Top Cake Flavours for Birthdays & Anniversaries (2024)

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    Note: ‘Best cake flavours for birthday’ has been written as ‘best cake flavours for birthdays’.
    A time-honoured birthday ritual is cutting cake – a simple act that makes you instantly feel special and loved. The same holds true for anniversaries too. Not only is a cake an excellent reminder of a joyous occasion, but it also helps you celebrate the event by sharing something sweet with loved ones.Since cake is the star dish of the moment, and likely to be shared among everyone present, it’s important to pick a cake that tastes as great as it looks.You want a cake that will only make the moment more special and become a bright spot when you look back at those memories. Also, if you’re hosting a party or dinner, you want your guests to be gushing over the cake. However, when looking at various anniversary and birthday cake flavours, it can be challenging to pick one that will sweeten the moment and add to the celebrations. To help you get started,let’s take a look at some of the best cake flavours for birthdays and anniversaries.


    No list of best flavoured cakes for birthdays and anniversaries is complete without the classic chocolate cake ,its popularity and rich, delectable flavour make chocolate cake one of the best cake flavours for birthdays and celebrations. Ooey-gooey, moist, and sweeter than sin, almost everyone enjoys a good slice of chocolate cake, and with good reason.However, it’s important to select a cake that’s made of good-quality chocolate. At Theobroma, all our chocolate cakes are made of pure chocolate and that’s why they are so decadent.

    Our chocoholic cake, which consists of three layers of white, milk and dark chocolate mousse, is a hot favourite. With generous amounts of airy and fluffy mousse sandwiched between slices of moist and decadent chocolate sponge, a single bite of our chocoholic cake allows you to experience a rich explosion of different types of chocolate that will having you craving for more. If you enjoy the flavour of chocolate but would prefer its richness tempered by something fresh, then our After Nine cake is just what you asked for. A twist on the classic after eight flavours, the cake is carefully constructed by layering soft chocolate flavoured sponge with a refreshing mint-infused white chocolate Chantilly cream and a heavenly dark chocolate mousse.

    Whether you like a whole lot of chocolate or just enough to end things on a sweet note, at Theobroma we have chocolate cakes that will satisfy your sweet tooth and soul.

    Our hazelnut praline mousse cake and opium cake are just as well-loved.


    This cake flavour is ideal for people who prefer lighter cakes with fruity flavours. And when it comes to fruit cakes, pineapple cakes are a hot favourite. Theobroma’s very own version of this cake – our fresh cream pineapple cake - combines vanilla sponge with fresh dairy cream and our homemade pineapple compote. This moist tropical cake is then garnished with slivers of almonds along its sides.


    This rich, creamy cake has a cheesy flavour and melt-in-the-mouth texture. The best way to serve this cake is cold, with or without slices of fresh fruit or some fruit compote. Theobroma’s New York style baked cheesecake has a flavourful buttery biscuit base and is topped with a homemade meringue that’s toasted to perfection.

    Red velvet

    A red velvet cake looks grand and tastes great, making it a fitting dessert for special occasions. Theobroma’s red velvet cake is made by layering a cocoa and buttermilk sponge cake with cream cheese frosting. A dash of lime juice is added to the frosting to lend it a hint of tartness that perfectly balances the sweetness of the cake.

    Mousse Cake

    If you’ve even dug into a cup full of light, airy, and fluffy mousse, then you know how scrumptious and delectable this French dessert is. What if you could enjoy its wholesome goodness in a cake? Yes, you heard that right! If you’re looking for unique cake flavours for birthdays and anniversaries, then a mousse cake is right up your alley. Flavourful and sweet to boot, it is lightweight and refreshing enough to leave room for more helpings. The creamy mousse is a welcome departure for the palette and its unique texture will have your guests crooning for more.

    If you’re looking for expertly prepared mousse cakes, then at Theobroma we have you covered and how! Our Opium Mousse Cake consists of layers of moist dark chocolate sponge covered in a decadent and creamy chocolate mousse. To turn the cake into a true showstopper, it is topped with chocolate curls and surrounded on all sides with chocolate plaques.

    If you want to enjoy a cake that is the perfect amalgamation of the lightness of mousse and the tartness of a fruit, then our Chocolate Orange Mousse Cake allows you to enjoy the best of both worlds. A sinful construction consisting of layers of dark chocolate sponge and fluffy chocolate mousse is made even more delightful with our house-made orange marmalade. Topped with chocolate-coated crispies and candied orange and white chocolate flowers, the cake is a sight for sore eyes.

    Dutch Truffle

    This is a type of chocolate cake, but what sets it apart is the rich chocolate truffle ganache layered inside. Theo’s Dutch truffle cake is made by layering chocolate sponge with a heavenly chocolate truffle ganache that’s made of pure chocolate. With every bite, you’re treated to the delicious bitter-sweet notes of dark chocolate.

    If you’re on the hunt for the best for flavours for birthday cakes and anniversary celebrations, then Theobroma has you covered. We offer a wide range of cakes in both classic and unique flavours. Our cakes are freshly baked, using high-quality ingredients and original recipes. To ensure that our delectable cakes are accessible to all, we also offer various eggless options for those with dietary restrictions.

    Shop your favourite cake flavours online at Theobroma and get your cake home-delivered in minutes.You can go through our curated menu and place your order online by visiting our official website or relying on delivery partners like Swiggy or Zomato.

    Indulge in the cakes at Theobroma and make a special moment one that you will remember for years to come.

    You can even shop for an eggless version of your favourite cake or customise it if you please!

    Updated on Jan 28, 2024

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    Top Cake Flavours for Birthdays & Anniversaries (2024)
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    Author: Twana Towne Ret

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    Author information

    Name: Twana Towne Ret

    Birthday: 1994-03-19

    Address: Apt. 990 97439 Corwin Motorway, Port Eliseoburgh, NM 99144-2618

    Phone: +5958753152963

    Job: National Specialist

    Hobby: Kayaking, Photography, Skydiving, Embroidery, Leather crafting, Orienteering, Cooking

    Introduction: My name is Twana Towne Ret, I am a famous, talented, joyous, perfect, powerful, inquisitive, lovely person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.