kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (2024)

kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (1)

The exciting first patch of theREDupdate:1st Impacthas been released!! It includes the long, long, long-awaited Adventurer reorganization along with their own story lines, character creation and a few other changes! The Free Advancement system has also been added!

In addition, there has been a large overhaul of the profession system and some new UI. Read on for more information!

A new opening was added this patch, and I have to say, I love it! The video is epic and the music is great~ My favourite part was Dual Blade appearing out of nowhere to help the thief, haha. Oh and of course the part at the end with the Black Mage and Critias!

Thanks to maplefreak26 for the video!

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Let’s start off with some of the less important changes that were added this patch. First off,Certain skills such asthieves’Fake, Luminous’Light Shadow Guard, andPaladin’sShield Masteryall have effects which avoid or Guard against attacks from monsters. Before, if one of these attacks inflicted a status effect, even if you successfully avoided/Guarded the attack, you would still be afflicted with the status, but now, you will correctly avoid/Guard against it as well.

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Now, when fighting monsters, they will be more likely to drop equipment that your character can wear instead of just random jobs.

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Hard Magnus’ drop rate of the Cursed Kaiserium has been increased greatly.The quests that allowed you to turn theCursed Kaiseriuminto theLiberated Kaiseriumhas had its requirement of 150 Cursed Horn’s Aura reduced to 5.

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Thestat windowhas received some new additions.The stats on the right side have been rearranged and you can now see a bunch of new useful information~!

  • Minimum and maximum critical damage
  • Boss damage
  • Defense ignored
  • Resistance to statuses and elements
  • Stance

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A newitem upgradewindow has been added! You can access it by pressing the hammer icon in the item inventory. It allows you to easily upgrade your equipment by clicking both the item and the scroll you wish to use, they will be automatically placed into the UI. You can then press the Upgrade button to apply the scroll!

The scroll helperBalaliowho allowed you to use Legendary Spirit without having the skillhas been deleted due to the functionality of the new item upgrading UI.

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Theequipment windowhas been updated! It is now seperated into four tabs. Above you’ll see the equipment UI and the Cash UI, which are the first two tabs. They even show the slots that you must unlock (Pocket, second Pendant) and how to get them if you hover over it.

I’m glad they made this change because hovering over something with a lot of stats as well as Cash equipment on top of it made it really hard to see the item itself, haha.

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The next two tabs are for pets and your Android. They made it all neat and easier to change the options of your pet!

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If you are a job with special equipment such as Mechanic, Evan, or Angelic Burster, you will have an extra tab for your items.

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Likewise, thequest windowhas been renewed. In the ‘available’ tab you can now search through the quests there and for some, you can even automatically start them through the window! The ‘in progress’ tab has been slightly changed in order to make it easier to find the quest summary, the items you need, and the rewards you will receive. Itallows you to automatically complete quests through the window as well.

The ‘party quest’ tab has been renamed to ‘recommended content’ and will now show content that might be good for you to participate in. You can now choose from a dropdown of things like boss content or party content and it will show you icons for each which you can click for more information.

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Oldmounts(such as Adventurer’s, Cygnus’, Aran’s, Evan’s, and Rex’s Hyena) will now be shown in the Riding Skill tab similar to other, newer mounts.

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For players who have not logged in for 90 days or more, the newReturning Warrior Tutorialwill be available to them when they do log in.

This tutorial will show them the new things that were added while they were gone, such as searching through the World Map, content for their levels, events, Monster Life, and social chats. Completing the tutorial will give them good information as well as a few items (30 day Bunny Mount, 30 Day Teleport Rock, 50 Power Elixirs).

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TheProfessionsystem has been reorganized! There were some changes to existing things, which are:

  • You can now learn mining and herb collecting at the same time
  • You no longer need pickaxes or shovels in order to mine/collect, but you can still use upgraded ones if you wish
  • The amount of item crystals acquired when breaking down equipment has been adjusted
  • Producing items level 120 or below (except for certain ones) no longer requires recipes
  • The amount of crafting items you can hold in one slot has been increased
  • Some items’ required crafting items and fatigue have been changed, creation waiting time has been added
  • A cooldown has been added to fatigue restoring potions
  • Items sold by the merchants have been reorganized (no more ores/herbs sold, blacksmithing and accessory crafting recipes removed)
  • NewMeisteritems have been added as well, the weapons can be produced through Blacksmithing while the accessories can be produced with Accessory Crafting.

Thepersonality traitsystem received some small changes.Empathyhas had its effect of increasing quest experience changed to increased buff duration (1% for every 10 levels), andinsighthas received an additional effect of ignoring a certain percentage of monsters’ elemental resistance (0.5% for every 10 levels).

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The types of flowers and veins that appear on maps will now depend on the levels of the monsters there, and with higher levels, higher-grade flowers/veins will appear. New types have been added such as theSecret Vein, Secret Legendary Vein, Secret Flower, and Secret Legendary Flower. They all drop new items that are required to create the new items added in this patch.

Monsters and bosses above level 95 will now drop theEssence of Twisted Timewhich is also required to make some of the new items.

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NewArtisan and Mastersystems have been added to professions. Level 10 is not the highest you can go with professions anymore!

By collecting artisan points through creating items, you can level up toArtisan(level 11). This will give the items you create a higher chance to get high rank additional options as well as give you the ability to createtheArtisan’sCube(for Blacksmithing), level 70 shoulderpads and level 80 face accessories and theStrong Flame of Reincarnation(for Accessory Crafting), and bags as well as new potions (for Alchemy).

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If you go even further, you will be able to become aMaster(level 12)! This will give you an even higher chance to get high rank additional options and the ability to create theMaster’s Cube(for Blacksmithing),level 100/130 shoulderpads and level 100/130 face accessories and theEternal Flame of Reincarnation(for Accessory Crafting), and bags as well as new enhanced potions (for Alchemy).

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If you become a Master in a profession, you can choose to have a special effect appear around your character. From left to right the picture above shows the Blacksmithing, Accessory Crafting, and Alchemy effects.

If you stop making items, you will eventually lose your Master or Artisan rank, and will have to work again to get it back.

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Blacksmiths can create two types of cubes, theArtisan’s Cube(which can go up to Unique)and theMaster’s Cube(which can go up to Legendary and has a higher chance to raise the rank of your item).

These cubes are tradeable and will expire if not used within 7 days.

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Accessory crafters can create theStrong Flame of Reincarnationwhich has a higher chance of giving high statsand theEternal Flame of Reincarnationwhich gives the highest stats possible but has a 1% chance of destroying your item. These Flames are tradeable and will expire if not used within 7 days.

You will be able to find Artisan’s Cubes and Strong Flames both through hunting monsters and creating them through professions, but the other two will only be available through production. If you are successful in creating one of the Meister equipment, Master’s Cube or the Eternal Flame of Reincarnation, a message will be broadcasted to the entire world.

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Alchemists will be able to create8/10 slot Ore and Herb Bagsas an Artisan and12 slot Ore/Herb bagsas well as8 slot Coin Bagsas a Master.

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They will also be able to create the two new types of extractors. The first, theCube Extractorcan be used to extract Strange Cubes. The second is theScroll Extractorand can extract any non-Cash Shop scrolls as well as Flames of Reincarnation. The materials that you receive are used in the creation of Cubes, Flames, and Bags.Even if you have not learned Alchemy, you can use Extractors laid down by other users who have.

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TheMaple Mileagesystem has been added! The Mileage you gather will be used in the Cash Shop and when you purchase a Cash item, you can pay up to 30% of the cost with your Mileage instead! You will gain Mileage if you complete the following:

  • Defeat Normal or Chaos Zakum
  • Defeat Normal or Hard Hilla
  • Defeat Normal or Chaos Horntail
  • Defeat Van Leon
  • Defeat Arkarium
  • Defeat Normal or Chaos Pink Bean
  • Defeat Normal or Hard Magnus
  • Defeat Empress Cygnus
  • Complete Moon Bunny’s Rice Cake PQ
  • Complete First Accompaniment PQ
  • Complete Traces of the Goddess PQ
  • Complete Ice Knight’s Curse PQ
  • Complete Forest of Poison Fog PQ
  • Complete Pirate Davy Jones PQ
  • Complete Escape PQ
  • Complete Kenta in Danger PQ
  • Complete Resurrection of the Hob King PQ

In order to celebrate the release of this system, returning Maplers will be able to receive free Mileage! In addition, if you have bought Nexon Cash since the beginning of this year, you will be given Mileage based on how much you bought~

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Two new types of Cubes have been added! The first is theRed Cubewhich works as a regular Miracle Cube and can go up to Legendary rank.

10 Red Cube Fragments can be traded in for an Advanced Potential Scroll and 20 can get you a Perfect Potential Stamp which gives 100% chance to add a line of potential to an item.

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The second is theBlack Cubeand it also goes up to Legendary. This one however, allows you to see the potential of your item before and after the Cube is used and will allow you to choose if you wish to keep it or not.

5 Black Cube Fragments gives you an Advanced Enhancement Scroll, 15 gives you a Perfect Potential Stamp, and 30 gets you a Special Additional Potential Stamp which has a 100% chance of adding Additional Potential to an item.

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And the newPeachdillo, Lemondillo,andGreendillopets have been released! They even come with coupons to dye their colour~

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Now to start off the Adventurer changes, let’s look atDual Blade and Cannon Shooter, who have been changed intoregular Adventurers! This means they willshare Cash Shop wardrobeswith the other Adventurers andPhantomwill be able to steal their skills!

All Adventurer pirates will now receive the Master of Swimming and Master of Inventory beginner skills that Cannon Shooter has.

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Adventurer creationhas been renewed! You can now choose your gender, and 5 new hairs (2 for male, 3 for female) as well as 2 new faces have been added as choices. In addition, the beginner clothing has been updated!

These updates apply to the creation of Dual Blade and Cannon Shooter as well.

Thetutorialfor Adventurers has been updated as well! This includes a visual renewal of Maple Island as well as the NPCs! The tutorial begins with the guide portion (which you can skip) and then continues with the story line.

Here is a video of the new tutorial (thanks to Spadow!). As you can see, near the end you’ll be on your way to Victoria Island along with a few other characters, these are actually people you will be seeing a lot in the new Adventurer story line!

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Now you might be thinking, “What? Adventurers have a story line??” and the answer is yes! Now, when you create an Adventurer, you will receive theAdventure Logbookwhich will detail through chapters, summaries, and pictures, your adventure through the new quests!

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As you complete more quests, your Logbook will fill up with more information. These quests begin at level 10 and go all the way up to 100!

In a future update, Chapter 9 and 10 will be released.

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Adventurers now have access to anemblemslot! This comes along with two new items, theSilver and Gold Maple Leaf Emblems. You can acquire these by completing the Adventure Logbook until chapter 5 and chapter 10.

Silvergives 5 all stats and 1 attack/magic attack (level 60) andGoldgives 10 all stats and 2 attack/magic attack (level 100).

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Each of the five jobs will have a slightly different story but they’re all interesting and they might even lead up to something that will change Maple World forever… (again).Guess who’s back~?

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All Adventurers (except Dual Blade and Cannon Shooter) now gainspecialized skillsat 2nd job advancement. These skills have a max level of 1 and are automatically given a point which cannot be reset. They are meant to give an overarching concept to the job and give unique effects.

Some jobs have other skills which complement their specialized skills while others may have automatic upgrades to them at 4th job advancement.

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There were some specific changes tomagicians, including the removal of their extra MP gain on level up due to their intelligence. In addition, they now advance at level 10 like the other jobs instead of at level 8.

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TheMastery Booksystem has been reorganized! First of all, you will not require skill-specific Mastery Books anymore. You will only need the newMastery Book 20andMastery Book 30(and theDual Blade Training Bookfor Dual Blades’ 2nd~3rd job)!

Using these will allow you to choose one of your skills to upgrade the mastery level of at a 100% rate! It even works with Maple Warrior!

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A new Mastery Book salesman namedBucklermanwill sell the above mentioned books in Henesys and Leafre. Mastery Book 20 costs 7m mesos and Mastery Book 30 costs 10m.

You can trade in your old Mastery Books to Maple Admin in order to get the new Mastery Book 20 and 30.

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For all classes,skill books are no longer required for any skill. You will gain the skills automatically upon advancement!

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Finally, the newFree Advancementsystem has been added! This allows Adventurers to change their job to another one within their class. In order to change your job, you must go to the fourth job advancers in Leafre.

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However, there are some restrictions.

  • You must be a 4th job Adventurer
  • You must have either enough Free Advancement Coins or mesos (the cost depends on your level as well as how many times you have changed jobs)
  • You can only change jobs once per day
  • All your SP will be reset
  • If the job you are switching to uses a different main stat (e.g. Captain to Viper), your AP will be switched
  • If the job you are switching to has a Link Skill, you will gain that Link Skill (and vice versa, meaning you cannot get the Cannon Shooter Link Skill on a Captain or Viper)
  • After switching, you will get a level 100 weapon of the job you switched to

Skill Changes

Please note: all skill changes are being compared to the previous MAIN server patch. Also, any skills not mentioned within these notes have not been changed and still exist.



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  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (51)kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (52)kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (53)New!Warrior Leap:When in the air, jump forward one more time by pressing the jump key. After the second job advancement has been made, this skill’s effect and icon will change based on your job. (max level: 10)
  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (54)New!Warrior Mastery:Passively increase your speed, jump, and maximum speed by 10% as well as your Stance by 40% and your HP by 20 per character level. (max level: 15)

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  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (56)Slash Blast:damage has been increased from 260% to 335%, effect has been renewed
  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (57)Iron Body:in addition to existing effects, Iron Body now passively increases your HP by20% and decreases damage you take within 150 range by 10%
  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (58)Removed!HP Increase
  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (59)Removed!Power Strike


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  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (61)New!Combo Attack:[Hero's Specialized Skill]When attacking enemies, you have a 40% chance to gain a Combo counter, up to a maximum of 5. On/off skill. (max level: 1)

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  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (63)New!Combo Force:Use up 1 Combo counter to pull up to 8 monsters while dealing 140% damage 2 times with an 80% chance of stunning them for 3 seconds. If you stun a monster, the Combo counter you used up will be returned. If you are fighting a monster that cannot be stunned, such as a boss, there will be an 80% chance to return your Combo counter. (max level: 10)

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  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (65)Brandish:damage has been increased from 210% to 220%, number of monsters hit has been increased from 3 to 6, effect and icon have been renewed

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  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (67)Rage:in addition to the existing attack boost, Rage now reducesthe damage you take by 30% while reflecting it back as 500% damage, effect and icon have been renewed

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  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (69)Weapon Booster:duration has been decreased from 200 seconds to 180 seconds, effect has been renewed

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  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (71)Final Attack:effect has been renewed
  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (72)Weapon Mastery:accuracy boost has been increased from 120 to 240
  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (73)Removed!Ground Smash
  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (74)Removed!Rush
  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (75)Removed!Power Reflection:effect has been incorporated into Rage


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  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (77)New!Rush:Rush forward and push up to 12 monsters with you while dealing 305% damage. You will move forward even if there are no monsters ahead of you. (max level: 10)
  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (78)New!Combo Synergy:Your chance to gain a Combo counter when attacking is increased to 80%, and for each counter your damage will be increased by 5%. When you are hit by an enemy, there is a 30% chance to charge a Combo counter. (max level: 20)
  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (79)Brave Slash:damage has been increased from 240% to 258%,number of monsters hit has been increased from 4 to 6

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  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (81)Panic:damage has been increased from 1040% to 1150%,cooldown has been removed, now after using Panic you will require 1 extra Combo counter to use the skill for the next 10 seconds up to a maximum of 10 counters,effect and icon have been renewed

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  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (83)Shout:damage has been increased from 280% to 380%, effect and icon have been renewed
  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (84)Self Recovery:HP recovered has been increased from 400 to 1000, MP recovered has been increased from 60 to 200
  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (85)Endure:resistance to statuses and elements has been increased from 20% to 30%
  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (86)Removed!Combo Attack:changed to a Specialized Skill in 2nd job
  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (87)Removed!Coma
  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (88)Removed!Magic Crash:moved to 4th job


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  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (90)New!Incising:Use up 4 Combo counters to deal 576% damage 3 times on up to 6 monsters with a 100% chance of inflicting a DoT of 165% damage every 2 seconds for 30 seconds. While this DoT is active, your critical damage will be increased by 20% and your party’s criticaldamage will be increased by 10% on the monster that is debuffed. (required skill: level 20 Advanced Combo) (max level: 30)

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  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (92)New!Magic Crash:Disable up to 10 monsters around you from casting buffs for 22 seconds. There is a cooldown of 60 seconds. (max level: 10)
  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (93)New!Stance:Permanently increase your Stance by 60%. Stacks with Warrior Mastery. (max level: 30)

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  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (96)Raging Blow:damage has been increased from 220% to 268%, number of monsters hit has been increased from 6 to 8, last hit will now always be a critical, range has been increased, while Enrage is active this skill will deal 10% increased damage with the last two hits being critical, an increased range, and a new effect

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  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (98)Advanced Combo:damage per counter has been increased from 5% to 10%, in addition to existing effects Advanced Combo now gives 70% mastery, required skill has been changed from level 20 Combo Attack to level 10 Weapon Mastery and level 20 Combo Synergy, effect has been renewed

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  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (100)Enrage:Combo counters required has been decreased from 10 to 1, has been changed into an On/Off skill, effect and icon have been renewed

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  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (102)Hero’s Will:effect has been renewed
  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (103)Removed!Monster Magnet
  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (104)Removed!Rush:moved to 3rd job


  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (105)New!Elemental Charge:[Paladin's Specialized Skill]Each time you use a different elemental skill, you will charge elemental power. You can hold up to 5 charges and for each one, your damage taken will be reduced by 2% (applies to % HP attacks and stacks with Shadower’s Smokescreen skill),your attack will be increased by 8, your damage by 2%, your healing by 2%, and your resistance to statuses and elements by 2%. Your defense cap is increased to 20,000. (max level: 1)

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  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (108)New!Flame Charge:Infuse your weapon with the element of fire, dealing 140% damage 3 times on up to 4 monsters with a 90% chance to inflict 75% damage every second for 6 seconds. (max level: 20)

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  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (111)New!Blizzard Charge:Infuse your weapon with the element of ice, dealing140% damage 3 times on up to 4 monsters with a 90% chance to slow enemies by 20 for 6 seconds. Enemies burned by Flame Charge will take an extra 115% damage. (max level: 20)

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  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (113)New!Page Order:A divine hammer pulls up to 8 enemies from the left and right towards you, dealing 125% damage 2 times with an 80% chance to stun for 4 seconds. (max level: 10)

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  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (115)Weapon Booster:effect has been renewed
  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (116)Removed!Ground Smash
  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (117)Removed!Rush
  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (118)Removed!Power Guard
  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (119)Removed!Threaten:moved to 3rd job


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  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (122)New!Lightning Charge:Infuse your weapon with the element of lightning, dealing 250% damage 3 times on up to 6 monsters, with a 90% chance of stunning for 6 seconds. Enemies that cannot be stunned take 115% damage every second for 6 seconds. Enemies slowed by Blizzard Charge will take an extra 115% damage. (max level: 20)

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  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (124)New!Rush:Rush forward and push up to 12 monsters with you while dealing 305% damage. You will move forward even if there are no monsters ahead of you. (max level: 10)

kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (125)

  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (126)New!Threaten:Threaten up to 6 enemies around you, with a 75% chance of reducing their damage and armor by 30% for 80 seconds as well as their accuracy by 30% for 8 seconds. (max level: 20)

kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (127)

  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (128)New!Parashock Guard:Reduce your defense and Guard rate by 20% while giving party members around you (not including yourself) 20% damage reduction and Guard rate as well as increasing your attack by 20. On/off skill. (max level: 10)

kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (129)

  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (130)New!Blessing Armor:When attacked, there is a 50% chance of creating a shield that will increase your attack by 20 for 90 seconds while absorbing up to 10 attacks. While this shield is active, you will also receive 25% reduced damage from % HP attacks. There is a cooldown of 30 seconds after a shield is created. (max level: 10)
  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (131)New!Achilles:Strengthen your body, reducing damage taken by 30%. (max level: 20)

kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (132)

  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (133)Restoration:HP restored has been increased from 40% to 50%,cooldown has been removed, now if used multiple times within 15 seconds, the effectiveness of the heal will be reduced by 5% (up to 20 times), effect and icon have been renewed
  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (134)Combat Orders:in addition to existing effects, Combat Orders now passively increasesFlame Charge and Blizzard Charge’s damage by 70%
  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (135)Shield Mastery:defense and magic defense boost has been increased from 200% to 250%, chance to guard has been increased from 20% to 40%, in addition to existing effects Shield Mastery now gives 40% resistance to statuses and elements and if you successfully Guard an attack, there is a 60% chance to stun the enemy, Shield Mastery now applies if you are wearing the secondary weapon Rosario
  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (136)Removed!Charge Blow
  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (137)Removed!Flame Charge
  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (138)Removed!Blizzard Charge
  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (139)Removed!Magic Crash:moved to 4th job


kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (140)kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (141)

  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (142)New!Divine Charge:Infuse your weapon with the holy element, dealing 405% damage 3 times on up to 6 enemies with a 100% chance to Seal them for 10 seconds. Enemies stunned by Lightning Charge take an extra 120% damage. (max level: 30)

kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (143)

  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (144)New!Magic Crash:Disable up to 10 monsters around you from casting buffs for 22 seconds. There is a cooldown of 60 seconds. (max level: 10)

kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (145)

  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (146)New!Void Elemental:Your Charge skills and Blast will ignore 100% of an enemy’s elemental resistances and your damage will be increased by 30% for 180 seconds. Passive effect: Flame Charge, Blizzard Charge, and Lightning Charge’s damage is increased by 210%. (max level: 30)

kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (147)

  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (148)New!Guardian Spirit:Revive one party member and give both them and yourself invincibility for 20 seconds. There is a cooldown of 600 seconds. (max level: 20)
  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (149)New!Stance:Permanently increase your Stance by 60%. Stacks with Warrior Mastery. (max level: 30)
  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (150)New!Paladin Expert:Permanently increase your mastery to 70%, defense and magic defense by 400, and minimum critical damage by 15%. Depending on your weapon, either increase your defense ignored by 5% (blunt weapon) or increase your minimum critical damage by 10% (sword). (max level: 30)
  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (151)New!Advanced Charge:For each Elemental Charge, increase your attack by 12 and your damage by 5%. All Charge skills’ attack counts are increased by 2, number of monsters hit by 2, and they gain 10% chance of instant kill. Blast’s attack count is also increased by 2. (max level: 30)

kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (152)

kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (153)

  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (154)Blast:damage has been increased from 290% to 318%, number of hits has been increased from 6 to 7,passive effects have been removed, nowif you use this skill while you have 5 Elemental Charges, you will gain a buff that increases your critical chance by 40%, defense ignore by 30%, and total damage by 40% for 45 seconds, effect and icon have been renewed

kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (155)

  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (156)Sanctuary:damage has been decreased from 1700% to 1320%, damage to bosses has been increased from 430% to 1320%, cooldown has been decreased from 40 seconds to 30 seconds, effect has been renewed

kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (157)

  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (158)Hero’s Will:effect has been renewed
  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (159)Removed!Monster Magnet
  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (160)Removed!Guardian
  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (161)Removed!Rush:moved to 3rd job
  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (162)Removed!Achilles:moved to 3rd job
  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (163)Removed!Blessing Armor:moved to 3rd job


kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (164)

  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (165)New!Beholder:[Dark Knight's Specialized Skill]Summon the Beholder and use its power strategically for 360 seconds. Beholder will heal 20% of your HP every 24 seconds. There is a cooldown of 60 seconds. (max level: 1)

kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (166)

  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (167)New!Piercing Through:Pierce up to 8 enemies dealing 201% damage 2 times. Enemies near you will be hit with 20% extra critical chance while enemies further away will be dealt 10% extra damage. (max level: 20)

kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (168)

  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (169)New!Spear Pulling:Use your weapon to pull up to 8 enemies towards you while dealing 190% damage 2 times and stunning them. (max level: 10)

kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (170)

  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (171)Iron Will:max level has been decreased from 20 t0 10, effect and icon have been renewed

kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (172)

  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (173)Weapon Booster:duration has been decreased from 200 seconds to 180 seconds, effect has been renewed
  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (174)Weapon Mastery:accuracy boost has been increased from 120 to 240
  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (175)Hyper Body:max level has been decreased from 20 to 10
  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (176)Removed!Ground Smash
  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (177)Removed!Rush

Berserker(changed from Dragon Knight)

kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (178)

kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (179)

  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (180)New!Lamancha Spear:While holding down the skill key, swing your spear dealing 151% damage continuously on up to 10 enemies for up to 8 seconds. After the skill key is released, deal an extra 740% damage. (max level: 20)

kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (181)

  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (182)New!Rush:Rush forward and push up to 12 monsters with you while dealing 305% damage. You will move forward even if there are no monsters ahead of you. (max level: 10)

kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (183)

  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (184)New!Beholder Dominant:Free Beholder, allowing him to attack up to 15 nearby enemies for 210% damage. While Beholder is freed, he will not heal or buff you. On/off skill. (max level: 10)

kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (185)

  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (186)New!Beholder Shock:Beholder’s scream hits up to 10 enemies for 640% damage with a 90% chance to stun for 10 seconds. There is a cooldown of 10 seconds. (max level: 20)

kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (187)

  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (188)New!Cross Over Chain:Your damage is increased by 100% of your current HP ratio, and your damage taken is decreased by 8% of your missing HP (maximum of 4000 damage reduction) for 180 seconds. (max level: 20)
  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (189)New!Lord of Darkness:Permanently increase your critical chance by 30%, your minimum critical damage by 15%, and gain a 20% chance to recover 10% of the damage you deal as HP. (max level: 10)

kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (190)

  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (191)New!Beholder’s Buff:Every 4 seconds, Beholder will increase your attack by 40, defense and magic defense by 500, critical chance by 10%, and accuracy and avoid by 300 for 100 seconds. Beholder will not buff you while he is free. (max level: 20)
  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (192)Removed!Element Resistance
  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (193)Removed!Dragon Buster
  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (194)Removed!Dragon Thrasher
  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (195)Removed!Sacrifice
  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (196)Removed!Dragon Roar
  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (197)Removed!Magic Crash:moved to 4th job
  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (198)Removed!Dragon Strength
  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (199)Removed!Dragon Judgement:renamed to Lord of Darkness

Dark Knight

kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (200)

  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (201)New!Gungnir Descent:Summon the giant mythical spear Gungnir to hit one enemy for 312% + 110% of your maximum health damage 8 times while ignoring 30% of their defense. There is a cooldown of 8 seconds. However, if Reincarnation or Sacrifice are active, the cooldown will be ignored. (max level: 30)

kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (202)

  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (203)New!Magic Crash:Disable up to 10 monsters around you from casting buffs for 22 seconds. There is a cooldown of 60 seconds. (max level: 10)

kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (204)

  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (205)New!Sacrifice:Absorb the Beholder, instantly healing 100% of your HP, increasing your damage to bosses by 10% and lets you ignore 10% of enemies’ defense as well as the cooldown of Gungnir Descent for 40 seconds. However, the effects of this skill will disappear if Beholder is summoned again. Passive effect: increase your defense ignored by 30%. (max level: 30)

kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (206)

  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (207)New!Reincarnation:If your HP reaches 0, use your contract with darkness to ignore death and become invincible for 25 seconds while ignoring the cooldown of Gungnir Descent as well as Damage Reflect. If you can defeat 20 monsters or land 20 hits on a boss before time is up, you will be revived or else you will die as normal. There is a cooldown of 360 seconds. Passive effect: when your HP is greater than 20%, your damage will be increased by 30%, speed by 20, critical chance by 10%, and minimum critical damage by 15%. (max level: 30)
  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (208)New!Advanced Weapon Mastery:Permanently increase your mastery over weapons to 70%, your attack by 30, and minimum critical damage by 15%. (max level: 30)
  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (209)New!Stance:Permanently increase your Stance by 60%. Stacks with Warrior Mastery. (max level: 30)
  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (210)Beholder’s Revenge:damage has been increased from 750% to 910%, cooldown has been increased from 4 to 5 seconds, HP healed has been increased from 5% to 10%, chance of instant death has been increased from 10% to 30%, max level has been increased from 10 to 30, this skill will not activate when Beholder is free
  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (211)Dark Impale:damage has been increased from 200% to 280%, number of hits has been increased from 5 to 6, number of monsters hit has been increased from 6 to 8, defense ignore has been removed

kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (212)

  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (213)Hero’s Will:effect has been renewed
  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (214)New!Gungnir Descent – Reinforce:Gungnir Descent’s damage is increased by 20%. [required level: 155]
  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (215)New!Gungnir Descent – Ignore Guard:Gungnir Descent’s defense ignored is increased by 20%. [required level: 177]
  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (216)New!Gungnir Descent – Boss Killer:Gungnir Descent’s damage to bosses is increased by 20%. [required level: 195]
  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (217)New!Reincarnation – Damage:Reincarnation’s passive critical damage is increased by 20%. [required level: 149]
  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (218)New!Reincarnation – Cooltime Reduce:Reincarnation’s cooldown is decreased by 20%. [required level: 168]
  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (219)New!Reincarnation- Critical Rate:Reincarnation’s passive critical rate is increased by 20%. [required level: 189]
  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (220)Removed!Dark Force:has been changed into Reincarnation’s passive effect
  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (221)Removed!Beholder’s Healing:has been changed into Beholder’s effect
  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (222)Removed!Beholder’s Buff:moved to 3rd job
  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (223)Removed!Beholder:has become Dark Knight’s Specialized Skill
  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (224)Removed!Monster Magnet
  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (225)Removed!Rush:moved to 3rd job
  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (226)Removed!Dark Force – Reinforce
  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (227)Removed!Dark Force – Critical Rate
  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (228)Removed!Dark Force – Critical Damage
  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (229)Removed!Dark Impale – Reinforce
  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (230)Removed!Dark Impale – Ignore Guard
  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (231)Removed!Dark Impale – Bonus Attack



kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (232)

  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (233)New!Energy Bolt:Throw an exploding ball of energy dealing 309% damage on up to 4 enemies in front of you. It will explode as soon as it hits a target. (max level: 20)
  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (234)New!Teleport:Teleport a certain distance in the specified direction. (max level: 5)
  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (235)New!Magic Armor:Using your magic, increase your physical defense by 15% of your magic defense. (required skill: level 3 Magic Guard) (max level: 10)

kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (236)

  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (237)Magic Guard:max level has been decreased from 15 to 10, Magic Guard can no longer be dispelled, effect and icon have been renewed
  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (238)MP Increase:in addition to existing effects, MP Increase now increases your MP by 120 per character level
  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (239)Removed!Magic Claw
  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (240)Removed!Energy Bolt
  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (241)Removed!Magic Armor

F/P Wizard

  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (242)New!Elemental Drain:[F/P Archmage's Specialized Skill]When near enemies who are having damage done over time to them, increase your damage by 3% for each damage over time skill (up to a maximum of 5). (max level: 1)

kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (243)

  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (244)New!Flame Orb:existing skill Flame Arrow has been renamed, damage has been decreased from 420% to 301%, number of hits has been increased from 1 to 2, number of monsters hit has been increased from 3 to 6, effect and icon have been renewed

kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (245)

  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (246)New!Magic Booster:Increase the speed of your weapon by 2 stages for 200 seconds. (max level: 10)

kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (247)

  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (248)New!Ignite:When using fire magic, there is a 50% chance of creating a wall of fire that deals 110% damage every 1.5 seconds for 6 seconds on up to 8 monsters. This skill does not activate Elemental Drain. (max level: 10)
  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (249)MP Eater:max level has been decreased from 20 to 10
  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (250)Removed!Slow
  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (251)Removed!Teleport:moved to 1st job

F/P Mage

kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (252)

  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (253)New!Slime Virus:Summon a Slime that spreads deadly poison which will attach itself to an enemy, dealing 160% damage every second for 10 seconds. If the enemy dies, the Slime will split into 2 and attach to two more enemies. This can happen a maximum of 10 times in 60 seconds. There is a cooldown of 60 seconds. This skill activates Elemental Drain. (max level: 10)

kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (254)

  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (255)New!Elemental Adapting (F/P):Your mastery over fire and poison allows you to consume 2% of your MP in order to create a shield that defends against one status effect. There is an 80% chance of regenerating the shield (maximum of 5 times) or else the skill will go on cooldown. There is a cooldown of 240 seconds. Passive effect: 20% resistance to statuses and elements. (max level: 20)
  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (256)New!Mana Burn:When using fire magic, there is a 10% chance to burn 1% of the enemy’s mana and inflict 50x the burned mana as damage. If the enemy’s MP drops below 20%, this skill will no longer activate. (max level: 10)

kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (257)

  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (258)Poison Mist:DoT duration has been decreased from 15 seconds to 12, effect and icon have been renewed

kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (259)

  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (260)Teleport Mastery:damage has been decreased from 340% to 272%,in addition to existing effects Teleport Mastery now inflicts DoT on monsters dealing 98% damage every 2 seconds for 4 seconds after using Teleport, this skill activates Elemental Drain
  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (261)Explosion:damage has been decreased from 662% to 405%, number of hits has been increased from 1 to 2
  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (262)Elemental Amplification:Elemental Amplification’s damage boost now affects damage over time skills
  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (263)Extreme Magic:now applies to the new Freeze effect
  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (264)Removed!Magic Booster:moved to 2nd job
  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (265)Removed!Seal
  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (266)Removed!Fire Demon

F/P Archmage

  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (267)New!Fervent Drain:[F/P Archmage's Specialized Skill]Elemental Drain’s damage boost per damage over time skill active is increased to 5%. (max level: 1)

kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (268)

  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (269)New!Flame Haze:Throw a flaming ball of poison fog at one enemy, dealing 504% damage 6 times with a 100% chance of inflicting 190% damage every second for 12 seconds while slowing them by 50% and causing them to be unable to deal touch damage. A Poison Mist cloud will be created where the enemy was hit, or at your position if the enemy is killed with Flame Haze. There is a cooldown of 10 seconds. Using Mist Eruption will reset the cooldown of this skill. This skill activates Elemental Drain. (max level: 30)

kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (270)

  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (271)Paralyze:damage has been increased from 200% to 261%,element has been changed from poison to fire, this skill activates Elemental Drain,effect and icon have been renewed

kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (272)

  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (273)Meteor:damage has been increased from 900% to 935%, number of hits has been increased from 2 to 4, damage over time has been removed, cooldown has been increased from 20 to 45 seconds, in addition to existing effects while Meteor is on cooldown, all other attacks will have a 60% chance of dealing an additional 220% damage on a target, effect has been renewed

kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (274)

  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (275)Ifrit:passive resistance to elements and statuses has been removed, in addition to existing effects Ifrit now gives a passive mastery increase to 70%, effects have been renewed
  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (276)Master Magic:has been changed into a passive skill

kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (277)

  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (278)Hero’s Will:effect has been renewed
  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (279)Mist Eruption – Cooltime Reduce:cooldown reduction has been increased from 50% to 100%
  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (280)Removed!Big Bang

I/L Wizard

kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (281)

  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (282)New!Freezing Effect:[I/L Archmage's Specialized Skill]When you use ice magic, enemies will be slightly frozen with a counter above their heads. For each counter, your maximum critical damage on that enemy will be increased by 3% (maximum of 5 counters). The freeze effect will be amplified for every counter (begins as a weak slow). (max level: 1)

kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (283)

  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (284)New!Chilling Step:When using Teleport, there is a 60% chance to leave the ground frozen for 6 seconds, dealing 1% damage and freezing up to 6 enemies who walk over it. On/off skill. (max level: 10)

kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (285)

  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (286)New!Magic Booster:Increase the speed of your weapon by 2 stages for 200 seconds. (max level: 10)

kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (287)

  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (288)Cold Beam:damage has been increased from 170% to 199%, number of monsters hit has been increased from 1 to 6, freeze duration has been increased from 2 to 8 seconds, effect and icon have been renewed

kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (289)

  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (290)Thunder Bolt:damage has been increased from 130% to 210%, effect and icon have been renewed
  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (291)Removed!Slow
  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (292)Removed!Teleport:moved to 1st job

I/L Mage

kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (293)

  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (294)New!Glacial Chain:Shoot a frigid chain in front of you, pulling up to 12 enemies while dealing 383% damage 3 times while freezing them for 8 seconds. (max level: 20)

kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (295)

  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (296)New!Thunder Storm:Summon a thunder storm that deals damage continuously on up to 5 monsters beneath it for 90 seconds. The storm will deal 430% damage on a single target, this damage will be reduced by 30% for each extra target hit ending off at 310% damage on 5 monsters. (max level: 20)

kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (297)

  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (298)New!Elemental Adapting (I/L):Your mastery over ice and lightning allows you to create a shield that blocks any status effects for 30 seconds. There is a cooldown of 240 seconds. Passive effect: increase your resistance to statuses and elements by 20%. (max level: 20)
  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (299)New!Frozen Break:When attacking a frozen enemy, there is a 20% chance of ignoring 5% of the enemy’s defense per counter. (max level: 10)

kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (300)

  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (301)Ice Strike:damage has been increased from 160% to 335%, number of monsters hit has been increased from 6 to 8, duration of freeze has been increased from 3 to 8 seconds, effect has been renewed
  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (302)Removed!Thunder Spear
  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (303)Removed!Ice Demon
  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (304)Removed!Magic Booster:moved to 2nd job
  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (305)Removed!Seal

I/L Archmage

  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (306)New!Frost Effect:[I/L Archmage's Specialized Skill]Freezing Effect’s maximum critical damage boost per counter on monsters is increased to 5%. (max level: 1)

kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (307)

  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (308)New!Freezing Breath:While the skill key is held down, use an extremely cold wind to freeze (bind) up to 8 enemies as well as decrease their defense by 15% and magic defense by 30% every second for up to 25 seconds. While using this skill, you will take no damage but you cannot move. There is a cooldown of 120 seconds. (max level: 30)

kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (309)

  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (310)New!Frozen Orb:Summon a frozen orb which shoots out ice shards at up to 8 enemies dealing 220% damage continuously while slowly moving forward. This skill ignores damage reflect. (max level: 30)

kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (311)

  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (312)Chain Lightning:damage has been increased from 200% to 273%, effect and icon have been renewed

kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (313)

  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (314)Blizzard:damage has been increased from 850% to 900%, number of hits has been increased from 2 to 4, damage over time and freeze effect have been removed, cooldown has been increased from 20 to 45 seconds, in addition to existing effects while Blizzard is on cooldown, all other attacks will have a 60% chance of dealing an additional 220% damage on a target, effect and icon have been renewed

kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (315)

  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (316)Elquines:passive resistance to elements and statuses has been removed, in addition to existing effects Elquines now gives a passive mastery increase to 70%, freeze effect has been removed, effects and icon have been renewed
  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (317)Master Magic:has been changed into a passive skill

kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (318)

  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (319)Hero’s Will:effect has been renewed
  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (320)New!Frozen Orb – Reinforce:Frozen Orb’s damage is increased by 20%. [required level: 155]
  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (321)New!Frozen Orb – Extra Target:Frozen Orb’s number of monsters hit is increased by 2. [required level: 177]
  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (322)New!Frozen Orb – Critical Rate:Frozen Orb’s critical chance is increased by 20%. [required level: 195]
  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (323)Removed!Big Bang
  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (324)Removed!Glacial Chain:moved to 3rd job
  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (325)Removed!Glacial Chain – Extra Target
  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (326)Removed!Glacial Chain – Bonus Attack
  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (327)Removed!Glacial Chain – Cooltime Reduce


  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (328)New!Blessing Ensemble:[Bishop's Specialized Skill]For each party member you have buffed, increase your damage by 3%. In addition, for each Cleric/Priest/Bishop in your party, increase your experience gained by 20% (up to maximum of 3). (max level: 1)

kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (329)

  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (330)New!Magic Booster:Increase the speed of your weapon by 2 stages for 200 seconds. (max level: 10)

kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (331)

  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (332)Holy Arrow:damage has been increased from 450% to 518%, delay has been decreased, effect and icon have been renewed

kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (333)

  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (334)Heal:in addition to existing effects, after being used Heal nowincreases the damage of the next attack done on nearby non-undead monsters by 20% once,effect and icon have been renewed
  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (335)MP Eater:max level has been decreased from 20 to 10

kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (336)

  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (337)Invincible:max level has been decreased from 15 to 10, effect has been renewed
  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (338)Bless:max level has been decreased from 15 to 10
  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (339)Removed!Teleport:moved to 1st job


kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (340)

  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (341)New!Holy Fountain:Summon a holy fountain for 60 seconds which heals 40% of someone’s HP if they press↑ on it (maximum of 20 heals before it disappears). This heal can be used while Zombify is active. There is a cooldown of 90 seconds. (max level: 10)

kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (342)

  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (343)New!Divine Protection:Create a shield of holy energy that protects you from one status effect. There is a cooldown of 180 seconds. Passive effect: increase your resistance to statuses and elements by 40%. When you use Dispel, depending on the number of people in your party, the cooldown for this skill will be decreased. (max level: 10)

kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (344)

  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (345)Shining Ray:damage has been increased from 240% to 254%, number of hits has been increased from 3 to 4, chance to stun has been decreased from 80% to 60%, range has been increased, effect has been renewed

kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (346)

  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (347)Mystic Door:Magic Rock requirement has been removed, effect has been renewed

kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (348)

  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (349)Dispel:Dispel can now heal stun, seduce, confusion, Zombify, and Dark Tornado,in addition to existing effects,for each status effect removed by Dispel, decrease the cooldown of Divine Protection by 60 seconds, effect and icon have been renewed

kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (350)

  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (351)Holy Symbol:effect and icon have been renewed
  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (352)Removed!Magic Booster:moved to 2nd job
  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (353)Removed!Doom


  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (354)New!Blessing Harmony:[Bishop's Specialized Skill]Blessing Ensemble’s damage boost per party member buffed is increased to 5%. (max level: 1)

kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (355)kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (356)

  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (357)Angel Ray:damage has been decreased from 375% to 365%, range has been increased, party members in the way of the arrow will now be healed 90% of their HP (this heal will ignore Zombify), Angel Ray can now hit monsters slightly above and below your current position instead of just firing straight ahead, effect and icon have been renewed

kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (358)kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (359)

  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (360)Genesis:damage has been decreased from 1000% to 810%, number of hits has been increased from 2 to 6, cooldown has been increased from 20 to 45 seconds, delay has been decreased, in addition to existing effects while Genesis is on cooldown Big Bang can be used without charging, effect and icon have been renewed

kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (361)

  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (362)Big Bang:damage has been increased from 330% to 480%, number of hits has been decreased from 5 to 4, additional critical chance has been removed, range has been increased, can now be used while jumping, in addition to existing effects, Big Bang now decreases enemies’ defenses by 10% each time it is used for 15 seconds (up to a maximum of 4 times, a counter will appear above them), effect and icon have been renewed

kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (363)

  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (364)Resurrection:cooldown has been decreased from 600 seconds to 300 seconds, max level has been increased from 5 to 10, effect has been renewed
  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (365)Advanced Bless:max level has been decreased from 30 to 20

kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (366)

  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (367)Bahamut:effects have been renewed
  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (368)Master Magic:has been changed into a passive skill

kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (369)

  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (370)Hero’s Will:effect has been renewed
  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (371)Vengeance of Angel:damage boost to Angel Ray has been removed, Angel Ray’s number of hits boost has been increased from 1 to 4, in addition to existing effects Vengeance of Angel now decreases Angel Ray’s number of monsters hit to 1 and reduces its HP healed by 40%, you can now use buffs while Vengeance of Angel is active, while this skill is not active your total damage will be increased by 40%
  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (372)New!Advanced Bless – Boss Killer:Advanced Bless increases your damage to bosses by 10%. [required level: 177]
  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (373)Removed!Advanced Bless – Enhance



kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (374)kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (375)kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (376)

kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (377)kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (378)

  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (379)kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (380)kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (381)New!Double Jump:While in the air, you can press jump again to jump forward,↑ +↑ to jump upwards, or↓ +↓ to fall downwards quickly. After the second job advancement has been made, this skill’s effect and icon will change based on your job.(max level: 10)

kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (382)

  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (383)Arrow Blow:damage has been increased from 260% to 295%, number of monsters hit has been increased from 3 to 4, max level has been increased from 15 to 20, effect and icon have been renewed
  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (384)Archer Mastery:in addition to existing effects Archer Mastery now allows you to continue using skills if you run out of arrows
  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (385)Removed!Double Shot


kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (386)kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (387)kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (388)

  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (389)New!Quiver Cartridge:[Bowmaster's Specialized Skill]Create a quiver that holds 10 of 3 different types of arrowheads, which each have different effects when used. Drain Arrows have a 30% chance to drain 20% of the damage you do as HP, Poison Arrows deal 90% damage over time every second for 8 seconds (can stack up to 3 times), and Magic Arrows have a 50% chance to shoot another arrow that deals 220% damage. Pressing the skill key will switch to the next type of arrow and when you run out of one type, you will automatically switch to the next. (max level: 1)

kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (390)

  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (391)New!Retreat Shot:Jump back while in the air and launch arrows dealing 103% damage continuously while you hold the skill key down (up to maximum of 2 seconds). (max level: 10)

kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (392)

  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (393)Arrow Bomb:damage has been increased from 380% to 450%, range has been increased, effect has been renewed

kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (394)

  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (395)Soul Arrow:in addition to existing effects Soul Arrow now increases your attack by 30, max level has been increased from 10 to 20, duration has been decreased from 300 seconds to 180 seconds, effect and icon have been renewed

kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (396)

  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (397)Bow Booster:effect has been renewed
  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (398)Removed!Double Jump:moved to 1st job
  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (399)Removed!Silver Hawk


kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (400)

  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (401)New!Hurricane:Fire a storm of arrows at one enemy in front of you, dealing 158% damage per arrow continuously while the skill key is held down. You can move while using this skill but your speed will be decreased to 100%. (max level: 20)

kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (402)

  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (403)New!Steig Eisen:Shoot a hook at the farthest enemy in range and move behind them while dealing 170% damage and ignoring all monsters’ touch damage. Passive effect: increase your HP by 40%. (max level: 10)

kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (404)

  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (405)New!Concentration:Each time you hit an enemy, concentrate and increase your resistance to statuses and elements by 5% for 90 seconds. When you successfully resist a status, this skill will go on cooldown for 30 seconds. Passive effect: 20% resistance to statuses and elements. (max level: 20)
  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (406)New!Extreme Archery: Bow:When used, your defense and magic defense will be decreased by 40% while your attack will be increased by 20. Using the skill again will remove the effect (On/Off skill). (max level: 10)
  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (407)New!Marksmanship:When attacking monsters, permanently ignore 25% of their defense while increasing your accuracy by 25% and your damage by 15%. (max level: 20)

kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (408)

  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (409)Phoenix:passive effect of 30% defense and magic defense has been added, effects have been renewed
  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (410)Flame Shot:damage has been decreased from 520% to 400%, number of hits has been increased from 1 to 2, range has been increased
  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (411)Removed!Strafe:replaced by Hurricane
  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (412)Removed!Puppet:Puppet’s playstyle matches Marksman’s but not Bowmaster’s, so it was removed.
  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (413)Removed!Drain Arrow:replaced byQuiver Cartridge’s Drain Arrows
  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (414)Removed!Concentrate:effect has been moved to Soul Arrow
  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (415)Removed!Arrow Rain


kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (416)

kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (417)

  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (418)New!Arrow Platter:Shoot arrows at an angle dealing 220% damage on up to 4 enemies while knocking them back continuously as long as the skill key is held down. You can use the up and down arrow keys to change the direction of the arrows, but you cannot move. If you press spacebar while holding this skill down, you can install Arrow Platter on the ground, where it will deal 153% damage continuously for 30 seconds allowing you to move and attack freely. Passively increases Hurricane’s damage to 276% and gives it a new effect. (max level: 30)

kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (419)

  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (420)New!Wounds Shot:Shoot an arrow dealing 530% damage 4 times on one enemy, inflicting wounds that decrease the effectiveness of their healing by 60% and slows them by 30 for 20 seconds. There is a cooldown of 10 seconds. (max level: 10)

kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (421)

  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (422)New!Uncountable Arrow:Instantly shoot countless arrows at up to 8 enemies in front of you, dealing 340% damage 4 times. (max level: 30)

kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (423)

  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (424)New!Advanced Quiver:When used, the arrowheads of Quiver Cartridge will not be consumed for 30 seconds. There is a cooldown of 30 seconds. Passive effect: Drain Arrows now have a 85% chance to drain 30% HP, Poison Arrows deal 110% damage, and Magic Arrows have a 70% chance to shoot another arrow that deals 260% damage. Passively increase the maximum amount of Magic Arrows from 20 to 40. (max level: 10)

kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (425)

  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (426)New!Armor Piercing:When attacking, you have a 10% chance to ignore 50% of an enemy’s defense while doing 100% increased damage. For every attack that does not activate this effect, the chance of it occurring will increase by 10% (up to 10 times) and will reset once it does activate. (max level: 20)
  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (427)Illusion Step:in addition to existing effects, Illusion Step now reduces damage taken from monsters by 20%

kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (428)

  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (429)Hero’s Will:effect has been renewed
  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (430)New!Arrow Platter – Reinforce:Arrow Platter’s damage is increased by 20%. [required level: 155]
  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (431)New!Arrow Platter – Boss Killer:Arrow Platter’s damage to bosses is increased by 10%. [required level: 177]
  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (432)New!Arrow Platter – Extra Target:Arrow Platter’s number of monsters hit is increased by 1. [required level: 195]
  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (433)New!Uncountable Arrow – Reinforce:Uncountable Arrow’s damage is increased by 20%. [required level: 149]
  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (434)New!Uncountable Arrow – Extra Target:Uncountable Arrow’s number of monsters hit is increased by 1. [required level: 168]
  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (435)New!Uncountable Arrow – Bonus Attack:Uncountable Arrow’s number of hits is increased by 1. [required level: 189]
  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (436)New!Sharp Eyes – Persist:Sharp Eyes’ duration is increased by 30 seconds. [required level: 143]
  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (437)New!Sharp Eyes – Ignore Guard:Sharp Eyes gains a 5% defense ignore effect. [required level: 162]
  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (438)New!Sharp Eyes – Critical Rate:Sharp Eyes’ critical chance boost is increased by 5%. [required level: 183]
  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (439)Removed!Marksmanship:moved to 3rd job
  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (440)Removed!Ultimate Flame Shot:replaced by Uncountable Arrow
  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (441)Removed!Spirit Link: Phoenix:effects have been moved to Marksmanship, Phoenix, and Steig Eisen. Resistance to statuses and elements has been replaced by Concentration
  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (442)Removed!Elite Puppet:Puppet has been removed, this skill’s effects have been moved to Illusion Step
  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (443)Removed!Hurricane – Add Range
  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (444)Removed!Hurricane – Moveable Shot
  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (445)Removed!Hurricane – Split Damage
  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (446)Removed!Ultimate Flame Shot – DoT Persist
  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (447)Removed!Ultimate Flame Shot – DoT Reinforce
  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (448)Removed!Ultimate Flame Shot – Reinforce
  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (449)Removed!Phoenix – Reinforce
  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (450)Removed!Phoenix – Bonus Attack
  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (451)Removed!Phoenix – Persist


  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (452)New!Distancing Sense:[Marksman's Specialized Skill]When attacking, monsters close by will be hit with increased critical chance (3%~20% based on every 10 range, minimum of 30 range and maximum of 200) while monsters further away will be hit with increased damage (4%~30%). (max level: 1)

kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (453)

  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (454)New!Net Throwing:Launch a casting net, dealing 215% damage 2 times on up to 8 monsters, with a 70% chance to slow their movement speed by 100 for 10 seconds. This slow will be reduced to 50 for 5 seconds on boss monsters. (max level: 10)

kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (455)

  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (456)Iron Arrow:damage has been increased from 380% to 450%, effect has been renewed

kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (457)

  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (458)Soul Arrow:in addition to existing effects Soul Arrow now increases your attack by 30, max level has been increased from 10 to 20, duration has been decreased from 300 seconds to 180 seconds, effect and icon been renewed

kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (459)

  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (460)Crossbow Booster:effect has been renewed
  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (461)Removed!Golden Eagle
  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (462)Removed!Double Jump:moved to 1st job


kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (463)

  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (464)New!Bolt Rupture:Shoot an arrow that has small bolts flying in all directions, dealing 700% damage on up to 8 enemies. The first monster hit will take an extra 200% damage. (max level: 20)

kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (465)

  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (466)New!Steig Eisen:Shoot a hook at the farthest enemy in range and move behind them while dealing 170% damage and ignoring all monsters’ touch damage. Passive effect: increase your HP by 40%. (max level: 10)

kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (467)

  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (468)New!Pain Killer:Eat herbs that you have prepared for your adventures and instantly eliminate a status effect and be immune to status effects for 1 second. There is a cooldown of 300 seconds. Passive effect: 20% resistance to statuses and elements. (max level: 20)

kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (469)

  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (470)New!Damage Reversing:Every 8 seconds,20% of the damage you do will be converted into a shield that absorbs that 60% of the damage you take. You can absorb a maximum of 65% of your maximum health. Each attack will refresh the shield, not stack on to it. (max level: 10)
  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (471)New!Extreme Archery: Crossbow:When used, your weapon and magic avoid will be decreased by 50% while your maximum critical damage will be increased by 20%. Using the skill again will remove the effect (On/Off skill). (max level: 10)
  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (472)New!Marksmanship:When attacking monsters, permanently ignore 25% of their defense while increasing your accuracy by 25% and your damage by 15%. (max level: 20)

kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (473)

  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (474)Dragon Pulse:damage has been increased from 140% to 525%, number of hits has been decreased to 1, effect has been renewed

kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (475)

  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (476)Freezer:passive effect of 30% defense and magic defense has been added, effects have been renewed
  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (477)Removed!Strafe
  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (478)Removed!Blizzard Shot: replaced by Net Throwing and Bolt Rupture
  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (479)Removed!Puppet:replaced by 4th job skill Arrow Illusion
  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (480)Removed!Concentrate:effect has been moved to Soul Arrow
  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (481)Removed!Arrow Eruption


kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (482)

  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (483)New!Arrow Illusion:Summon an illusion of an arrow for 45 seconds with 100,000 HP. The arrow will attract nearby enemies and deal 200% damage continuously with a 70% chance to stun them for 4 seconds. In addition, it will reflect the damage it takes as 1200% damage. (max level: 30)
  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (484)New!Additional Bolt:All skills that hit more than once will have their number of hits increased by 1. In addition, Distancing Sense’s maximum critical chance boost is increased to 30% and its maximum total damage boost is increased to 40%. (max level: 10)
  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (485)New!Weakness Finding:The further you are to an enemy, the easier it is to find their weaknesses, ignoring 4% of their defense for every 40 range you are away from them, up to a maximum of 50% (minimum of 10% defense ignored). (max level: 20)
  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (486)New!Last Man Standing:If an enemy is alone and has no monsters within 80 range of either side, the damage done to it will be increased by 20%. (max level: 10)

kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (487)

  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (488)Piercing:damage has been decreased from 520% to 350%, number of hits has been increased from 3 to 4, number of monsters hit has been decreased from 8 to 6,charging has been removed, effect has been renewed

kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (489)

  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (490)Sniping:damage has been increased from 490% to 4410%, number of hits has been decreased from 9 to 1, maximum damage has been increased to 300m, defense ignore has been decreased from 40% to 20%,effect has been renewed
  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (491)Illusion Step:in addition to existing effects, Illusion Step now reduces damage taken from monsters by 20%

kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (492)

  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (493)Hero’s Will:effect has been renewed
  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (494)New!Sharp Eyes – Persist:Sharp Eyes’ duration is increased by 30 seconds. [required level: 143]
  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (495)New!Sharp Eyes – Ignore Guard:Sharp Eyes gains a 5% defense ignore effect. [required level: 162]
  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (496)New!Sharp Eyes – Critical Rate:Sharp Eyes’ critical chance boost is increased by 5%. [required level: 183]
  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (497)New!Sniping – Limit Canceller:Sniping’s damage cap is increased to 400m. [required level: 177]
  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (498)Removed!Marksmanship:moved to 3rd job
  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (499)Removed!Spirit Link: Freezer:effects have been moved to Marksmanship, Phoenix, and Steig Eisen. Resistance to statuses and elements has been replaced by Pain Killer
  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (500)Removed!Ultimate Strafe:Strafe was removed so this was as well
  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (501)Removed!Freezer – Reinforce
  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (502)Removed!Freezer – Bonus Attack
  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (503)Removed!Freezer – Persist
  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (504)Removed!Sniping – Bonus Attack



kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (505)

  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (506)New!Flash Jump:While in the air, press jump to jump once more (can be used up to 2 times). (max level: 5)
  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (507)Dark Sight:in addition to existing effects, youcan now use Flash Jump while in Dark Sight as well as avoid Magnus’ bombs and sleeping gas, movement speed is no longer impaired while using Dark Sight
  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (508)Haste:max level has been decreased from 20 to 10


kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (509)

  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (510)New!Mark of Assassin:[Night Lord'sSpecializedSkill]When attacking monsters, there is a 40% chance to leave behind a Mark of the Assassin. Attacking enemies that are marked will cause stars to shoot out of them, dealing 30% + 1% per character level damage to up to 2 monsters nearby. (max level: 1)
  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (511)Shuriken Burst:damage has been increased from 320% to 330%, number of monsters hit has been increased from 4 to 6
  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (512)Wind Talisman:number of monsters hit has been increased from 4 to 6

kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (513)

  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (514)Claw Booster:effect has been renewed
  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (515)Removed!Flash Jump:moved to 1st job


kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (516)

  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (517)New!Shade Split:Summon shadow copies of yourself to rain stars down on up to 8 monsters in front of you, dealing 213% damage 3 times. (max level: 20)

kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (518)

  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (519)Triple Throw:damage has been increased from 223% to 290%,effect and intervals between stars have been changed to the pre-Justice counterpart
  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (520)Dark Flare:in addition to existing effects, now deals 280% damage every 0.9 seconds
  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (521)Adrenaline:in addition to existing effects, Adrenaline now increases your minimum and maximum critical damage by 10%
  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (522)Expert Star Handling:damage boost now applies to all skills instead of specific ones
  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (523)Removed!Shade Split:reworked in order to match Night Lords better

Night Lord

kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (524)

  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (525)New!Mark of Night Lord:Mark of Assassin is enhanced.When attacking monsters, there is a 60% chance to leave behind a Mark of the Night Lord. Attacking enemies that are marked will cause stars to shoot out of them, dealing 60% + 3% per character level damage to up to 4 monsters nearby. (max level: 10)

kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (526)

  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (527)New!Showdown Challenge:Send out a challenge to up to 6 monsters in front of you, dealing 618% damage 2 times and debuffing them for 120 seconds, giving 30% increased experience and item drop rate (can affect bosses). (required skill: level 10 Fake) (max level: 20)

kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (528)

  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (529)Quadruple Throw:damage has been increased from 293% to 378%,effect and intervals between stars have been changed
  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (530)Purge Area:in addition to existing effects Purge Area now increases your damage to bosses by 10% passively and now applies to bosses when you learn the Boss Killer Hyper skill
  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (531)Star Expert:accuracy and avoid boosts have been removed, in addition to existing effects Star Expert now increases your max critical damage by15%
  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (532)Sudden Raid:number of hits has been increased from 1 to 3

kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (533)

  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (534)Hero’s Will:effect has been renewed
  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (535)New!Showdown Challenge – Reinforce:Showdown Challenge’s damage is increased by 20%. [required level: 143]
  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (536)New!Showdown Challenge – Extra Target:Showdown Challenge’s number of monsters hit is increased by 2. [required level: 162]
  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (537)New!Showdown Challenge – Enhance:Showdown Challenge’s experience and item drop rate boost is increased by 10%. [required level: 183]
  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (538)New!Purge Area – Boss Killer:Purge Area affects bosses. [required level: 189]
  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (539)Four Seasons:due to the 15 hit cap, this skill’s number of hits has been decreased from 10 to 7 and its damage has been increased from 250% to 358%
  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (540)Bleeding Toxin:in addition to existing effects Bleeding Toxin now gives 30 attack
  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (541)Removed!Showdown
  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (542)Removed!Shade Split – Reinforce
  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (543)Removed!Shade Split – Extra Target
  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (544)Removed!Shade Split – Bonus Attack
  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (545)Removed!Purge Area – Cooltime Reduce


  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (546)New!Critical Growing:[Shadower'sSpecializedSkill]Every 2 seconds or when you use an attack, your critical chance is increased by 2%. When your critical chance is 100%, it will reset. (max level: 1)

kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (547)

  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (548)New!Savage Blow:Attack up to 8 monsters in front of you quickly, dealing 192% damage 3 times. (max level: 20)
  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (549)Steal:in addition to existing effects, when using Steal you can now steal a potion that heals a random amount of HP and MP, against bosses this potion will heal all of your HP and MP and give you 30 attack for 3 minutes
  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (550)Karma:attack boost will now stack with other skills
  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (551)Shield Mastery:attack boost when an attack is successfully avoided has been increased from 7 to 15, can now be activated with a secondary weapon
  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (552)Meso Guard:a maximum of 10 mesos can be used to guard against one attack now,in addition to existing effects,mesos used to guard against attacks will now be dropped on the floor

kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (553)

  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (554)Dagger Booster:effect has been renewed
  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (555)Removed!Savage Blow:renewed
  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (556)Removed!Flash Jump:moved to 1st job

Chief Bandit

kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (557)

  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (558)Meso Explosion:damage has been decreased from 204% to 102%, maximum number of mesos exploded has been increased from 15 to 25, mesos will now fly directly at a monster before exploding instead of just exploding where they are on the ground, effect and icon have been renewed

kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (559)

  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (560)Muspelheim:damage has been increased from 358% to 420%, range has been increased, in addition to existing effects, Muspelheim will now move up to 45 Meso coins along with you when it is used
  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (561)Edge Carnival:damage has been increased from 122% to 138%
  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (562)Greed:in addition to existing effects, Greed now increases your attack by 5
  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (563)Pickpocket:Pickpocket will now activate on external damage such as poison from Venom
  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (564)Dark Flare:in addition to existing effects, now deals 360% damage every 0.9 seconds


kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (565)

  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (566)New!Assassinate:Attack one enemy’s weak spot, dealing 627% damage 3 times. After those three hits, attack once more dealing 1320% damage with 100% chance of critical. If you are in Dark Sight, your damage will be increased by 150% and if you have 5 Killing Points, your damage will be increased by 1.5x. (max level: 30)
  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (567)New!Prima Critical:Enhances Critical Growing, giving you 4% critical chance every 2 seconds or on attack. Passive effect: 15% increased maximum critical damage. (max level: 10)
  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (568)Boomerang Step:damage has been increased from 710% to 742%, number of monsters hit has been increased from 6 to 8, damage boost now applies to all attacking skills instead of specific ones
  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (569)Smokescreen:in addition to existing effects, Smokescreen now decreases damage taken from % HP attacks by 10%
  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (570)Shadower Instinct:duration has been increased from 120 seconds to 180 seconds
  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (571)Dagger Expert:accuracy and avoid boosts have been removed, in addition to existing effects Dagger Expert now increases your minimum critical damage by 15%
  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (572)Sudden Raid:number of hits has been increased from 1 to 3

kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (573)

  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (574)Hero’s Will:effect has been renewed
  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (575)Flip the Coin:damage cap boost has been increased from 1m to 10m
  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (576)New!Assassinate – Boss Killer:Assassinate’s damage to bosses is increased by 20%. [required level: 177]
  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (577)New!Meso Explosion – Ignore Guard:Meso Explosion’s defense ignored is increased by 10%. [required level: 162]
  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (578)Removed!Assassinate:renewed
  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (579)Removed!Assassinate – Bonus Attack
  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (580)Removed!Meso Explosion – Extra Target



kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (581)

  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (582)New!Octopush:While in the air, press jump to jump once again. (max level: 5)
  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (583)Dash:max level has been decreased from 10 to 5

InfighterkMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (584)kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (585)

  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (586)New!Energy Charge:[Viper's Specialized Skill]When attacking, charge up 150 Energy. When you have fully charged your Energy (5000), gain 120 accuracy, 250 defense and magic defense, 10 speed, and 40% stance. In addition, most of your attacks will stop consuming MP and consume Energy instead while having their effects, damage, and number of monsters changed. While charging, you will only gain half of these effects. (max level: 1)
  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (587)Tornado Upper:damage has been decreased from 375% to 370%, max level has been decreased from 20 t0 10, in addition to existing effects when Energy Charge is active Tornado Upper will change into the stronger and longer ranged skillEnergy Tornado

kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (588)

  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (589)New!Energy Tornado:Shoot a blast of energy, consuming 85 Energy dealing 410% damage on up to 6 enemies.
  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (590)Screw Punch:monsters will no longer be pushed when this skill is used

kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (591)

  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (592)Knuckle Booster:effect has been renewed
  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (593)Endurance:max level has been increased from 5 to 10

BuccaneerkMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (594)

  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (595)New!Super Charge:Energy Charge’s effects are enhanced. When attacking, charge up 300 Energy (600 on bosses). The maximum Energy you can have is doubled (10000).When you have fully charged your Energy, gain 30 attack, 240 accuracy, 500 defense and magic defense, 30 speed, and 90% stance. (max level: 20)
  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (596)Energy Buster:damage has been increased from 400% to 433%, number of monsters hit has been increased from 6 to 8, consumes 60 Energy, in addition to existing effects when Energy Charge is active, Energy Buster will change into the faster and longer ranged skillHedgehog Buster

kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (597)

  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (598)New!Hedgehog Buster:Create an explosion of energy, consuming 140 Energy and dealing 400% damage 2 times on up to 8 enemies with a 50% chance to stun them for 7 seconds.
  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (599)Double Spiral:damage has been increased from 325% to 337%, number of monsters hit has been increased from 6 to 8, range has been increased, in addition to existing effects Double Spiral now pushes enemies
  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (600)Shockwave:damage has been increased from 750% to 990%, number of monsters hit has been increased from 6 to 8, consumes 180 Energy, in addition to existing effects when Energy Charge is active Shockwave’s damage will be increased by 10%
  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (601)Removed!Energy Charge:moved to 2nd job

ViperkMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (602)

  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (603)New!Ultra Charge:Super Charge’s effects are enhanced. When attacking, charge up 350 Energy (700 on bosses). When you have fully charged your Energy (10,000), gain 50 attack, 300 accuracy, 600 defense and magic defense, 40 speed, and 98% stance. (required skill: level 20 Super Charge) (max level: 10)

kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (604)

  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (605)Fist Enrage:damage has been increased from 250% to 270%, consumes 150 Energy, in addition to existing effects when Energy Charge is active, Fist Enrage will be changed intoFist Outrageand deal 10%increased damage

kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (606)kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (607)

  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (608)Energy Blast:damage has been increased from 550% to 565%, passive effect of extra Energy recharge has been removed, range has been decreased, in addition to existing effects when Energy Charge is active, Energy Blast will be changed intoDouble Blastand deal 20% increased damage with an increased range

kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (609)

  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (610)Dragon Strike:damage has been increased from 700% to 770%, number of monsters hit has been increased from 6 to 10, consumes 180 Energy, in addition to existing effects when Energy Charge is active, Dragon Strike’s damage will be increased by 10%

kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (611)

  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (612)Hero’s Will:effect has been renewed
  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (613)Unity of Power:Energy consumed has been decreased from your entire bar to 2500 Energy, effect of increasing maximum damage has been removed, cooldown has been increased from 8 to 20 seconds, in addition to existing effects Unity of Powernow increases your minimum and maximum critical damage by 10% when used
  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (614)Stimulate:effect of fully charging Energy has been removed, in addition to existing effects Stimulate now charges 800 Energy every 4 seconds
  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (615)New!Double Lucky Dice – One More Chance:When you roll the dice, there is a 40% chance to reset the cooldown of the skill with your next Double Lucky Dice guaranteed to be 4 or higher. [required level: 143]

kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (616)

  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (617)New!Double Lucky Dice – Extra Number:Double Lucky Dice gains a 9% chance to activate the lucky number 7, increasing your defense ignore by 20%. [required level: 162]
  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (618)New!Double Lucky Dice – Enhance:Double Lucky Dice’s 4, 5, and 6′s chances to appear are increased by 5%. [required level: 183]
  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (619)Removed!Double Spiral – Reinforce
  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (620)Removed!Double Spiral – Bonus Attack
  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (621)Removed!Double Spiral – Extra Target


kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (622)kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (623)kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (624)

  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (625)New!Summon Crew:[Captain's Specialized Skill]Randomly summon one of the brave crewmembers from the Nautilus to fight alongside you for 120 seconds, they will be able to move freely and attack enemies. If you move too far away from them, they will automatically teleport to you. Valerie deals 280% damage, Muirhart deals 230% damage, and Jack deals 160% damage. There is a cooldown of 120 seconds. (max level: 1)

kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (626)

  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (627)Wings:in addition to existing effects,when gliding down, you can now move side to side much faster, effect and icon have been renewed
  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (628)Magnum Shot:range has been increased, number of monsters hit has been increased from 4 to 6

kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (629)

  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (630)Backstep Shot:in addition to existing effects Backstep Shotcan now be used in the air up to 3 times in a row, effect has been renewed
  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (631)Triple Fire:damage has been increased from 181% to 201%

kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (632)

  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (633)Gun Booster:effect has been renewed


kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (634)

kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (635)

  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (636)New!Assemble Crew:Summon Crew is enhanced.Randomly summon two of the brave crewmembers from the Nautilus to fight alongside you for 120 seconds, they will be able to move freely and attack enemies. A new crewmember, Stoner, is added and he deals 480% damage on up to 6 enemies. Valerie’s damage is increased to 560%, Muirhart’s damage is increased to 500%, and Jack’s damage is increased to 320%. When you fail to resist an abnormal state (only applies to very bad statuses such as stun or seduce), one of your crewmembers will absorb it and disappear instead. There is a cooldown of 120 seconds. (max level: 10)
  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (637)Double Barrel Shot:damage has been increased from 450% to 459%, number of monsters hit has been increased from 6 to 8, delay has been decreased
  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (638)Hollow Point Bullet:no longer consumes bullets
  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (639)Removed!Assemble Crew:reworked to fit with Summon Crew in 2nd job

CaptainkMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (640)

  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (641)New!Battleship Bomber:Shoot bouncing bombs at your enemies from your battleship, which explode on contact or after 0.9 seconds, dealing 325% damage 3 times on up to 6 enemies continuously as your skill key is held down. You can press left or right to move. Every 5th bomb will instantly kill enemies or deal 800% damage 4 times on bosses. This skill has 100% critical chance and ignores 40% defense. If you are using Continual Aiming, the bombs will follow the marked enemy. You cannot put SP into this skill directly, it is based off of Rapid Fire. Rapid Fire’s Reinforce and Boss Killer Hypers affect this skill. (max level: 30)

kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (642)

  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (643)New!Quick Draw:When activated, the next skill used will have its damage increased by 30%. Passive effect: there is an 8% chance to activate Quick Draw when you attack. (max level: 10)

kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (644)

  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (645)Rapid Fire:in addition to existing effects, youcan now move while using Rapid Fire and mastering this skill allows you to use the skillBattleship Bomber

kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (646)

  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (647)Head Shot:delay has been decreased
  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (648)Continual Aiming:in addition to existing effects Continual Aiming now increases your minimum and maximum critical damage by 10% passively, max level has been decreased from 20 to 10
  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (649)Fusillade:damage has been increased from 590% to 649%, number of monsters hit has been increased from 6 to 8, delay has been decreased
  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (650)Pirate Style:damage boost has been increased from 10% to 20%
  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (651)Crew Commandership:attack boost has been increased from 30 to 45, Valerie’s critical chance boost has been increased from 10% to 15%, Muirhart’s critical damage boost has been increased from 10% to 15%, Jack’s HP and MP boosts have been increased from 20% to 30%, in addition to existing effects Stoner now increases your resistance to states by 15% when he is summoned and all crew members have a 15% chance to not disappear when they absorb a status effect for you, max level has been increased from 10 to 15

kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (652)

  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (653)Hero’s Will:effect has been renewed
  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (654)New!Double Lucky Dice -One More Chance:When you roll the dice, there is a 40% chance to reset the cooldown of the skill with your next Double Lucky Dice guaranteed to be 4 or higher. [required level: 143]

kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (655)

  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (656)New!Double Lucky Dice – Extra Number:Double Lucky Dice gains a 9% chance to activate the lucky number 7, increasing your defense ignore by 20%. [required level: 162]
  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (657)New!Double Lucky Dice – Enhance:Double Lucky Dice’s 4, 5, and 6′s chances to appear are increased by 5%. [required level: 183]
  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (658)New!Head Shot – Reinforce:Head Shot’s damage is increased by 20%. [required level: 149]
  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (659)New!Head Shot – Bonus Attack:Head Shot’s number of hits is increased by 1. [required level: 168]
  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (660)New!Head Shot – Cooltime Reduce:Head Shot’s cooldown is decreased by 100%. [required level: 189]
  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (661)Removed!Double Barrel Shot – Reinforce
  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (662)Removed!Double Barrel Shot – Extra Target
  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (663)Removed!Double Barrel Shot – Bonus Attack
  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (664)Removed!Fusillade – Reinforce
  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (665)Removed!Fusillade – Extra Target
  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (666)Removed!Fusillade – Bonus Attack


  • kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (667)God of the Sea:damage has been increased from 400% to 860%, number of hits has been decreased from 15 to 7

Thanks toLocked of Southperryfor some of the skill icons and effects!

kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (668)

Let’s start off with events, with theRED Coin Shop! It will be open from now until August 31 and is run by none other than Spark and Wind~

kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (669)

The coin shop features another recoloured Tempest set as well as some cool scrolls and items. I’ll be updating my post with a detailed list a little later, so check back if you’re interested!

  • Evolution Sunglass(400 coins)
  • Evolution Piercing(100 coins)
  • Evolution Badge(200 coins)
  • Revolution Hat(60 coins)
  • Recolution Suit(60 coins)
  • Revolution Shoes(60 coins)
  • Revolution Cape(60 coins)
  • Revolution weapons(70 coins)
  • 50% Epic Potential Scroll(45 coins)
  • Gold Potential Stamp(45 coins)
  • SPeciali Additional Potential Stamp(75 coins)
  • 50% Positive Chaos Scroll(45 coins)
  • Miraculous Positive Chaos Scroll(75 coins)
  • Advanced Equipment Enhancement Scroll(45 coins)
  • 2 Star Equipment Enhancement Scroll(75 coins)
  • 3 Star Equipment Enhancement Scroll(120 coins)
  • 60% Innocent Scroll(100 coins)
  • 10% Clean Slate Scroll(100 coins)
  • Lucky Day Scroll(100 coins)
  • Level 110 Flame of Reincarnation(60 coins)
  • Level 140 Flame of Reincarnation(75 coins)
  • Adventure Critical Ring Flame of Reincarnation(75 coins)
  • Adventure Dark Critical Ring Flame of Reincarnation(75 coins)
  • Revolution1-handed Scroll for Attack(33 coins)
  • Revolution 1-handed Scroll for Magic Attack(33 coins)

kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (670)

From now until July 17, monsters will be dropping theMysterious Ice Boxeswhich you can open for prizes~

  • RED Coin (maximum of 20 per day)
  • 60% Chaos Scroll
  • Mysterious Love Letter
  • Potions
  • Personality trait items
  • Strawberry Ice Bar(5 STR and 3 attack/magic attack)
  • Choco Ice Bar(5 INT and 3 attack/magic attack)
  • Carrot Ice Bar(5 DEX and 3 attack/magic attack)
  • Melon Ice Bar(5 LUK and 3 attack/magic attack)

The Ice Bars expire, are untradeable, and cannot have their time extended.

kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (671)

Next up is the2013 RED Summer Timeevent and it runs until July 31.

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When you log on, there will be a shell clock on the left side of your screen. Every 30 minutes, you will be able to click it and open a box for a prize (up to 5 times per day)! The box can give you2 Star Enhancement Scrollsor buffs which give you 15 attack and magic attack (LV.3), 10 attack and magic attack (LV.2) or 5 attack and magic attack (LV.1) for 30 minutes.

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In addition, you will receive 2 free2x Experience Couponseach day on every character you log in to! They will expire in 24 hours and each gives you 30 minutes of 2x experience.

kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (674)

There’s also theSummer Attendance Check(season 1) event! It runs until July 17.

kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (675)

Like all attendance checks, each day you must log on and collect 30 Fans from monsters around your level in order to participate.

  • 1 day:10 Power Elixirs
  • 3 days:Double Mushroom Riding 30 day Coupon
  • 5 days:60% Additional Potential Scroll
  • 7 days:3 RED Coins
  • 9 days:10 RED Coins
  • 11 days:50% Positive Chaos Scroll
  • 14 days: 50 RED Coins

kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (676)

Until July 31, season 2 of the rhythm gameLet’s Go! Mesorangers!will run~! It’s the same as last time except with a new (and really good) song~

kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (677)

You, along with other Mesorangers, must pilot theMesodizerXand defeat the evil robot terrorizing Omega Sector! Enter the arrow keys shown and follow the rhythm to attack!

kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (678)

The rewards you get will be based off of the difficulty you choose (first column: Easy, Normal, Hard) as well as the rank you get (second column: B, A, S, SS). You will always get at least one RED Coin but if your rank is high enough you’ll even get someMesoranger Boxes!

In addition, if your team beats the evil robot, you’ll get 3 extra Mesoranger Boxes. However, if you lose, you’ll get aLight Mesoranger Box.

kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (679)

TheMesoranger Boxcan give you various scrolls, RED Coins, a Mesoranger buff, Mysterious Love Letters, and potions. TheLight Mesoranger Boxgives you the same things except the scrolls.

Thebuff will give you 15 to all stats (1000 HP if you are a Demon Avenger, 5 STR/DEX/LUK if you are a Xenon) for 30 minutes.

kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (680)

Season 1 of theSummer Achievementevent has begun and will run until July 17!

kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (681)

There are 6 achievements for you to accomplish, and for each one you finish you’ll get a title.

  • Create a new Adventurer and reach 2nd job
  • Participate in Mesoranger 5 times
  • Participate in the Happy Cool Time on Saturdays 3 times
  • Open 20 Mysterious Ice Boxes
  • Complete 5 days of the 2013 Summer RED Attendance Check
  • Complete 5 Summer achievements

For finishing all 5 (you’ll finish the 6th automatically), you’ll get theRed Summer’sThresholdmedal which gives 7 to all stats, 175 HP and MP, and 5 attack and magic attack. However, the stats will expire.

kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (682)

It’s Summer and its way too hot for a Hot Time, so why not aHappy Cool Timeevent? You can log in at any time between 2pm and 8pm every Saturday to claim your rewards!

kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (683)

On July 6, the first Happy Cool Time will occur, giving you 5 RED Coins, 3 RED Flames of Reincarnation, 1 Free Advancement Coin, a Royal Adventure Suit (based on your job), 5 Buff Freezers, and a Special Addtitional Potential Scroll.

kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (684)

If you’re really lucky and you stay logged in at 2:30, 3:30, and 4:30, you might receive one of the above items!

  • RED Celebration Warrior’s Badge(10 to all stats, 200 HP and MP, 10 attack and magic attack, 10 speed, 20 jump, can be traded with the Platinum Scissors of Karma)
  • RED Celebration Red Wallet(7 to all stats, 100 HP and MP, 7 attack and magic attack, can be traded with the Platinum Scissors of Karma)
  • Meister Weapon Box
  • RED Weapon Box
  • Level 140 Weapon Box
  • Level 140 Armor Box

kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (685)

Also, on July 6 and 7, there will be2x experiencefrom 1pm to 4pm!

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TheAdventurer, New Adventure’s Beginningevent will run until July 17.

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On any newly created Adventurer, you will receive anequipment boxevery 10 levels from level 10 to 70.

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If you reach level 70 on a new Adventurer, you’ll get theAdventure Critical Ringwhich gives 200 HP and MP, 3 attack and magic attack, 12% critical chance and 1% minimumcriticaldamage. It is untradeable and one-of-a-kind.

If you reach level 130, you’ll be able to upgrade it into theAdventure Dark Critical Ringwhich gives 3 to all stats, 300 HP and MP, 3 attack and magic attack, 15% critical chance and 3% minimum critical damage. It can be traded through the account ONCE.

kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (689)

And the last event, celebrating the newly reorganized profession system, isFind the Exciting Treasure Chest! When mining or herb collecting, you’ll be able to findPieces of a Treasure Mapwhich you can trade in 20 for an Ore or Herb Bag.

kMS ver. 1.2.196 – MapleStory RED: 1st Impact! (2024)
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Name: Stevie Stamm

Birthday: 1996-06-22

Address: Apt. 419 4200 Sipes Estate, East Delmerview, WY 05617

Phone: +342332224300

Job: Future Advertising Analyst

Hobby: Leather crafting, Puzzles, Leather crafting, scrapbook, Urban exploration, Cabaret, Skateboarding

Introduction: My name is Stevie Stamm, I am a colorful, sparkling, splendid, vast, open, hilarious, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.