in Helena Tuesday. Jay Eugene, born March 57. Ma- teroal grandparents are Mr. and Mr FVrvri Ward nf WhitmaM n. randparents are Mr.

zA Fall. Mrs. Elvin Powell entertained her dessert bridge dub Monday evening. Guests for the evening were Mrs. Dave Bryal and Mrs.

Don BonawKz. Mrs. Basil Brooke placed high at cards, Mrs. Carrol second and Mrs. Bonawitx third.

Cecil Reels Are Complimented nvtru PONY Homtvm Mr. xvl Mrt -i. I i Ti 1 Mrs. Glenn Kyle. Mr.

and Mrs. Ftw ta Terry. Mr. and Mrs. Ivy Obrige- witch.

Mr. and Mrs. Ed Olind. the honor guesU. Pinochle was played and a lunch served.

A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Larry Young in the Bozeman Dea- coness Hospital March 36. He has been named Roderick. Mr.

and Mrs. C. B. Curry of Pony are the maternal grandparents. The Youngs make their home in Three Forks.

Mr, uvl Mrc TWuklH rVolrVMno Livingston visitors last Sunday. Mrs. Alfred Davis returned home Monday after a week's stay in Bozeman Deaconess Hospital. Mr. and Mrs.

Melvin Slater of Ermis visited Pony relatives last Sunday afternoon. ti.t clTul iinnOUXlCGCl OnX.AUATi ir. StnU AITS. Lowell Gilman of Ruby, are par- wtsof a daughter born March SberMan Emergency Hos- plttL She has three brothers and one Land ENNIS Victoria Baney, worthy Root Chapter 96, Rapelje: ArceEa grand matron, and Maynard Jones, Chapter 34. Sheridan; Daisy Chap-worthy grand patron, of the Grand ter 20.

Twin Bridges; Acacia Chap- Mrs. Rutledge Honoree At Luncheon were won by Mrs. C. Helming, Mrs. Rasmussen and Mrs.

Coon, Jock McDowell was honored on his 11th birthday by his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mel McDowell with a lunch. Present were Glen and Steve Pope, Steve Hirschy, Monte Clemow, Jimmy Hyatt, Donnle Smith, Lormie Triplett, Johnny Eliel, Robbi McDowell. Doug and Rial McDowell.

James and David Hall and Rob Sparks of Butte. Games were played. Overnight guests were Monte Clemow, Jimmy Hyatt and Rob Sparks. Mrs. Sam McDowell we hostess at a bridge party Tuesday evening at her home.

Present were Mrs. Argyt Stephens. Mrs. Tom Wit uamc, Mrs. uayioa miouey, aits.

Virgil Triplett. Mrs. Mel McDowell. Mrs. Dwain McKevitt, Mrs.

Peter rwaiiiuojren, oui. ucu oiiuui, t-lU 1 nt-fc tli- .1... Hirschy, Mrs. Ed Glas- OES Chapter Has Meeting MANHATTAN The regular meeting of Sweet Briar Chapter, OES, was held Wednesday night with Diann Harding, worthy matron, and Dent LaRue, associate patron, in charge. During the business session donations were given to the Masonic Home in Helena toward new beds and to Masonic Welfare and the peace Garden.

For the chapter wo instau a tavaiory floor of th. building. Initiatory work was riven to Kenneth Stout and Bess Rinehart 0,., was presented with her proficiency nit "uWf observed the first meeting in April. After the meeting refreshments wer by Nellie Nelson. Vi- vn Coombs.

Clara South, Nina A- D- Burkett. Mr. and Mrs. R. B.

Spangler spent a week in Simrns with their son, Truitt Spangler. Mrs. F. L. Pope was honored by birthday dub at a party TiiiiraTTsv tftamvw Mr Prw V.

'V'' were hostess and provided games entertainment. Refreshments were served to Mrs. Art Pyfer, Mrs. Edgar Hayes, Mrs. Christine Skinner, Mrs.

Har- Mrs. tivw Maie, Mrs. Mabel Wiles, Mrs. E. M.

Davis, Mrs. Louis Eblen, the nonoret and hostesses, VISITS LEMONS THREE FORKS Tom Spatafore of Harlowton who was enroutejo Missoula where he attends MSU, was a weekend guest at the Dean Lemon home. liam Stiener for the four triyi he donated. ltar a 'P1 OlST POUHS ML IDKmOTJ frOTa LTi- iqioIjL. ma siru uu, TT it ucu U4 uuim uwu, on March 4, 1960.

A addenda dedicating the new room to 28 members by Minnie and Richard Noble. Wilma Hudson and Selma Brook. ter 21. Whitehall; Three Rivers Zm.m -official Chapter 56, Three Forks; Echo Ull AlllllVerSary r'tiarrfar "Ul Pnnv Parvbtll Dun. Chapter 38, Pony; Randall Chap- They were accompanied by their homT economics teacher.

KIT i TT- ivienens nome Is Scene of Planning Meet THREE FORKS-Civic Oub met at the borne of Mrs. H. L. Mertens on March 28 with Mrs. Earl Mc-Lees, president, Plans were formulated to sell refreshments at the annual Climbing Arrow Ranch horse and cattle sale Monday and Tuesday.

Committee appointments made were: general chairman, Mrs. McLees; soliciting, food and work ina wore- sss ers. Mrs. Mertens, and Mrs. Harvey Phillips.

A to the American Legion toward the fees of Three Forts boys at Boys State was approved by the group, In celebration of the Civic Clubs anniversary a pot-luck supper was planned for the April meeting. Each member mav invite her bus- band and another couple. Palwiclinunt. waj urv1 rllA dose of the meeting by the host- ess to seven members and three guests, Mrs. Robert DeBoer, Mrs.

ari Kiuman ana Mrs. w. j. snananan. Three Rivers Chapter, Order of Eastern Star, held then- regular meeting Wednesday, March 23, with Edna Bellach, worthy matron, and EdwuhBellach, worthy patron, tymsMinrr Th naor mmrw t.

sented the worthy patron with a hf rl Anw JcT An electnc clock was given the TwiTin r-kZl Tlnn iul SJh v7 members and their husbands. Kath- leen Wikox opened the program by explaining the meaning of Estral and Rev. Tom Lane of Twin Bridges gave an interesting talk on the Estarl scholarship. The past matrons were in charge of the entertainment and refresh- ments. The group enjoyed group singing accompanied at the piano bv Rose Brvant and a birthdav dred Burow was served in honor of those having birthdays during the past several months.

Secor Girls Are Feted On Birthdays WILLOW CREEK Mrs. Lyle Secor was hostess for the birthdays of her daughters, Linda and Valerie, March 26 in the afternoon. After the games, were played and they ncTS s'S served a luncheon to Sue Tocci. Shari Parker, Myra Kent, Ann Stalcup. Lynn Ann Albro.

Lois Cooper. Sherry Elmer and Mary Ann Mack from Willow Creek, Vickie Jane and Becky Secor from -MUB Chapter of Montana, Order Eastern Star, made their visitation to Madison Chapter 118 Thursday. March 24. tl l' lvV. u.

the worthy grand matron a gift mauHcr. wuiuiy inairwu, firmcu fff Honored guests attendmg the luncheon were Mrs. Baney. Jones, wife Mrs. Jo Jones.

Lu- cille Kennedy, grand secretary; Kessie McDonald, honorary past Bu HeRakeman. astgr and Z- '-j the officers of Madison JL1 the offlcers 01 Madlson -ng was held in Jff ZJL! rj trwi nitiiaiiw. TAmrJifiaUnn rj th t-vtnnii(M wmk fnr her infection. Vireinia KerrenmaciS- aTwaker Kerzei iiutuin win uiv uauuu. wcic iu Mr R3n and wm trod need welcomed and seated in the East.

Other guests introduced were Rakeman. Lucille Kennedy, Nina Black, grand representative; Altha Kohls, Masonic Home; Doro- thy Haggett, Estarl Fund; Flor- ence Bryant, credentials; Alys PaumhII anA MiMrori Rnrnvu Tnlor. ier of lor 11 prize. Boulder, the winning school. received the trophy.

Supervisors elected to the trict board were Glen Allen ft John Goraick, and Gene Hanson. replacing Harry Alley. Paul Keigh and Vine Capp. McLeods Are HflTinrori flTI Anniversary fJARDrvF.R. Mr tv1 Kf vi i.

it. i St" "JTi wwunrg Saturday. Guests were Mr. and Mn K'h Arvn JimmVf Debbie and Kevin of Bil- lgs. Mr.

and Mrs. Gene F. Mc- Mr and M. Norton- Mf- aild Herbert O. DelaBarre.

and Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Thomas. left Wednesday by for Denver on a business lT1- i Mr. and Mrs.

Tom Onstott and son, Robbie returned from Nye and will make their home Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Winning re- turned Friday from Arizona where they spent the winter months.

nia. Mr. and Mrs. George Jump bon- ored members of their family at a dinner Sunday. Covers were laid for Mr.

and Mrs. Everett Jump, Mr. and Mrs. Ted Jump. Bob Book, William Jump and Mr.

and Mrs. Lloyd Winkle and sons, Bob, and Ray. nor Sawyer, chaplain, and Ora Cantrell, three-year trustee. Installation will be held at the ate iuxcu MLviiu. waa are ur PbJS.

pauerand Rubr Weeks The neTneetine SbelSd AorfzS iL. 71. vw urK. wi nvauBjs, hit lesson a shelter party was1 held i i i i Hero ixeeiy oc twitie were guesu at Mrs. unoauua iuneutn during the weekend.

ter 97. Jefferson Island; Friend' lf rhAnfAr 1M Rolfrv- Ruth Chanter 2. Butte Emmanuel Chai tor Mimila- romrfMin Hdov Chapter 43, Bridger VnUnwin, fhp hmrh wa, served to 110 guests and members. Elinore Bennetts. Aretta Rowse and Palline Hacker were in charge of the refreshments.

Tashes Return From Vacation POLARIS Mr. and Mrs. Earl lasn reiurneu irom ineir Arizona Tash returned from their Arizona vacation trip last Friday. They visited many Montana friends there. Thev soent Sunday in Sheri- dan where the Tash Ranchers took part in the bowling tournament.

GuesU were entertained in the home of Dr. and Mrs. I. K. Cum- mings from Friday until Monday.

They were Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Williams who returned from a trip to Texas and Utah to their home in the Bitterroot VaHey.

Mr nrf Mm and tne vu rancn auring ine aosence of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Tash. MaSOIUC History; a bridge luncheon Thursday after- noon at her home. Places were laid for Mrs.

Clarence Helming. Mrs. Harry Helming, Mrs. Kate Hurley, re nnn Anann Mre rxrHr tick- hi. tstes also wm visit with otner relatives Rentuclcy bet ore re- turning borne.

national Peace Garden; LouisPat of Sheridan, spent the weekend Jones, instruction and proficiency; with Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Harrison Viola Giem, press; Spencer Hiem, and Bob.

unfinished business, and Calvin Mr. and Mrs. WUbur Tash re- Curry, Americanism. turned to their home in Dillon Chanters represented were Vir- Friday. They were in charge at Two Lima Women Honored at Baby Shower; VFW Auxiliary Elects Phyllis Paiierson Virginia City Chapter of OES Invited to Attend 70th Anniversary of Bozeman Unit gima Chapter 9, Virginia City; Lillian Chapter 64, Eureka: Bitter HedTS Mrs.

Oliver Is Hostess at Luncheon LIMA Mrs. Harold Weeks and Mrs. Bill Peterson honored Mrs. Neal Cherry and Mrs. Robert Wil- a baby March 24.

oZr. with prizes going to Betty HoW stine, Ellen, Bernard and Ca- mille Foster. Refreshmenti! werp served to 40 guests. Mrs. Cherry and Mrs.

Wilson received many Iai.aI.f rtifr. lovely gifts. J5 vte ruioy weeKs, con- wwa iviuesner, ireasur- er; Leona Cornwall, guard; Elea- VIRGINIA CITY Virginia Chap- ter 9. Ordee of the Eastern Star, met regular session March with Lucille M. Dixon, worthy if mafron AMrJwiu VrWur wortny patron, preskiinir.

wwf Letter, were read from IiUy of It was voted to send the usual donation to the Masonic Home. A vote of thanks was given WS- WISDOM-JACKSON A regular meeting of Wisdom Chapter 67. ORS wm Wd March 23 with Worthy Matron Lillie Willey and worthw Patron Earl Willey presid- program ana retresnments win oe served at tne April 13 meeimg. Mrs. Roy Oliver was hostess at i uie vrm nau wiui ner sneiter wen unaer way.

Airs. a Italian spun gold sheaf presented The Church of Christ had a p.c- President Ora Cantrell presiding. Audrey Gleason of Sheridan was m- Exemphfication of the traua- George HelrnIngi Mre. Raymond the rtaX by lX Sd mc at the Jensens home Sunday Business was conducted with do- a visitor. tory work was held.

Marce Pendle- Johnson and the hostess. Prize win- XZuLua Charles HaKirett Carrta and Nor for the birthdays Nita Jensen, nations being made to the Fort Owen Shields spent the week- ton, Edna and Frank Wilke were ners of the day were Mrs. Huntley. man Fries and' Wilma and War-Levi Hedglin and Charles Conkling. Harrison Hospital and to the Ko- end at Boulder, Butte and Helena, presented with proficiency certifi- Mrs.

Hurley and Mrs. Anson. wonaay' Rekhman was presented by Present were Mr. and Keith rean Village project of the depart- Mrs. A.

R. Keilett spent Mon- cates. The altar was draped in Ruth Clemow is attending Mon- The' offAcef preparations Norman Fries Car-Jensen, Nita. Ronnie and Randy; ment president. The charter was day ki Dillon on business.

memory of Mary J. Malone, past tana University during spring quar- for the off jcial visit of the Worthy Fries euiah wflmt Mrs. Art McLeod, Tommy, Donald draped in memory of Mrs. Ann Mrs. Worthy Empey is home grand matron (1911-12), who died ter.

Matron Victoria Baney on Reichman' Maude Trout' Erma and David of Toston; Mr. and Mrs. Swoboda. Election of officers was after spending II days in the hos- recently in California. March Arthur EUen McKenzie Katheryn Jimnue Pfden, Lmda.

Oland, held with the following officers pita! at Idaho Falls. Jewell Anderson-gave an inter- iFAVfj om trip Several necessary items pur- Gohn Doris Blakelev Lots SUener Mickey and Gordon of Trident; being elected: esting paper concerning the founds LEAVES ON TRIP chased for the kitchen were- Sie Ii DsSSml Frank Cooperof Bozeman; Charles Phyllis Patterson, president; VISIT FROM BUTTE ing of Masonry, and its accomplish- THREE FORKS George Estes Pted under chapter improve- Juanita liepler. Conkbng ofHelena; erlion Nix of Louise Wingert, senior vice presi- ments of 30 centuries. Worthy Ma- left Friday for a visit with his n1 including plates which ar- the close of the meeting WhKe Sulphur Springs; Mr. and dent; Anna May Cheney, junior THREE FORKS Mr.

and Mrs. tron Willey announced an Easter sister. Mrs. 0. Childers in Decatur, rived that day.

lunch was served in the dining aim T-Jwt trim i t. tV 'A Ilwclia- u. oiiu Francis Cleveland..

The Montana Standard from Butte, Montana (2024)
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Name: Rueben Jacobs

Birthday: 1999-03-14

Address: 951 Caterina Walk, Schambergerside, CA 67667-0896

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Hobby: Candle making, Cabaret, Poi, Gambling, Rock climbing, Wood carving, Computer programming

Introduction: My name is Rueben Jacobs, I am a cooperative, beautiful, kind, comfortable, glamorous, open, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.